News - The "last Ever" Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2. Ultimate Best Class Cod Warzone 2


Ladies and gentlemen. There's probably just one lady watching this article. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the final ever Top Five Most Overpowered Class Setups in Modern Warfare 2. We're going to be looking at all the guns that I've used throughout the year and my five most-used weapons. For this top five, this is going to be the last time Modern Warfare 3 comes out.

I really hope that game ends up being good, because man, we can't have another. Vanguard type of year; we don't want one of those all right, but let's hope it's actually good, and let's get into these top fives. I believe on this list we got mostly SMGs and ARs and stuff like that, but we're going to figure it out as we go along.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly ARs and SMGs, so it's something you guys are going to like as well. Like I said, this is the final one; there are no other ones after this. This is it, man, all right, but we are going into Modern Warfare 3, which is also bringing the Modern Warfare 2 weapons as well, so we're going to have these guns again.

best class

However, I don't think they're going to be as good as the Modern Warfare 3 weapons. I just have a feeling that those are going to be the meta weapons or the meta weapons. I don't know why I said meta. But you guys already know what it is, man. those ones, I just don't know, man it is. I just, weirdly, kind of, in all honesty, do not want the Modern Warfare 2 weapons going into Modern Warfare 3.

I don't know what it is; I just don't want to see them in that game. I want this game to be brand new and fresh and stuff, but I mean, we got another year of the M4, and all that kind of stuff is pretty much what it means, so these classes in this top five should help out as well. Now the first one on this list, we're going to have to talk about the castoff 74u, because this is my number five most used weapon in the game.

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I'm not even sure how it's possible, but it is my number-five most-used gun. I haven't used this gun in a long time, but it is what it is. We're going to get into the best-class setup for this one, and I have to say the COF 74 is an assault rifle, but it's actually really nice if you try to turn it into an SMG.

best class setup

As much as you possibly can, so what we're going to do for the first attachment here is we're going to go ahead and we're going to throw on the BR 209. Barrel, this is going to give us movement speed and ad speed; it's going to be pretty nice at that, so I really highly recommend throwing that on.

The tuning on this one is going to be recoil steadiness because this gun has a lot of bounce to it at about 32, and then instead of ads, we're going to put damage range up to around 26. So that's going to be it right there. Then we got the Schagger peck box for the laser. This one gives us just ads, but there's no con to it at all.

If you want to sprint a fire as well, you're going to have to throw on the FSS laser, but then your laser is visible. The Schagger Pack Box is nice; you could actually tune the Sprint to Fire even though you don't get it, so it is pretty cool, and what I would do is put the tuning at 0:24 to Sprint to Fire, and then I would throw those ads up to around 16.


Somewhere around there, you should be pretty set and ready to go and all that kind of fun stuff. Now the next attachment is going to be the stock. The stock is something that I recommend just throwing on something like the ftac. TAC Elite or the ftac. Tac Elite stock, I should say, or it gives you just recoil control because this gun has a lot of bounce to it.

You want it to kind of be pretty nice and pretty easy to control, so the tuning on this one is going to be around 2.04. Ads, and we're going to fill that aiming Idol stability at around 1.0 on that one, then we're going to move on to the rear grip, and this one's great because we could throw on the true tack rip for Sprint to Fire and ad speed, making this gun really, really nice, really quick, and all that kind of stuff, like ads.

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I would recommend putting it around 56 and then sprinting to fire somewhere around 2728, somewhere where you just go up where you actually see it, shoot up there, and then for the magazine. I would just leave it the same as is, but if you want it faster, you can throw on the 20-round mags, but you're going to have to reload a lot more often, but you get movement speed, sprint to fire speed, and ad speed.


If you want the true SMG class, what I recommend instead is going over to the muzzle and throwing on just any muzzle that's going to pretty much give you even more horizontal and vertical recoil control. In this case, we're going to go for the RF Crown 50. The tuning on this is going to be ads, up at around 26 and recoil, control up at around 26 as well, so both of those are 26.

This class is solid; it's a nice class, and it's definitely one that you guys want to go ahead and use now as my next weapon on this list. Again, it's a weapon that I haven't used in a very long time, but it apparently is in my top five, so that is the MP7. I'm never going to call it the Vel 46, but it is the MP7.

cod mw2

I'm going to have to say Vel 46 in case some of you guys out there don't know what it is, but here it is, man. This class is nice. It's a decent class, except I don't use it too often, but it is in my top five, so I am putting it in the final top five article of the lock. The DX 203 Barrel is what we're going to throw on; this gives us recoil control, damage range, bullet velocity, and hit accuracy.

Tuning is pretty simple. Recoil settin at 31 damage range at 25, then we got the VK laser 7 megaw, for ads, Sprint to fire nice right there, Sprint to fire at 32, Ads at 2632. And then we don't need an optic; this gun has a very nice iron sight, so skip over that and go over to the demo. Rxt, stock, and this one's great because you get Crouch movements speed.

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Sprint speed and ad speed tuning on this one are going to be zero and zero. I wouldn't recommend actually tuning it; it's actually nice the way it is, and it's pretty solid right there. There's the schagger soldier grip for the rear grip for Sprint to fire ads out 45, Sprint to fire out 25, and then 50-round mags, so that's it right there for that gun next up on the list.

cod mw2 best class

We have another gun that I actually really like a lot, and I'm really happy that it is in my top five, and that is the Lockman Sub. Now, the Lockman Sub is a class that should be more than number three for me. I feel like I've used it way more, but apparently. I've used the Vasnev as an SMG more than this one, so the Vasnev is in the number two spot, but we're going to go over the Lockman sub anyways because it is number three and it's kind of close to the Vasnev, so this one is the spiral v3.5.

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