News - Warzone 2 Is Improving, But Still Missing Identity. Spectating Randoms. State Of The Game

You have interrogations; I don't know if other games had that; I know other multiplayer games like Rainbow Six work the same; and I know Fortnite had it where you could shake the people, so they kind of copied it from that aspect, but Fortnite added that way later and then they removed it, so I don't know who was the first.

I wasn't paying attention like that, and then you also have the integrations, which are kind of a cool feature, especially when you cap the player count. So if you're playing with four people in DC, you should be able to join up with two other people, but if you're playing with four, that's unhinged nonsense.

I'm not a fan of that, and Do Get Smoked played the situation horribly. He runs up there with the long-range weapon that is slow when he could have held the sight line or pushed it with his MP5, which he was so in tune with earlier on. Luckily, this guy's going to get the biggest opportunity here.

cod mw2

Obviously, now that we have a situation where you can buy them for cheaper, strongholds are more frequent, and on top of that, with the stronghold thing, they actually buff the black side, so that once you get the key you can head over there and kill, which should have happened much quicker than that, but this guy was missing a little bit.

It was an easy little kill there, and that guy's dead, so he got the black side key and cleared the stronghold. Yeah, the black side key is super powerful, but not for this zone because the black side is way over here and wouldn't really help up until maybe here because I think the range on them is like 600 meters, which is nuts to have a UAV, especially when he gets the center's own good RNG and you get the whole map all the way in the end zone.


It's kind of nuts. This is the meta that we've had since launching RPK and the Finnick. There have been pretty much no balancing changes other than gimbal pistols. Maybe there are rumors of rebirth this coming season two; I don't know if that's mid-season too or season two; we still have like 38 days left until that, then we'll get a road map that'll tell us yeah, a new rebirth map.

I really thought it would be like season three or four, but I don't even know how well it would play because the mechanics of this game don't lean towards a revival mode. I feel like it would be just janky with the looting and the respawns, and you wouldn't be able to shoot out of the air like, there's a lot of things at the change, you know there's a guy down there, they are going to push in, and they'll likely grab that vehicle.

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I don't know if they'll grab a vehicle; you can see him on the hill right there. No, what are you doing? Don't do that at Target tomorrow. It's a bad play waste of a precision that is like how to not use a precision: you get the down and then you thirst them with the precision, that's pretty much how it works, or if someone's behind cover and you're kind of out in the open, you can use the precision to rotate with, or if they are behind cover then they could push them out of cover that guy was out in the open, if you did down them then you still would have to thirst them with the gun.

or you know so; it just created a mistake on how to use that thing. There, it looks like the enemy used the mortar strike for the rotation, as you can see here, so this guy had to get out of the way and lose sight of the target, so they used it a little bit more effectively as the aggressor didn't really make sense to use it that way.

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Play an easy kill here for free. The guy's right there, down by the little hut. He has very little recoil, a quick reload, and does good damage. Good bullet velocity is all you need. We know it's a bullet velocity build because it has high velocity in there, which helps like 40 percent of the time with velocity, which is huge when it comes to hitting rack.


A lot of the server issues are related to bullet rags, but a lot of the bullet velocity issues are related to having low bullet velocities on weapons because, on average, the bullet velocities on all the builds you can have in this game are lower than we had in War Zone 1. This becomes a bigger issue for SMGs.

So where's this guy going to come up when you hear gunfire? He's the guy with the white shirt, like the Burger King outfit, so that's not the guy. I don't know where the guy on the left went; there's no way they got rotated that way. Okay, came up on another Precision that's still good, still at 24,000.

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It might be worth it to get a field upgrade. Are there any snipers you're going to get? There's a guy on the roof right there. I don't know if he noticed him; it doesn't look like he noticed them based on the behavior you can see. You might have noticed him now that he hasn't noticed him, okay?

modern warfare 2

And it could be just a guy with a high zoom optic on a rifle or whatever lmg, so there are two buy stations on this side of the zone that they can rotate towards holding a UAV for late game since ghosts is very hard to come by and even if you do grab it, it doesn't work, so that's the same guy we saw earlier sniping mocked request by omission.

It's just been interesting how the first month or something went. What are we doing here, bro? The guy was on his way back; poor him. This guy's got five kills, and there's a stronghold nearby, which is kind of annoying even if it wasn't a stronghold in the game. These ones with flags, or ones that normally have flags, allow you to go in there and still loot chests when the stronghold is open, so that's a great way to get cash.

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I mean, there's so much cash flooding into this game if you know all the different nuances of it, but the problem is the game doesn't really tell you much. Still. I've got a little ways to rotate in, but I feel confident about this guy's, there's no audio in this game; I'm about to say I felt confident in his ability to actually do pretty well, but I didn't hear this guy at all.

modern warfare 2 beta

Fritz got mad and left instantly. He didn't even watch the killcam. He just had stupid footsteps. I guess you can't get overconfident in this game, and the audio is not reliable. It can be good or bad, but it's not reliable. Easy kill What was that guy doing? He should have baited, like he jumped off and then jumped back through the window.

I'm surprised he just came up the stairs, plopping his feet super loudly. All right, let's see how they make this push. Six kills, eight players left, going to be able to make it around; I hope you see one guy; maybe he didn't see him. All right, smart, use cover to rotate from spot to spot, but we know that there's a guy on the right.

He could have rotated into here; somebody did fight here before you; my no, you're going to be out of bounds, maybe just the hair in, but you've got to be out right. Yep, you hear the footsteps, though—nice instant deletion—and now you've got to rotate up the hill. How are there five people in the zone when there are like no buildings?

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