News - Warzone 1 Vs Warzone 2 Ttk. How Fast

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I've been hearing a lot of people talk about the ttks in Warzone 2 being significantly faster than they ever were in Warzone 1, so I thought I'd take a look at the old Warzone meta. I reached out to Warzone ranked, and they were able to hook me up with this graph, so you can kind of see a live look at how the metas rotated over the year and typically some of the fastest guns, or at least a practical ptk.

Or generally The meta war zone one didn't come out till season two, and the M4A1 was the most used weapon at 22 percent, and you can kind of see how that carried on over here at 18 percent, a little bit less because they introduced the growl, and then we also had the Amax that got introduced, but that was a little bit of a higher skill weapon.

You can kind of go season over season over season, and we didn't get a health increase until much later. Later in War Zone One's life cycle, towards the end, we tend to see a lot of snipers take over, with the Swiss and the Car 98 being some of the best long-range weapons, but one of the weapons that stayed dominant for the longest was a close-range weapon that everyone knew and loved as the MP5.

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It pretty much shows up in almost every season. If I actually extended the ranking at the top, you would actually see significantly more. You can see it was over here with the MP7. Whether someone gets a Nerf or everyone transitions to using the MP5, it carries over. Look at how dominant it is.

The MP5 is one of the best close-range options until we have some shotguns broken on Mac 10. So overall. I looked at the first year of Warzone One and kind of looked at it on a meta by meta basis to see what the ttks looked like throughout the year, and with my spreadsheet. I was able to look at the original values.

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I was either able to look at myself exclusively. A's true game data, or someone who covered the specific weapon at, or around, the time that it was meta to get the overall data points of what that weapon looked like at the time that it was meta, not the current one because obviously you've been nerfed, or it got buff, and it was significantly worse in the beginning, so I kind of looked at that value you plugged it into here to get an idea of where that would put the ttk.

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This also includes Season One of Cold War as well as Mac 10. Do you think the long-range meta was faster in the first year of War Zone 1 or 2? The same thing goes for the close-range meta: which do you think is faster, War Zone 1 or Warzone 2? And then I go back and edit that comment to see if you were surprised by the results, or was it kind of what you expected?

What we can look at is the long-range TTKS of the M4, which has a rate of fire of 845. The practical number of shots to kill at range was 10. The quote-unquote Meta along with the Grout Bruin kind of slipped in there, which killed a little bit faster but right around 600 to 700 milliseconds, then we got to the DMR towards the second year of War Zone, where it was 278 completely broken 170, plus damage to the head 60 plus to the body if I recall off memory, and it allowed you to get three shots to kill most of the time you got a double head shot it would be a two shot kill or even faster than that.


When it comes to close range meta, we started off with the MP7, which I think is a very well balanced dtk over the 558, and this is the close range ttks, where the rate of fires are pretty fast and the shots still are 10 8 all the way down for the MP5 and then the mach 10 which was utterly broken at 1100 RPM with eight shots to kill in a ridiculously fast TDK which got fixed immediately like one week because of how broken they were, but I think Raven was already starting to take over by that point, so patches.

We were a little bit faster in the second year of Warzone, and we take a look at that in comparison to the long-range meta now that we have the RPK, which is easily the most used weapon. We had Warzone ranked, and you can see the API. I would imagine that the RPK is one of the most used weapons across the board, no contest, and that it has a practical ttk of 600 shots to kill seven, but the rate of fire is only 600, which is a little bit slower.

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It's a little bit harder to use because the bullet velocities aren't quite as good as they were back then, so it's kind of one of those ones where if you miss shot, you do get a realistic ttk, so rpk, even though the dtk says 600, it's still within reason for long-range ttks. Jack 56 is a little bit slower, which is a perfect TTK for long range, and then the barrel of the 762, which works a lot like the AK-47; when it was introduced in the Cold War, it was very similar to the 700 TK for long range, so I think long range speaking.

This is a good TTK. I think when you go a little bit longer, it could feel bullet-spongy, even though I'm a fan of having to hit more shots or whatever in general. I think the majority of the player base likes a good ttk that doesn't feel like instantly dying or squishy, and I think where it's at right now in the RPK, it could maybe get a slight nerf, but besides that.

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I think we're in a good spot based on how well the first year of Warzone felt and played in terms of long-range DK, but keeping in mind they had a one-shot sniper, which we don't really have in Warzone 2. So based off of this alone, I would say that the close-range CTK is a problem because it's just way too fast for long-range GTK, and I think it's probably in a sweet spot.

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They could probably leave that one alone and adjust these so that the fennec, the lochman sub, and the vasnev kill right around the same ttk of 504, which was so good in the first year of Warzone, and for a lot of these, it would be as simple as changing to eight shots to kill. That might be a little bit too slow of a penalty there, so we've changed this one to eight shots to kill ends, which ended up being mostly perfect there with the lockpin sub, and then we go to the fennec, where we drop that up to 10 shots to kill and not 20.

We can end up with the TTK right around there, so they would still be more than likely The meta is where that extra-bullet difference ends. The shot is part of the content.

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Comparing the TTKs from the 1st Year of Warzone 1 to the Current Version of Warzone 2.
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