News - Warzone 2. 0 Feels Like It Needed More Time. Initial Review And Thoughts To Improve

I think that you should be able to one-shot snipe with the heavy snipers, which I think they just need to introduce. The mechanics that work very similar to the way it was at the end of Caldera were that there were a couple snipers that were a little bit faster that just, you know, you cannot one shot and that's okay, but then there's others that can, and they have penalties to be much slower with good bull velocity, and then you at least get a down, and hopefully they budge on that because I think eliminating a play style like that is rough.

graphic settings

I know people are still sniping, and it relies heavily on team shots. Maybe you get them then and they're one shots or whatever, but I think it needs to. There's a balance there, and the heavy snipers make them feel heavier. I know the game's slow, but make them feel heavier, make them one shot, and make it only for two or three snipers since they added a brand new one so people can actually enjoy it.

That one's the footstep audio; it's either perfect or not. It's nonexistent; it doesn't work, and there's no in-between, so I think audio is always one of those things that has issues. I don't think there's any game that does it right. People will mention one game and then somebody will respond saying that game does not have great audio, and that's just a non-stop loop that you've kind of got to deal with because audio is never perfect because there's always something else that bugs it out regardless of what EQ settings you have or what game setting you have.

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It's just one of those things that I think the engines always struggle with. The next thing that a lot of people are talking about is pacing, and people like us are very. I guess ignorant on this specific topic, they think this has to do with slide cams; be honest, this has nothing to do with slide-cancelling pacing.


Whatever there's certain things you can, and it's kind of randomized depending on what buy station you go to, but in general, there's just not enough cash, especially on a regain. It gets a little bit trickier, and some of this is tied to the fact that there's no contract multiplier back. In Warzone, if I ended up doing like three contracts in the beginning of the match, we die, and one person comes back, they can do a scavenger at least in that game.

Now you would do the little saves or whatever and you'd be able to come back, and you would get enough cash that would allow you to buy yourself one. Person and then the other person could come and then maybe you can combine your cash and get the third person, and that makes regaining a little bit easier so that more people can come back into the match and you don't end up with 50 people by the time that first loadout drops, which we're going to touch on a little bit but that's part of it.

modern warfare 2

On top of that, there's a very limited number of charging stations that feel like they're scattered; sometimes there'll be two that are almost touching, but for the vast majority of the space, they're very spread out and there aren't a lot of them. causes a little bit of trouble when you're trying to regain consciousness.

You have to get to this buy station; there's only one in the area, and it's likely to be contested by a team, which I think is okay; that's a brutal punishment, but it makes it so that basically if you've died, you might as well back out because regaining consciousness is going to be nearly impossible, and it kind of creates some issues with that.

modern warfare 2 beta

It's not impossible but just very difficult, which I get, but it's kind of what they're going for, but it's kind of like pushing the needle too far, and I think by changing those things, it would help with regains. I think the limitations of the buys are a little bit wonky, maybe you should be able to buy more than just one UAV, and people say UAV spam all right, the uavs you blink at and it's already ended if you've called one in, but I think there should be a little bit more standard because there's a lot of times where I want to self-revive and I can't even go to the buy station because it won't have one just doesn't have one, but the fact that one over there has one now when I run into that team just creates another element of RNG, especially since they're unlimited purchase, especially since I can buy seven of them if I want, especially since I's just unlimited.

I think, in terms of pacing, there are only a few strongholds. In the blog. I haven't been able to actually count them, but they said there are 70 plus areas that can be used as a stronghold, but per match they only use three, and then they also use the black sights there, seven black sites or something like that, and then there are these seven deep strongholds, so you end up with 77 points that can be used, but only four per match get used, so a lot of that ends up with dead space, and sometimes they're out of the zone so somebody can't even get one.

modern warfare 2 gameplay

So I think they could up that number to five or six because, in reality, you're not even getting the quantity of the lobby, and it kind of disperses people, and it doesn't feel like that one being 700 meters away is bad. RNG today, and it just kind of is what it is. With these ones, you would probably get more player engagements, because then there would be more in the area where, like, "Hey, that one's closer; let's head to it," and I think that could add to conflict, but I'm not sure.

I think they should play test, maybe with the slow mechs. There's a bunch of different slow-mex in place for health regen; it feels slow, especially if you run into AI or something; it's like, "Dang, my health has come back very slowly," which again is punishing, but it is what it is: plating and running, so when you plate, you're stuck in a walking animation.

modern warfare 2 ricochet

I get it if you want to move slower, but you cannot break through glass, and you cannot break through a door, so once you've committed to plating, you've essentially said if. I do not have any clearance. I went around a corner to get my plate, and they came out. I am basically screwed. I can't break through a door.

Either you have to get lucky that they do not rush you or you kind of take an off angle and decide not to play because you have no health nor plates, and then you gotta get them before they react, and the ttk is fast enough for you to do that, and I think it creates a little bit of a weird dynamic there, and that's what I mean by it feeling slow, right, because you can't do that.

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I don't care about slide cancellation; that's such a non-existent mechanic that it's not even important for what we're talking about when it comes to pacing vehicles. You'll see, obviously, that you expect the Bertha to feel slow and sluggish, but some of the other ones, the controls, just don't feel as dialed in.


Hopefully, they just get those dialed in to feel like berdance vehicles, and, towards the end of Caldera and not the beginning of Caldera, where they were kind of wonky and sluggish, the turn radius was sucky, and they were able to tweak those. I don't know if Raven will be a part of that, just kind of copying their homework from Warzone, because a vehicle thing, I hear some say, should be slower.

Cover my general thoughts of Warzone 2 in its current state with proscons.
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