News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns After Update Warzone 2 (best Class Setup) Cod Warzone 2 Ranked


All right I don't want to waste anyone's time, so let's get into it. This is the first class I use on ranked, the Vel 46 in the MP7. This is the class I use the most on ranked, and we're going to go in order from what I use the most to the least. Right, we've got four classes, and we're going to go on to the multiplayer.

This is the Bell 46 class after. That I use this tag 56 right here. I love this class as well. This is my second-most-used class at the moment; the vel46 is at the top of my list. I love it; it's just such a good class. After that, I use this class right here, which is the vaznav; it's really great as well.

This is my third Morsi's class; this used to be number one for me, but it went down to number three now for some reason. And then the last one that I use the most, which I always forget is there, is right here, this one right here. the PDSW 580 or 530 I forgot what it's called anyways, but this is all the attachments for it, and this one's actually on, like it's sleeping, so you'll start using this class; it's actually pretty good.

best class setup

I would truly appreciate that as well. So in the multiplayer classes, we got, in no particular order, five classes. I'm going to show you guys today. Copy it, go, and do what you've got to do, so the muzzle right here is the Schleich schladam for 99. The recoil smoothness we're going to put at positive 0.50, and then the bullet velocity at positive 0.52, and it's going to work out pretty nicely.

After that, we got the Schleiger RvB for the barrel, and this one right here is going to be a positive 31 recoil. Setting this and negative 27 for the ad speed right there—and don't get confused, it might say negative 27, but it just makes the gun a little smaller technically, and it just makes it faster because it's smaller.

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After that, we're going to go to the stock, which is the Assault 60 stock, and the tuning is going to be minus 3.10. For ads, we're going to leave the aim walking speed on the aim idle stability at zero; we don't need to mess with that right there. Then, we got the schlager soldier grip for the rear grip.


The tuning on this one is going to be minus 42 for ads and minus 23 for Sprint's fire speed. And then, obviously, we got the 50-round magazines. I like to have more multiplayer 6v6; people run up to you; you've got to be able to kill them and stuff. I run the 30-round mag on ranked, but yeah, you don't want to do that on multiplayer; definitely not.

But yeah, that's it right there for that class next; off we go with the cast-off 74U. Arguably one of the best guns in the game, now I will warn you that this one has a little more kick at long range than usual, but this is made for close range; it's made for mid-range at most, so definitely use it if you're someone who likes to rush; if you like to get up close and personal with people.

You got a fast sprint to fire. You got fast answers with this class. So the muzzle is the RF Crown 50. The tuning is going to be plus 0.23 for the recoil stabilization and plus 35 for the gun kit control after that. We got the barrel, which is the Br-209; this one we're going to leave at zero for the left side for the aim walking speed and recoil setting this before the ads, we're going to put it at -34, and it's going to work out pretty nicely.


The laser is going to be the F-TAC Grimline laser. The sliding hip fire accuracy, which means you can slide and shoot at the same time with this, hopefully, is 0.26. I've actually never tested it, and the sprint to fire is 16.45 because I know normally you can slide and shoot. So you know what? The stock is the broadside fct, and it's going to be negative 323 for ads, and then we're going to leave the bottom one at zero again, and then the true tack grip for the rear grip.

The screening is going to be negative 61 and 28 respectively, so negative 61 towards ads and negative 28 towards the Sprint to fire, so I actually want to test this. The slide here, I don't know if it's actually—it's kind of hard to do it here; you can't, so why is that even an option? Yeah, you can't slide and shoot at the same time, you.

cod modern warfare 2

I really can't; I don't know why that's an option. I don't know why that's here. Maybe it's in a future update. This is going to be a possible thing. I don't know, but as of now, you can't do it normally when something like this comes into the game in a future update. It's actually possible, so maybe they accidentally put that in.

I don't know; let's hope so because you can do it as of right now, and I wish you could because then you could even do it while dolphin diving. So this is the Chimera, and right here it's called the nullify. I don't know where I got this variant. I don't even go in the shop, and I think in total on this game I've spent 1100 Cod points, so I don't know where these things are coming from.

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I don't know how I got these The viral on this one is the 5.5 exf. Op, 40; that is a name and a half for the recoil setting, which is going to be at positive 29, and the damage range is going to be at positive 21. The polar fire is going to be the muzzle, and we're going to have a positive 90 for recoil smoothness and a positive 87 for bully velocity, and you're going to get a lot of range with this one right there, so that's really nice.

cod mw2

I wouldn't really go too far with it. The D37 grip is the rear grip you have. 61, positive 0.61, for recoil setting this and then negative 41 for sprint to fire, and then the final one is the Rage 10 stock, and this one's going to be at negative 2.19 for ads, and we're going to leave the bottom one at zero as well.

Going down to another weapon on this list, we get the M4. I'm only running four attachments. All right, you guys can run more if you feel like you need to. If you want to put on a magazine, put on the 45 rounds; if you want to put on an underbattle barrel, it's all up to you guys. I like it with four; I don't need to run more than four, and yeah, that's it.

cod mw2 best class

So the Cronin Mod 86 from the muzzle gives you a negative 42 towards ads and a positive 25 towards gun kick control. After that, we got the choreo lease, or Las 44, V3 laser; this one's going to be at negative 19.68 for Sprint to Fire and negative 24.68 for the ad. Let's say towards ads After that, we got the demo fade Pro Stock for the stock, and it's going to be negative 2.19, ads, and the bottom one we're going to leave at zero, and then we got the Phantom grip for the rear grip, and this one's going to be negative 52, towards ads at negative 12.

I think yes. Here's the muzzle. I believe I always call it the body count because I've only ever used this variant for it. I've only ever used this class for it, but yeah, the five-round magazines are going to make it a lot quicker, or your ads are going to be really nice. Sprint to Fire is going to be decent.

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