News - Top 5 Close Range Meta Weapons Warzone 2. Best Class Setups

Intro/bryson 800

Intro/bryson 800

Today we're talking about the close-range meta, which is something that's been asked about for a little while, and what you'll notice is a common The trend with these things is the close range meta. They kill fast, and one of the things I want to start off with is the Bryson 800. You will be able to get a one-shot kill, which feels like you feel like you're cheating the game, but at the end of the day, this is how the game was built.

You can get a one-shot kill with the shotgun, but not with a sniper rifle. Even at Point Blank, the build that I chose to go with is the Bryson improved choke with the rifled barrel at the point. G3p04 sawed-off mod, and then the demo X50 tactical pump, and using this specific bear. I think it actually changes the iron sights, and that's one thing I noticed from this, so it gets rid of that little ring and actually gives you a little bit better visibility, so we can go ahead and hit that target nice and clean, and you can see the aim down sight isn't horrible obviously.

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You're not going to be jump shooting or anything like this, and the tighter spread you always get from aiming down sight is why you're going to want to emphasize that with the shotgun to secure more yards. One-shot kills and two-shot kills at the further ranges Keep in mind that you really have to know how to use a shotgun when you are using one because you have to use your movement to get cover, wait for the timing when you can go and fire again, and then fire the second shot.

So you've kind of got to do that so it doesn't stand out in the open strafe, like an SMG, because now shotguns work.

Akimbo p890

Akimbo p890

Next up is the Akimbo, or P890s. India Kimbo x12s, and I would have put these higher up on the list, but so few people are actually getting these in game because of the way the loadout system works. You can't go to the buy station and buy these; you can only buy primary weapons, and there's a little bit of a bug going on.

Make sure you have all 10-year loadouts built out, and then if you've deleted some, make sure you fill them all out, and that should fix it so you're able to buy the right gun. If it doesn't, hopefully they're able to patch that in the next week. But overall the reason I like these two is because they're incredibly broken.

Their TTKS are under 400, they have some pretty good range, and they're obtainable even for the average person that doesn't have the Fast Tracker finger, as we'll see right here when we go with this particular build. It is a little bit different than we're going to see with the X12s, and this one we're using the Cottonmouth barrel, the Brewing Express action.

Trail for the trigger, and the one milliwatt pistol laser. The laser is visible, but this will give you the tightest hip spread, and you actually get a decent amount of range. 12 round mag, you could get around with eight in solos, but 12 is still a little bit sketchy in trios or something like that, and then we got the akimbo p890s, and this is kind of how this one works, so you kind of come up and you can kind of aim at the target. You get pretty good range on it; this will be a little bit harder, but I'm still getting hit markers, as you can see, and it's still possible to take out the feathers in a real practical setting where you're moving, not standing still.

Akimbo x12

Akimbo x12

Same thing when we go to the X12; it does have a little bit more ammo by default at 17, but you could bump this up to 24.

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That'll allow you to get that extra ammo without sacrificing a ton of mobility. You, on the other hand, could bump this up, but that's a whole other story if you want to go that route. 24 on each should be plenty when you're looking at the damage per mag numbers that I put—24 with the mags that I have selected.

If you want bigger mags, you can get way more ammo, maybe an unnecessary amount of ammo maybe to clear a stronghold or something, but that's how it is. So we got the Fort Steel Fire, the XRK Lightning Fire Trigger, and the one milliwatt laser; same thing. Lasers are visible, but sprinting to fire time is helping tremendously.

Then we got a Kimbo with the 24-round mag, which is very much the same.

Lachmann sub

Lachmann sub

And the lockman sub is one I prefer. I've used this a lot within the DMZ to take on multiple teams, and it feels like it kills very fast, which obviously, as you can see by the ttk, it does. It also has a little bit more damage for mag, which is kind of what I like; the only downside, in my opinion, is the initial kick that you get, which we'll go ahead and talk a little bit about; you'll kind of see how the build works.

So with this particular build, we are going to get a little bit more damage from the mag; it is a little bit harder hitting, and then we'll see, for example, with the Fennec, how the fire rate adjusts, just like we saw with the pistols. I'm using the Simmons Mark V muzzle, the one milliwatt quickfire laser, and this is the one without the visible laser; if you want to go a little bit more aggressive and use a laser that's visible, more power to you, but I just feel that there are too many situations where you give away your position by using the laser.

3rd person mw2

Using the laser actually puts you at a disadvantage, especially since the audio is a little bit janky and you don't always hear everyone. I am using an optic on this just because I feel like it gives you a better sight picture, especially. When people drop shots or move, it's just easier to see your target, even though the iron sights on the Lochman are pretty good.

Unfortunately, we got the LM stockless mod. It doesn't have a stock that helps with strike speed, so you've kind of got to go all in on movement if you want any kind of mobility. Then, we've got the 50-round drum magazine. You'll see what I'm talking about when it comes to The Recoil is actually an easy gun to control; you just have to factor in that first jump, which you'll notice if I aim for the head, it'll kick like a meter above its head. And you go ahead and take them out like that, and it's super easy after that initial jump, but once you're aware of the jump, that's all you really need to be aware of, and competitively, you'll see how it's ttk.

Vaznev 9k

Vaznev 9k

stacks up against the other two guns on this list and the Vasnav, which is very similar slightly slower fire rate because it is in the "cast off" category.

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Those things are a little bit slower but harder hitting, but I do like the mobility on these things, and you'll see kind of how it's built out. So right here, we're using the SIG Mark V barrel, and we got the SLOGER peck box four laser, which works very much the exact same as what we saw in the Slimline Pro, the Ultrazette stock in the 45-round mag.

Talking about the best Close Range options in Warzone 2 and DMZ currently.
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