News - Warzone: 24 Best Tips To Instantly Improve

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You're not winning as many war zone matches as you'd like, but it's actually easier to do than you may think. In this article, we're diving deep as I explain every move I make along the way to a war zone victory. Welcome to War Zone Boot Camp. The first thing I do when I'm diving into a match is find myself a contract, which in this case will be a scavenger, and head straight to it.


The reason being that I like to get my load out as fast as physically possible, and this is the fastest way to do that, so we're hoping no one else is landing with us. We got pretty lucky with an aval; we're going to drop down the second floor, grab this, and heck, we may as well see what else is in here, literally nothing at all, because truthfully, we need, $7, 500, but you shouldn't spend too much time on it because you're going to be able to just get all the things you want from just completing the scavenger so let me jump to the roof right here grab this and the Munitions Box O A com's bestest that's absolutely perfect going to jump to that one nope okay I guess we got a dead jump that's pretty cool, and the last one is right here inside this building and the next thing we're going to want to do like I said is buy our load out which we can do with this buy station right over here we need to pay attention as to whether or not someone's going to be pushing it though looks like it's completely clear when utilizing a buy station it's imperative you select the items you want as quickly as possible see the speed I buy my load out in this clip it only takes 3/4, of a second for me to be in and out ready to toss my load out I'm just going to go ahead and Gra grab the load out I'm going to toss this on the.

Ground grab the mun. Get that done; toss the mun. Put the armor box back in the inventory. We're going to hit this. I'm going to grab all my mun out of it and then put an extra stun in my inventory. We can see a guy flying in right now. To take the free kill, snipers are super easy in this game.

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By the way, I'm going to make this game a little crazy. I'm not going to lie to you, but snipers are incredibly easy to master; it's basically just sniping slightly above or slightly ahead in 99% of scenarios. Of these scenarios, this is the only one-hot sniper that doesn't require explosive rounds.

expel 3

You can use the MCPR and the FJX, but I highly recommend you stick with the AMR because it's just so much better. So I like to run around and play for bounties because that lets me know where they're at, and two, I get a sense of accomplishment if I actually win the game. Remember, at the end of the day, you're playing to have fun.

For me, having fun means completing bounties. However, if you find that I'm taking things a bit slower than I do and being a bit more sneaky, that's absolutely fine. Take what you can from my positioning, weapon choice, etc., and use that to your advantage. Because I feel like I spent more time getting kills, the only problem I'm noticing is that, for some reason, these solo lobbies just don't fill up.

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You'll see in the top right corner right now that there's only 32 people left in the game. I've been going in multiple on multiple on multiple lobbies, and some of them are 30 players, some of them are 99 players, and then some of them are like 50. I don't know why it's like this, but it has to be one of the most frustrating things I've ever dealt with.

expel map

Now we've just got to find this guy. I feel like, yeah, he's up, Top. With the cat AMR Sniper being of the caliber it is, it may be worth it to run high alert as your fourth perk when flying through the air. You need to know when to cut your shoe and dive to ensure you're not instantly killed by a one-shot sniper.

Yeah, the thing is, when people are just flying, it's usually just a free kill, and there should be a guy like that. Kills, as I say, I miss all my shots on a guy in a car that's sounded like I was going to say gynecologist. I don't know why I got a car. Look at this: He's going to move. He moves up.

get better at

He's probably going to utilize this hill as my okay he that he did not do, what I expected, so he gets out of that Scot free. I'm not going to lie to you; 99% of people will do exactly what you expect them to do, and every once in a while you'll get someone who does the exact opposite. That is for one of two reasons: one, that player is very good and they understand the way that other players minds work; the second reason is that the player's an absolute and instantly panicked, going in the opposite direction of where they were expected to go.

We have ourselves an LTV here, which is basically equivalent to Fortnite's Porta Fort. Usually there are people camped up on the set of buildings over here, but I don't want to wait for them; in this case, I want to just move in. Knowing when to rotate is vital to a successful solo match. If you're caught at the edge of the storm when someone else has already made it in, you're done.

Instead, try to stay around 100 to 200 meters ahead of the storm if at all possible during the early circles. Plus, we already lost that one guy. Wait a second; you gave away your position. What's the chances are, this is a good job on his part. He jumped and moved all right. Let's grab this. Let's work our way back over this way.

how to 3

This guy was on top of this. I think he rotated my hold, but no, and I lost the car. He probably likes it too. When attempting to fight an enemy, centering your aim is going to give you a massive advantage. Before even jumping out of the vehicle, I get as close as I can to the enemy's center mask, then adjust as needed before even challenging the other player.

This will give you the upper hand you didn't know you needed in nearly every gunfight. That's why you run around with an LTV. Let me tell you, when you're in solos, utilizing a vehicle that has a ton of cover on it is such a big deal, and no one realizes it. Only the best of the best players are going to use this strategy, and I'm serious about that.

how to get better 3

What you should be doing is driving around in an LTV and healing it over and over and over because you can utilize it. Your placement in the vehicle to outplay your enemy if I'm on the right side of the vehicle like if I switch to this seat, and then I hop out you'll notice I hop out on the right side of the vehicle but I hop back in on the left side of the vehicle you always jump back into the vehicle on the side of the driver's side even if you're on the opposite side so you can utilize that to your advantage and instantly teleport, to an animation of you getting in the vehicle and as you're getting in instantly teleport to another seat it's super confusing for anyone that's fighting you but it is so fun to do so right now I'm like I said healing up my vehicle and I'm not seeing anyone I would like to use this right.

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