News - The Most Broken. 2 Shot Class. Warzone 2. Best Taq-56 Class Setup" Warzone 2


Today we got attack 56, one of the most damaging guns in the game. This is an AR that is going to drop people at long ranges like it was nothing; it's buttery smooth the way this kills people, but, and there's a huge but here. I would never ever torture myself again. Using this gun on shipment is not something that you want to do; it's not fast enough, it's not good enough, and there are just too many people rocking SMGs and snipers that are going to whack you before you could even get to them.

But I will say it again: This is a gun you want to use on bigger maps; this is a gun you want to use on mid-range maps; and it's going to smack people like crazy. Today we're looking at the overpowered Tac 56, and when I say overpowered, I'm not talking close range. I got it, and I gotta make that clear: this is not a gun you want to use at close range; this is a gun you're definitely going to want to use at long range.

I don't mean you don't even have to like the article. If you guys don't enjoy it, don't worry about that now. I have never added it to a top 5 article of mine yet, but I should. I add it to my top five. I don't know. I feel like it's good, but I don't like it. It's the best gun in the game, especially when you're I always try to make classes that are good for all ranges, and this one's great for mid- and long-range It's not that great for close, but yeah, so for the class setup.

best class

I'm running a knife as a secondary because it is a very heavy assault rifle, and you're not going to run too fast if you're playing Search and Destroy and stuff, and you want to get to the middle of the map faster than the enemies, so you want to swap to that knife, and definitely do that. If you want to run away from a gunfight in any other game, I would swap to the knife and run off; it's not worth running with.

The AR in your hands is as heavy as an LMG, and then we got a stimp shot of 100. Needed, you've got to have a stem shot if you want to heal and get right back into the gunfights, and I got a throwing knife. The only reason I have that is because I like using it; there's nothing else to it. I just like using it for the perk package.

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I got double time scavenger. Scavengers are definitely needed in this game; we don't have enough ammo in reserves, so you definitely want to have a scavenger. Then I got cold-blooded, and bird's eye now, bird's eye I prefer a lot more than. Cold-blooded cold blood is all right; you know, I mean not cold-blooded, but ghosts.

I prefer them a lot more than ghosts. Ghost is all right, you know, but it's just not the best. At least, I would say that it's not the best. The problem I see with Ghost is that, like at the beginning of the game, you don't even have it yet and you can't earn it right away, so a lot of people have UAVs, and you're just wasting them, right?

Birds, die at least halfway through the game so you get to see where all the enemies are, and I just preferred it that way, and then I got dead silence, but now let's get into the attachments and the tunings, and we're going to talk about all of those right here. So for the first attachment, I got the barrel, and that's the 12 -inch tack short barrel now.

12 tacshort barrel

12 tacshort barrel

The main reason I'm running this barrel rather than the 17.5-inch Tundra Pro is because this gives you added speed and hip recoil, control, and I'm using this barrel while. Playing on, shipment If I wasn't playing shipments.

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I would definitely have the 17.5 barrel, which gives you damage range hit by your accuracy and bullet velocity, but I feel like I don't only need it, especially on shipments, where it will just make this gun a lot worse, and this is the best class I could find in. In terms of all ranges, it's great at long, great at mid, and decent at close range; it's not the best at close range, but if you're hip firing and then going into your ads, you could win some gunfights; you're not going to win all of them, but you could win some of them now that the tuning is on this barrel.

best class setup

I put the recoil steadiness all the way up, and I put the ads all the way up rather than the diamond range. We don't need the damage range to be that high; this gun already gives an output like such a high output of damage at those longer ranges, so you don't have to worry about it too much. You do want to get those ads faster, so that's why I chose to put them higher as well.

The next attachment is going to be the Slimline.

Slimline pro

Pro optic, now the main reason I'm running this and not the iron sights is because I'm not a big fan of the iron sights, and on this weapon, this weapon has some pretty ugly iron sights at least in my opinion, and I feel like when I'm running the Slimline Pro I just hit my shots a little easier.

Now, for the tuning of the Slimline Pro, I put it too close, and then I put the ads all the way up as well. You could put Flinch Resistance up, but with this gun, you're not going to be flinching too much when getting shot anyway, so it's pretty decent to just go ahead and do that next attachment, which is going to be the stock now.

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I was kind of confused. I didn't know which one to run for. I even debated not throwing on a stock at all. I tested classes without stopping, but then I found that it's like the ads are just way too low. You can't run a class without stopping, so you need something that's going to boost those ads, so I went to tvX, Line.

Tv xline prd

Tv xline prd

Pro: Now this one right here gives you crouch movement speed, which is all right; I don't really crouch too much. It also gives you sprint speed, which is great; I have that knife on so I don't really need the sprint speed to be that high, but I also got some ads speed.

The ads' speed is something that I really like. The ads speed up a lot on this weapon, especially when you tune it and turn the ads all the way up. I also put the idle stability all the way up. This gun's ads are pretty fast for a heavy assault rifle; it's kind of quick. But there's one thing that I don't like about the stock, and that's the con.

It gives, or rather, it takes away. I should say recoil. Control, so when you're going for those people that are super head glitching and stuff, it might be a little harder to just stay on them and not miss those shots, so you got to keep that in mind when actually using this class. If you don't care about the 80 EDS or anything like that, don't run this attachment, but if you want that ad to be a lot higher, definitely run it.

If you don't run this attachment, what I would recommend is putting on a magazine, and you could either run the 40- or 60-round mags. The 60 is a huge difference in terms of ads, and Sprint's Fire Speed takes a lot of that away, but the 40, in my opinion, is decent enough that I'm even running the 30. I find the 30 to be good, and now the second-to-last attachment on this one is going to be the rear grip, and that's the demo.

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