News - Inside The Mind Of A Warzone Pro: Vondel Park Resurgence

best 3 loadout

Get a high kill game, and I hope you guys learned something. Let's get into it. My favorite place to usually land a stadium is the stadium. The reason being that there's usually a lot of money and you can kind of finesse. Now the good thing is that in the middle of the stadium, there's usually four gold chests, and sometimes they even have a loadout chest most of the time.

The problem is that if you get a tie pistol like myself right now, it is not looking good. Now, so let's get this knock here with the full kill. Check out our mini map, all right? We have one guy for sure chasing us; he's going to overextend. We're going to get that kill; get the full kill. We saw his teammate on the far left, and we're going to grab his double plates, play up, and reposition.

Here, we do know that this has at least one more teammate after we did get the double knock because this is a trio. If you're already trying to drop those high-kill games, you don't want to wipe out that last player. Obviously, it can be tough if they're pushing you and things like that, but you know how it goes.


The other thing that can honestly be hard right now is that there are times where there's a ton of fog on the map for Vondo. Now, get that kill, and the fool. Now we see him down the hallway. He is going to be chasing. Now we can play with a lot of information. We're basically playing to break this guy's camera and get the kill on our mini map.

Here, take his camera out. Get the kill. I mean, the number one thing that I always see for a lot of very casual players is that they don't understand the importance of a mini map. Right for Resurgence, you are always going to see where people are when you full kill them, and I think a lot of people don't understand if you're playing anything that's not solo.

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Likely to potentially out-rotate us, but I don't think they do here, and looking around, I saw one guy already, this guy crossing TR to get the knock all good. Now let's cross, so we know there was at least one guy in the water, and we saw one guy cross left. Most likely, they're going to be signing up potential customers for the shop.


You hear them on the right here; I'm not going to break them, and there was someone on the left, so I'm not going to overextend. We are going to try to get this kill, though. Now, the reason I did not overextend right there now—that's a teamw, which kind of stinks—is because I heard somebody on my left, meaning if I was going to overextend for a kill, most likely I could have died because of the other person that was on my left.

So now I did get shot at. I did hear somebody slide near me, so let's see if they are going to try to potentially push up. It's not looking like that yet, and now they are on the bridge. Here, duck skin, we are going to get that knock. Now we do hear somebody else slide, so we are going to try to take the high here and hope they just don't have a self-resuscitation, because I don't really want to push across in the open that's most likely a death there.

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I'm not seeing much yet. I've taken a lot of shots and smoked things like that. I have one guy here. Get this knock. Let's get this full kill for information. Now this was the other guy that I just knocked on the duck skin, so I'm assuming they're most likely trying to buy stuff at the buy station or they're just swimming behind me.

joewo 2

Dang, okay, all good, so again, that is our first death, but it is okay because now we do get to come back and we do get that solo timer again, so we are going to try to grab our load out here. We do see some guys fighting and stuff, so I think what I'm going to try to do is get this load out and just jump down if I can.

joewo 3

Yep, so we're going to get this jump down and hopefully try to get out, loot some boxes, loot some crates, so then our timer will go down, so there's 7 seconds up here, 4 seconds on the timer. We're not going to die here because, obviously, the game would be over. Know now again you hear a lot of gunshots going to hit a reach out here never expect the reach out and let's check my mini map now up top up top we are going to try to maybe get this kill here and then we are going to try to get out of here I don't know what load out this is definitely not my load out that I was trying to run but well durable gas mask this we can definitely play and played up, now good thing is most likely these guys don't have a gas mask I would assume so because we just tanked this durable mask it most likely just saved our life, so we are going to put these plats on try to rotate knowing that there's a lot of people behind me, try to kind of out rotate them.

Now, let's check behind us. We see this guy here; he is going to be fighting somebody. Let's get that knock. Now, I don't want to overextend too much for these kills because the zone is closing and I could be getting held out. Now, we do see this guy flying in here, so we are going to try to push this location on the rest of them and push the aggression.

meta 3

Here, we hear somebody sliding and stuff we're going to take a peak, nothing, yet okay so that is the guy I believe that I originally almost knocked so now we're going to kind of play the slow see if we can bait the teammate into potentially try to Res for a free kill not looking good though I'm not going to, lie great shot out of that guy let's pop this self real quick hit up play up reposition I'm assuming maybe the guy that was right there was his teammate but know enemies are dropping right so let's jump down here.

I don't like where I'm at. There's a guy flying in St. We do hear him inside. I do want another load out, though, just because I grabbed the wrong one. One, I'm still hearing this guy. I also see a ping behind me, so let's try to get involved in some of these fights. Here we see somebody knocking right, right behind me.

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All is well, though the good thing is that I do have another load out. The problem is that it may not be in the best spot, definitely not in the best spot, but what I'm going to try to do is land in a couple chests so then I can just come back either way, and I don't have a horrible gun, so again, get this.


Now we did fly in. I was going to say we get this kill here—the worst-case scenario, that is. Okay, because my timer is an enemy soldier incoming, you're up for another 8 seconds. Here, somebody closes in 3 seconds. Gasing now that guy is on a nasty head goach is definitely not our fight, especially since we have zero plates on what we are going to try to do.

JoeWo takes us Inside The Mind of a Warzone 3 Pro and walks us through how he plays Resurgence on Vondel Park. With the announcement of Ranked Resurgence coming along with Fortune's Keep in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 2.
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