News - Gyro Controller Setting Could Be Overpowered Warzone 2. 0. Removes Recoil

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Today we're taking a look at a new system that they added to the game, which could be pretty broken, especially for a seasoned gyro and controller user. If you guys aren't familiar with what that is, it kind of turns my controller into a mouse to a certain extent; you would normally get that movement reaction and precision that you would normally get with the mouse.

You can kind of see how I'm moving the controller without moving my aim, and it is moving my aim. If recoil occurs at all, you can kind of see where it puts my aim, and it looks like it doesn't move if I just let the trigger go. The recoil will obviously go up, but if I wanted to adjust it, I just did.

I can point this thing wherever, kind of like a Wii Remote, and it's a brand new feature that obviously is going to have its nuances, and there are certain best practices for me. Personally, I've gotten really accustomed to controlling my recoil and my aim with my joystick with the proper settings, but these could be maximized significantly.


What we'll do is look at the individual settings, and we'll kind of see what you can do because this does appear on top of Aim Assist right now. Regardless of whether you aim down sight or not, and you can impact these settings, if you want it to be a little bit more sensitive, what you could do is actually increase this significantly; you would have increased movement, and it would be insane.

You can invert those if you wanted as well, so we have this on, and if I wanted to move. I could just like a keyboard and mouse player obviously; obviously, this is for exaggeration purposes. And in reality, if I wanted to aim here. I could control where I wanted just the same way a mouse user could, and the same way you could with the keyboard and mouse, so you can see it moves all over.

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My recommendation personally would be to have it on ads only, and then you would manipulate these numbers to see how that moves around. If we go up on this ledge, boom, you can kind of like go crazy fast faster than I could with just my aim alone, so if we go to the controller. I would lower these down significantly, at least for my preference.

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I don't want to rewire my brain to utilize this in addition to my thumbsticks, so I probably won't have a ton of time with this thing. Beyond just using it here, you can kind of see that without me actually controlling the aim, it's doing its thing, so if I go ahead and go like this, it will adjust, and it can actually move in combination.

You would have to adjust your other settings to match, and you would have to practice with this to kind of get used to it, like, you know, I can move a lot faster than if I could move like this. It gets a little wonky, but this is something that, even for things like Aim Labs, would allow you to control your recoil and allow you to stay on target and snap from target to target.

I don't have a lot of horizontals, so that's not working, but if I want to tap on a target here and then back to the window, back up back down back up back down back up, you'd have that flexibility, so it really depends on the limitations and strengths of where you're at in terms of the control of this.

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Probably, if you wanted a full rain and you wanted this to be part of it. You can have like that little twitchiness maybe if you were sniping and you could get on target and line that up, and this has no aiming involved, right? So if I had that control, this could be incredibly broken. You can actually control this the same way you could a mouse, and it will remove the recoil to a certain extent because you can literally adjust where you're aiming if I were to use this.

I would probably lower this significantly and put something like this, and then it would allow me to have You know those adjustments; maybe I would do a little bit more, and this is how you would fine-tune Tune this essentially to be able to control it without the gun, and that's regardless of the gun, so even if we have a gun like this, we're going to beam this here.

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You literally just aim it there for me; my muscle memory doesn't work that way, and my brain doesn't work that way, but if we're going to hit this target here now, we're going to jump over here, up to the window. So you'd have to practice with it and get used to it, but essentially you'd be using that instead of your aim.


So my overall verdict on this setting is to try it. Why not load up some bots if you have multiplayer, obviously if you don't have if you're a free-to-play player you're going to be a little bit limited on how you can practice with this stuff, whether you go into the DMZ and just mess around on the corner of the map with something you take in, but personally for me this isn't something I would probably use because I've been playing first-person shooters on controller my whole life pretty much so even if I needed to hit this target I could just literally aim up to the window, but it won't be nearly as fast because I play on lower sensitivity, so even if I could be super accurate I pull down when I aim and move up to Target it will never be as fast as we just saw.

Explaining how to set up the New Gyro Controller Setting in Warzone 2.
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