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warzone 3 tips

Listen. nothing, and I understand suppressed weapons; I get it, but nothing. No, no nothing just but that's meally the game My the issue I'm having is Sparky once again it's Sparky, when you get knocked and I understand you're trying to crawl I get it but at least turn and ping where you're getting shot from or verbally call it out so your teammates know where to go right and know were not to go he didn't do that who is shammy gets caught up because he gets the team res first he ends up falling behind because of it and because he has no idea where the [ __ ] this got down from he gets clapped from the side, of course it's Sparky's fault it's always Sparky's fault we all teammates like this tag them in the article man call them out but again having smokes, is very detrimental it's what saved them a few times getting these reses.

And now we're moving in together, so I really want to pay attention to Sparky more than anything and see if he just keeps falling victim to this. Make sure I don't care if you're on a controller; I don't care if you're playing with an N64 [__] controller or trackpad; I don't care ping the enemies damn it; make it a bind; that's important; ping it if you guys don't have binds for it.

warzone 3 tips and tricks

I'm telling you right now, check out aim controllers, use the paddle; this is my jump; this is my slide; this is my ping; this is my y; but that's irrelevant; so ping the enemy so you can literally be doing multiple [__] and as you turn, you can go look at that easy very. Easyip, nice head shot from Shammy.

warzone 3 ttk

Spark you over here again Watch what we're doing we're fighting two different fights at the same time granted there's only two teams so it's I don't mind it as much at this point cuz we should be fighting all these fights there's only this is very manageable it's a 4v4, technically, this team should win easily I do like the fact that Jr 503 is aware though he's making sure the guy's not rapping on him instead of sitting here Tunnel Vision on where he last spotted him he's checking his surroundings, it's a 4V three right now and I think the guy on the rooftop who came back was part of that other team so I think everyone's over here I think you got the guy on the roof you got the guy down there and I'm assume there's two there but all the enemies I think are there there's just no way these other guys are in the gas are do anything, crazy, it's a 4v1 again just look back at it, orange or yellow ping, he's got to be there got to be up top maybe under.

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