News - How To Get Secret Nuke Warzone 2. 0. Step By Step Tactical Nuke Explained

3rd person mw2

These are the streamers that were able to get it, and I think to initiate it, you need the five-win streak that's still rumored right now. I'm sure they're going to release some details eventually, or we'll fine-tune this and figure that out. I've already broken it down, so once you've already gotten your five wins, as soon as you load into the next match, you're going to be prompted with this alert where it says "Champions." Check your attack map for a new Champions quest; you're only going to be able to see this if you are part of that champion squad.

You can see it on the mini map; there are going to be three different locations, and it has this little war zone icon with the little leaves coming off of it or whatever, and you pick whichever location you want to go to, and then it will go ahead and start the actual contract; it'll say Champions Quest initiated.

This is where they've gotten, like, two or three nukes at this point, if you don't know. Once you grab that, it'll start highlighting the next circle. There are obviously HUD issues and bugs, which is why that one didn't pop up. You can see right here. The HUD is doing the little circle again, so you get the next item once, it's going to grab the next item, you can see that goes there, and then it will highlight that on the map for an area you're supposed to grab once.


You grab the plutonium, it's going to do a radiation leak that will cause damage to the player holding it constantly. It'll just kind of slowly tick your plates, and if your teammates are within close proximity, it will also damage you over time. So if they happen to get in the helicopter together, the plutonium's going to degrade your plates and damage you over time, so you just have to be prepared to be positioned properly then.

The third one is going to be the tritium. The tritium is a scrambling radar, and it only impacts the person that's carrying it. And then people in close proximity, if there's space between you and your teammates, will not have the negative effects, so you could actually position the person with the crown with them.

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With this damage and the counter UAV and the jammer all in one spot and kind of protecting them from a little bit further away so you still get map awareness, once you've gotten all three of those, then it says all elements acquired; wait for the bomb site to reveal this, which also kick-starts a jailbreak.

cod modern warfare 2

I'm not sure if you can steal the items and then activate them yourself because that wasn't done, but that's kind of how that plays out, so you have that the jailbreak timer goes up, people come back, and literally nothing will happen until you get to zone four. As soon as zone four starts, you'll see the timer kick to zero, and then that'll highlight where the actual nuclear site is going to be, so watch here on the clock between two and one.

The zero boom timer reset a new safe zone, identified as well as the bomb site is going to reveal itself. The timer's still going, and you can see that they're close enough where the scrambler's still taking effect, and pretty much what's going to happen is that the bomb sites will be revealed, and what will happen is that a plane will fly across the center of the map just the way it does with loadouts, and it'll drop the nuke site.

cod mw2

So you can see the little plane coming around here even though it's jammed scrambled, and it'll drop the bomb somewhere in that path; you'll have to get there. You'll get a five-minute timer the second it hits the ground, so while it's still falling, the timer doesn't move. You can see this timer doesn't move, but then, by the time it actually hits the ground, it starts with a five-minute timer, so once you have the five-minute timer, this isn't going to be easy by any means.

Two, one, and then we get the nuke that goes off but this is also going to come with a few different rewards so if you are that person who goes on win streaks. I know it's very hard to get wins in battle royales in general for the vast majority so, this is more of a rarer thing so the vast majority you'd be trying to shut this down so it's good to understand that the gameplay Loop so that if you want to go after this you can If you get in a situation where you get a few wins, you can You can actually go for some of the rewards, which are a calling card, an emblem, a charm, and a sticker for your weapon.

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