News - The Most Overpowered Gun Warzone 2. Best M13b Class Setup" Warzone 2


I'm going to be completely honest with you guys. I've already fallen in love with this gun. I had no double XP, so I had to do it all boringly, and I did it, and I'm in love with this guy. This is my favorite assault rifle in the game, and this is my favorite assault rifle class in the game because it plays like an assault rifle at range but also like an SMG up close.

If you guys want an overpowered M13 class, you came to the right article. I don't know how many that is, but if we could hit it, that would be absolutely amazing. Below have you guys unlocked the M13, yet personally. I hated the way you had to unlock this gun. It was so annoying. It definitely should be in the battle pass, let's be honest, and it definitely should be there.

So the class setup for this gun that we have running right here is actually going to be a little different. So normally, I have stem shots and proximity.

Proximity mine

Proximity mine

Mine is good, so I keep it, but I've noticed that I haven't really tried many other lethal drugs in the game, so I'm still going to run proximity with mine, but I might go and put it on a drill charge eventually. I want to start using it, but I'm scared I'm just going to waste it all the time.

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For the perks, we got double-time scavenger, cold-blooded, and ghost, and I find those to be the best. If you really want to change something out, I would highly recommend possibly switching it out. Maybe not cold, but search out ghosts. I think you have to switch out ghost for bird's eye, and bird's eye is really nice because it gives you like an advantage UAV that only you could see, and you can see what direction the enemies are moving in except that it's not live; it only pings on the mini map.

best class

I really messed up; here's my first shot. I haven't even played the game yet today, okay guys, I haven't warmed up yet today, okay, cut me some slack, but yeah, there you go. As close as you guys can see, it takes five shots up close to actually kill someone, but the fire rate is so fast that it's going to feel a lot faster than just five shots.

You just go like that, and they're easily out, so it's accurate, it's nice, and it's really good, and this is the best class I was able to find for it, but you got to get the bass P SMG; I think you got to get it to like level 17 for this class. I'm not sure, so you do have to level that up, but it is really good, so the echolus 80 for the muzzle is really nice.

You got sound suppression bullet velocity. Diamond range and recoil smoothness—don't be fooled by that sound suppression; it's kind of useless in the game if the enemy is nearby, has a UAV up, and you have sound suppression on, but it still appears on the mini map when you shoot your gun, so I really don't like that.

But anyways, for the tuning, I put the recoil smoothness to the max rather than the ads; you don't really need the ads that high on this one, and I also put the idle stability to the max. If I were to play Warzone with this class. I would definitely put the bullet velocity up and switch the barrel, but for the class the way it is.

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I'm playing multi-player, which is the one I play the most, so that's what I have. The next one is going to be the barrel, and that's the seven-inch Bruin BM20.

7 bruen b-m20

7 bruen b-m20

And this one's really nice because you get 80s hip recoil control and movement speed.

14 bruen echelon

This one here is pretty cool as well if you want more recoil and damage, and if you want to go for long range, the 14-inch ruin Echo and Echolon are pretty nice, but this seven-inch Bruin MB20 is what I really like, and the tuning on this one again is excellent.

I put the recoil steadiness all the way to the top because the ads are independent on this one; it doesn't lock on with the recoil, so you can put the ads to the max as well if you want more damage on the longer range. It takes six bullets whether the damage is all the way to the top or the ads are all the way to the top.

I did a bunch of testing, so it doesn't matter. You might as well get the ads up on this gun and go ahead and use it. So yeah, that's what I have for that tuning, right there. The next one is going to be the laser, and this is the flare.

Exf solarflare

The solar flare is nice because you get a flashlight, which can kind of blind the enemies a little bit, but it doesn't really work that well.

It gives you sprint to fire speed, which is the one thing I really wanted on this attachment, and you get aiming stability, so that's what I really like about this one. I wish there was tuning for it; I would put the aiming stability a little higher and stuff, but there's no actual tuning for it, so that's the most you could do with that one right there.

Bruen r90 factory

Crouching, movement speed, and ad speed The other one is the Bruin P90, Factory, which gives you sprint speed, walking speed, and recoil control. The only difference here is that your mobility is better. This one right here is a lot faster because you get the ads and you get eight double-size speeds, which is why I recommend this one here, but you lose a little more recoil if you were to use it.

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So with this one right here, you don't lose any recoil or control, but you get no ads, so that's why I really recommend that one right there. I mean, it only gives you Flinch resistance , which is the Bruin Gr.

Bruen gr-500

500 now we all know that Flinch resistance only happens when you're getting shot at, so if you start shooting the enemies before they could shoot you, this attachment is completely useless.

So, I mean, I put the tune in here, and I put the ads and the Sprint to "Fire To The Max." The only reason I have this attachment is because it gives you this kind of tuning.

60 round mag

60 round mag

You could definitely choose to take it off and put on a magazine, which I would recommend with these 60-round mags, and the only reason for that is because this guy only has 30. If you guys go here, you're going to see 60, but it's going to be a lot faster; the ads feel very slow, and the Sprint to fire again is going to be very slow; it's not that nice, so if you take that off and go back to the rear grip and you put the Gr 500, you tune in so the ads and the Sprint to fire is all the way to the max, and the Gr 500, you tune in so the ads and the Sprint to ad and the Sprint to ad and the Sprint to ad and the Sprint to the Gr 500, you tune in so the ads and the Sprint to the Gr 500, you tune in so the ad and the Sprint to It's a really nice gun.

best class setup

I kind of really like this gun a lot. I think it's one of my favorite SMGs—or not SMGs, but my favorite ARS—in the game because it plays really well up close. For some weird reason, watch this. It has nothing to do with latency or anything like that; it's literally just you in the firing range, so there you go.

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