News - Tuning. Broken: How To Tune Properly Warzone 2

al mazrah

With the release of Warzone 2, some pretty cool new features You've probably heard about weapon tuning being talked about or even seen it in the attachment selection menu, but you actually know what it does. If you're looking for some information regarding tuning, you're in the right place. Let's get straight into it.

is an attachment-based modification system that allows you to advertise quicker. You could trade other attributes of an attachment within reason for ads. For example, if you have an SMG and really wanted to get ads quicker, you could trade other stats like damage range or Ricochet for ads, which indicates that an SMG is a solid trade-off.

The footage being shown now is a before-and-after of a little bit of tuning for the Vasnav SMG. You can see in the afterimage that it's very easy to control up close and at range. Keep in mind that both of these builds are using the exact same attachments, just with a little bit of tuning. It seems complicated, but it's actually very easy, so let's get into the game and see how it actually works.


Okay, so now we're in the actual game, and so let's see how we tune our guns. You can see on the barrel here that we actually do have the option to tune the laser over here, but we don't have the option to tune, so you'll have some attachments that can let you use them to some extent. You'll see that when you mouse over the gun, you can click to aim, or if you have a controller, you can control the gun.

I'm not sure what you'd call it if you clicked two in here, but you're prompted with this little graph, and so this is the predisposed things that the gun or the attachment already offers to you. So if you're giving up some of the Twix so that you can get more Milky Way, if you're giving up the recall steadiness for the aim walking speed, if you know on a sub you may want more aim walking speeds so that when you're in close quarters you could walk, it's better than recoil settings for a submachine gun because Eureka said it isn't that important for a sub doesn't matter that much when you're tuning.

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Make sure you think about the logistics, and you know you could think about what you actually need this gun to do, so in this case you don't have to tune to the extremes. You can always tune a little bit where maybe you want a little bit more aim in your walking speeds, but you do want some recoil stiffness, or even just leave it in the middle and feel like, you know, for some of these you don't actually have to move with them, and for this one I probably wouldn't even change anything because it's a multi-speed, isn't the biggest pro, and Rico said it is also, you know, you don't want it to be bouncing around all over the place, so I'd probably leave it in the middle.

On the x-axis down here for ads, being a damage range for a sub, damage range won't matter as much as, you know, on an AR or something, so you can kind of afford to have more ads here. If it were me, I would put an ad all the way to the left. Although sometimes you don't want to tune to the extremes, you could kind of feel it in the firing range and see if you like it, but this is the basics of tuning; it's really not that hard.

best sub warzone 2

We'll go to another attachment, real quick, to the grip down here. To see obviously, you're prompted with some different things for the grip again. You've got recoil settings and ads. You probably want more ads and recoil settings, and if you just read the selection, you can figure out what you'd want more of; you may not want to tune to the extreme streams because they could bounce around a lot; but the good thing is if you go out of the menu here and go to the firing range, you can actually test this gun in real time.

See what you're messing with; you know, if you realize that the gun is bouncing a lot, you could tune it back to how you had it, but this gun actually feels pretty good with how it is right now, although it's got a little bump because we did take the recoil settings down. Really, isn't it? It's not that hard; it looks a little scary, but it's pretty easy.


Okay, so to wrap up tuning, I've made this beautiful graphic on Paint; as you could tell, I'm an artistic genius anyways. On the left side, we've got your close-range guns, your SMGs, and shotgun stuff like that—the things that you're going to be using in close quarters. Compact and on the right side, we've got your long range; now your long range will be ARS lmgs.

Snipers, anything that you're going to shoot over probably 30 meters or so, so this is how you want to tune them, so I've made this little key on the bottom right Essentially, we've got green and red on the screen, not because Christmas is soon but because green is generally good and red is generally bad.

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These are generalized things because sometimes maybe you want some foot resistance on your sub or something like that depending on what you're using it for, so for your close range. I've got Aim running speed ads. Speed aim, walking steadiness, and spread to fire speed on things that you generally want to favor on your sub while Flinch resistance recoil saidiness damage range aiming Outlet stability and cooling distance for your scopes are things that you could kind of easily give up for the greens.


Basically, if you've got a green versus a red on each of these guns, you could give up the red for the green in most scenarios, so if you've got flush resistance on the top of the axis and aim walking speed on the bottom for your long range gun, you can tune towards that Flinch resistance and give up the aim walking speed because you really don't need it for your long range guns.

I mean, it looks beautiful; I know it does, but this makes it a little bit more simple. These are all the options that you have; there are only eight things. No, I think there are nine things if you count cool as far as your scopes, but that really doesn't count; I don't think but eight things that you could tune for.

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You generally want to tune for a green in most scenarios. So, I think that wraps up the tuning article.

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