News - Warzone 2. 0 Feels Like It Needed More Time. Initial Review And Thoughts To Improve

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I want to give my initial thoughts on Warzone and give a little bit of feedback. Obviously, it's not necessarily the game I expected based on what we had in War Zone, but I'm going to give my pros and cons and kind of where it's at. The pros list is a little bit shorter because it's easy to just rattle those off and not necessarily go into super detail versus the negatives.

The goal isn't to whine, complain, or cry; it's just to give feedback on where the game is currently and make minor changes to actually get it to where maybe I would enjoy it more. So first off, I would say that the map looks great. I think this is something we've all agreed on—that it looks and feels closer to Verdana, but it has a little bit more saturation, a little bit more color, and does look a little bit more vibrant, which is solid.

I think the overall weapon balance is in a really good spot, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fast ttk, which for me is kind of a little bit of a negative that we'll talk about. Feel pretty good that the ttk is fast enough that you should be able to get a kill unless you get shot in the back by the ttk.

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So I think that's in a really good spot where you don't feel penalized. By not having a loadout right away, even though you can get a loadout very early on or at least get your loadout weapons at the buy station, they kind of balance that out, which works out really well. I think the volume of contracts has a good distribution.

I know when we played War Zone 1, there were issues with that where maybe you'd go to an area and there were literally no contracts for this stronghold integration. Overall, I feel like this is a nice change of pace, and it works way better. I'm not necessarily a fan of AI in the game; I still feel like there's a tad too many AI just floating around the area's strongholds once they've been cleared, but in general.

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I like the way they've been able to integrate AI as part of the gameplay. Loop is still a pretty good system—not the greatest, but still pretty good—and better than I expected when it comes to AI within Warzone. I think most people are on board with that, and I think the fact that you can buy loadout weapons from the buy station for 5K is pretty cool.

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Good I think you'd have to balance those out as we talk about cash and the negatives, but, in general, I like for 5K to be pretty attainable. Sometimes it can be a little bit wonky if you don't have a full squat because obviously you gotta swap out the money, trade it out, and work it out so everyone gets at least one loadout gun and then heads to the stronghold or whatever to get their loadout, and then probably the number one change, or at least for me, is theme.

A lot of times when we hang out, we're in discord. In the proximity chat, you hear people say, "Hey, we've got the zone," and you can hear, "Okay, they're on that side of the zone." They just shifted, or yeah. I hear somebody, or whatever you know the coms, and it makes it enjoyable, so the next thing before I get into all the negatives is to point out that the intent of the gameplay loop is to make it closer to a battle royale experience, and so this means to play a little bit closer to the battle royale element of Apex Legends.


It doesn't have to be for everyone, and that's okay. You just kind of got to understand how the gameplay loop is obviously; if I wanted to play Pub G. I'd probably jump on it, but I like Call of Duty, and that's kind of how I enjoy my gameplay experience, and they've kind of taken a couple steps away from Call of Duty to get closer to Pub G.

I'm not necessarily a fan of that, but it is what it is at the end of the day, and I don't think they're changing or overhauling it. the game, but there are some slight tweaks that will kind of balance the game out, and I think it'll overall improve the performance of the game in general. So first off, I know most people can't play the game because it's full of bugs, connectivity issues, and other issues.

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otherissues They do have the Trello board talking about the "insta-down" thing, where if you come back from the Q log you get instantly downed, which isn't good because you don't get a chance to get revived and your teammate trades you out some of the loot that despawns. There are bugs related to that, too, because of all the items that collide with the things they collide with; you can't grab them because they mesh.

There are some issues there. The kill and feed are very inconsistent. Sometimes it'll show when you hit somebody with the down arrow. Sometimes it doesn't. You really have to be able to shake hands with strangers. I can edit mine and I can adjust my perk package and I can change them to whatever I want so. It is kind of interesting: is it a bug that you can't, or is it a bug that they can, and I guess time will tell.

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The other part is that if you die, fall from a height, and have fall damage, you don't get fall damage if you're down, so if you knock somebody out of a helicopter, they fall out and hit the ground, and they're able to get revived if there's no AI or nobody thirsts for them, so they can basically get revived, and I think that's a bug that will get fixed.

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You shouldn't have an infinite ball damage the, ttk. I think it's too fast to react; this is one of the hardest things to balance because if you make it too fast then they're You don't get a chance to react if you make it too slow, and bad players don't. They have to have more gun skill, which is present in this game with the visual recoil and some other things.

That's not going to help them win gunfights; it's going to increase their skill. I don't also feel like it needs to feel close to multiplayer; there are instances where it doesn't feel that way, but for the vast majority of time someone sees you, they shoot you, and you're dead, and that's the whole clip; there are not missing shots.


Whatever it is, that's kind of how it is—the fact that AI can instantly knock you out almost is. It kind of ties into the fact that the TTOK is very fast, even with three plates on top of that. The snipers are not one shot unless they only have two plates or lower, so three plates make it so no gun in the game is one shot snipe under any circumstances, and I think for how fast the TTOK is, you should be able to one shot snipe when guns are able to two shot and three shot, especially, like the EBR or something like that, where you're doing significant damage to the head.

Cover my general thoughts of Warzone 2 in its current state with proscons.
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