News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2. Best Class Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay


Today's top five is going to be a little different than usual. What we're actually doing is showing you guys a couple of classes that I've never shown you before. P A lot of people bash that gun, but it's pretty good, and another gun is the attack V. Now the attack is on V. I never leveled up until recently, and guys, I have a class setup that I want to show you that is definitely not clickbait at all.

This thing is literally a two-shot class. I want to go right here and show you guys quickly that it is disgusting, and I'm talking about all ranges, not just close range, so I want to show you guys here just like you could two-shot every single distance. So you go for this one right here, there's one to the chest and one to the head here, one to the chest and again one to the head, and then even at long distance it's a little harder to hit that headshot, so it might be a little harder there you go, two shots.

It's going to be a little harder to show you guys from a long distance, but it's literally two shots up close. Two, Shots mid and two shots at long range I just want to show you guys, at close range, that it drops fast at mid-range. It drops fast, and, at long range, if you hit those shots, it drops fast as well, so definitely use these guns.

best class setup

Today, we're going to be looking at five guns that you want to abuse and what you've got to do with them. Man, before we get into the article, if you could drop a like, I would truly appreciate it. Now, before we get into the tag V class, there are some classes I wanted to show you guys, and one of them is the lockman sub, the MP5, one of the best guns in the game in terms of accuracy and spring to fire.

So the first thing on this one is the muzzle, and that is the X10RR40. This gives you sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil smoothness. I'll just take away some ads and aim for stability, but you guys already saw that it has very fast ads. This tuning for this attachment is going to be 0.50 for ads and plus 0.39 for bullet velocity.

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After that, we got the barrel, which is the L38 Falcon, which is 226 millimeters. The pros on this one are movement speed and accuracy, whereas the cons are velocity and recoil control. But, come on, you guys saw the recoil, and it's not bad. The tuning for this is going to be 0.32 in favor of recoil stiffness and 25 in favor of the damage range.


The next attachment is a laser. Now normally I would always recommend not running lasers on your guns because they are visible in flashlights and they're visible in guns as well, but since tuning has come to lasers, they've been a lot better and it's actually worth using, so this one right here is going to be the vlk laser 7 megawatts.

The tuning on this one is going to be sprint to fire at 0.27 and 80s at 21.39. Now, sprint to fire in this game is very slow right off the bat, so whatever attachments you could throw on to actually give you a good amount of sprint to fire but don't take away too much recoil and stuff, they're worth using.

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The next attachment is going to be the stock, and this is the mirror recoil 56 factory stock, which is a long name but it's a good one. This one gives you aiming stability, gives you recoil control, which is really nice, and also gives you sprint speed so you can get around the map a lot quicker, so I really like this attachment.


I haven't used it much, but I started using it recently, and it's great now that the tuning on this one is 1.55, towards ads, and then you leave the other one at zero, aiming for idle stability and aiming for walking speed. Just leave it at zero; don't even touch the tuning on that. Then the final attachment for this one is the Lockman TCG 10 for recoil control, where the tuning is going to be 0.23 toward ads and 0.16 toward sprint to fire time, so that's the MP5 class.

It's a great class, and you guys definitely want to use it. Let's get on to another class, and that's going to be the attack V. The attack V is actually a really good gun. I didn't have it leveled up two days ago; I had this gun at level two, I think, so I'm happy that I actually leveled this up completely, man.

cod modern warfare 2

So the muzzle is great on this gun, as is the recoil smoothness; the muzzle is a polar fire muzzle, which gives you sound suppression, velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness. It does take away some ads, but we don't have to worry about that too much in the tuning. You're going to put the ads up instead of The recoil smoothness you're going to put the ads up at is about 1.20.

And then you're going to leave the bullet velocity up, but just slightly, at point 34. After that, we got the barrel, which is going to be the Lance 50 12-inch barrel, which gives you added speed and hip recoil control. It's kind of nice to have that, but the hip recoil control isn't needed too much on this one.

You're going to put the damage range up just slightly as well, to about 0.10. Just to make sure we keep that two-shot distance, and then you're going to put the recoil setting this up as well, all the way up to the max, you can actually max this one out; it makes no difference; it's actually really good.

cod mw2

The optic is going to be the Slimline Pro, and this one's great because it actually just makes shots a lot easier to hit. You're going to put it all the way close, and then you're going to put the ads slightly up as well, just to about 2.10. And you should be good right there, with the second-to-last attachment, which is the magazine you're going to put in the third 30 round rather than the 50 round because the 50 round is a drum; it's very, very slow, and the 30 round is a MAG.

You have 10 extra bullets rather than the stock 20 that you get, so I like it at that, and then the final attachment is the rear grip, and that's the demo clean shot grip for Sprint to Fire and ads, which is really needed on a weapon like this now that you're going to put the Sprint to Fire up to about 0.17.

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And instead of the ads, you're going to set the recoil setting here up to 0.60, and it's going to actually play out really nicely there, and the gun's going to be really good. So yeah, like I said, this gun is a two-shot weapon at long range, close range, and mid-range, and even at close in mid-range, if you don't hit the headshot at close in mid-range, it is actually just a two-shot gun.

cod mw2 best class

Look at this right here, so we're going to go for the upper chest, and it's going to be two shots as well. This gun, okay, you want to use this gun. I use it for sure, then do what you got to do with it. The next weapon on this list is the M4. I was going to say muzzle. What the heck is that muzzle?

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