News - Is Warzone 2. 0 Dying


Before I even start this article, I'm going to tell you this right now. I'm not going to hold back. I'm going to tell you guys exactly. How I feel about wars: yes, I am a card partner; yes, I love the Call of Duty developers; but I still have to be honest with my feedback, so here is the way: I'm going to break down this article.

I'm gonna go over the top five things that need to be addressed like yesterday like. I like about this game all right. They literally die in two minutes; let me explain that the speed at which they kill in this game is incredibly fast. I've literally died from two bullets before I've had three plates armored.

I've literally spent 10 minutes looting just to run and then die to somebody with a pistol and two bullets. In my opinion, this time to kill is incredibly faster than even Don's time to kill. Since Don's time to kill had 250 total health right now, it still felt way longer than it does now. Let's say Caldera had 300 total health at the time to kill, but that felt really, really long in my opinion.

baka bros

I wasn't really a fan of Caldera's Time to Kill. I think it definitely should be somewhere in the mix, like Verdant Skin's Time to Kill. If anything, I think we should go over Don's time to kill. So how do we fix this? In my opinion, right now, with 250 health, you're dying incredibly fast. So let's just add 50 more to the base health, making it 300 total, and with the time to kill, that'll probably be along the same lines as Verdant's time to kill, so raise that base health back to 150.

And we have 300 total health in my opinion, and I think that leaves a really good cushion for time to kill where you're not dying, and literally two bullets all right, second, my second thing that needs to be addressed, and this is probably my biggest thing, is audio. I'm going to be honest with you—I did not think.

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I'm sorry, Cod Dev, for your watches. I literally love you, but the audio is horrendous, I promise you. I cannot hear whether somebody is above me, underneath me, okay, I cannot even hear somebody who is right next to me. The biggest thing is that I cannot give directions. The audio is okay; I can tell that somebody's in front of me, but how far away are they?

broken game

Are they five feet in front of me, or are they 50 feet in front of me? I'm telling you, it sounds exactly the same. To be honest, a lot of people gave Warzone One's audio a bunch of bad reviews, but in my opinion, I don't think Warzone One's audio was that bad. I could hear if somebody was right next to me.

I could hear somebody who was a mile away from me. You know whether they were above me or below me. It was a little bad, but as far as how close we were, it was very, very good. So it's one of those things where you don't know what you're having, so you lose it. Warzone 2's audio is horrendous.

call of duty

If there's a way—I don't know. I'm not a Dev if there's a way to backtrack and go back to war zone one audio. I think they definitely do it because that audio is significantly better than what we have now at number three at detrimental. which I don't know why they took this out, but running while plating, you don't understand the effects that this has on the game, so it's not as simple as, "I just want to be able to get from point A to point B while plating." That's not our biggest problem; that's not what's bugging us.

The thing that's bugging us is that during gunfights, where there is no more finesse, there is just, "You shoot and, if you're winning the three people, you're dead." There's no way to get out of that. I don't know if the casual scene is going to be like, "Well, if you're a 3v1, you should be able to, like, not win that." I'll be honest.

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That's where being good at a article game comes in handy, right? That's why we want to be able to knock one down, get the full kill, get away, be able to jump from like roof to roof and be able to plate up right, maneuver around buildings while running and planning up, and not feel like I have to sit in a corner, you know, wait 30 seconds while I'm planning up.

call of duty review

I genuinely think this needs to be changed. I don't know if it was intentional. I don't know what to do, but it makes the game incredibly slow and makes it so that, literally. I happen to be even in the beta where, like. I'm in a gunfight. I knock somebody down. I'm running, and then I put on a plate, and I instantly start walking at like half my normal speed.

of when I'm walking like it's really bad. You feel like you're in jello. I think a lot of people, even casuals, are going to hate that anything that makes the game feel like that, slow, should definitely be reverted. The fourth thing that they need to fix, and this is another one of my maybe-two things that need to be fixed, is more money.

Let me explain: the more money there is on the map, the faster it is. I think a lot of the things that people are complaining about right now when it comes to loadouts when it comes to pacing can be fixed by just adding a little bit more money. Let me explain: right now, each gun costs five thousand dollars to get.


I'm okay with them. Not having loadout until like the last circle or whatever, that's fine. I'm okay with that, but make it at least attainable to get one gun at least for everybody in your squad right now there is no money. Yeah, you can do contracts, but those contracts give you 1700 each for completing them; it doesn't matter what they are.

Other contracts give you money in the contract; it's a little hard to explain, but there's not a lot of money there. I've talked to people, and they say that it's very inconsistent; sometimes you feel like you have little money, and sometimes you feel like you have a lot. I'll be honest for me; I feel like I never have any money, and my teammates never have any money either.

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Now, the number five, my. I know this is going to be addressed, at least I hope, but this is probably one of the worst things that needs to be fixed ASAP, and it's not my biggest, you know. I don't hate it as much because this doesn't happen to me as much as it does to 99 percent of the people. You're on, you know, 15 kills with 80 up and you're about to PR Devere; you're, you know, like a casual, and you have five kills and your top five situation; you're about to get your first ever win in Devere, and I'm telling you, there's nothing worse than feeling so locked into the game, feeling so immersed, and then dead-bearing, and just all your work was for nothing.

In my opinion, those are the top five things that I think need to be addressed from time to time. It audio, It takes you back to War Zone 2, running while plating. That's very simple. Just make it so you can run while plating like in War Zone 1, then add more money, double it, and devar. I don't know how to fix that; you know that.

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