News - The Most Broken Smg" Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Best Class Setup Cod Warzone 2 Top Guns


Today we're going to be putting the Vel46 up against the Verizon. Now let's get into it; let's see it, and we're going to talk about these weapons and figure out which is best. A lot of people seem unsure of which weapon to use when playing rankly. A lot of people are saying the Vel 46 is the best, and a lot of people are saying that the Raznav is the best when you're playing rankly.

I say you've got to use the gun that suits your playstyle the most, and from what I've noticed, the Vel46 is a gun that suits rushers a lot more than the basinup I've had. The vasant seems like it gets a gun, or at least feels like it's a gun that's meant for kindness—sitting back and not really throwing yourself into firefights.

super close and stuff like that, like it's going to do well in those ranges, don't get me wrong, but the Vel46 definitely outperforms. Is a gun that you could definitely rush with, but it's not one of those weapons that's going to be the best against the Bell 46 at close range. It's good for close ranges, but it's also good for those longer ranges.

best class setup

If you have someone to fight with that's all the way over there, this gun is going to do the job pretty decently. It also helps to get around the map pretty quickly, so it's both good. Now. I will say they're both viable options, but you've got to play it like it really depends on the weapon and the map that you're playing on for the weapon that you want to use if you're playing this map right here.

I would say the vasenev is way better if you're playing that hydroelectric map. Again, I would say the Vasnev is probably the better weapon for those maps now. If you're playing a different map but want to SMG, maybe you're playing the hotel map, for example. Someone comes here, and you'll be able to get them fast as well.

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Is going to do good up close now on a map like the hotel I'm trying to jump to really fast. I'll show you guys why it's actually good. The reason I say the vel46 is the better option on this map isn't for this point right here, especially this one. This was a horrible point for the Vel46, and it's not really the best one for this point either, but if you're holding a spot like a mini office right here—let's say you're standing right here—it's actually pretty good at this distance it strives for right here.


If someone pushes here, you'll be able to drop them quickly. Even in that doorway right there, you should be able to get them, but when you get to those longer distances, that's where it kind of struggles. If you stay behind the desk, hopefully your teammates are able to get them out, and you could do pretty well.

Another place where this one is really good is actually the kitchen. This gun is going to do really well here because it's all in close quarters. The Vel46 strives at these distances, so you'll be able to pop in here. See if anyone's there; get them out; hop here; and get that little heady Get whoever's out over there; if someone's behind you, just pop over and easily knock them down with this gun.


Another place where this gun actually does do good is right here now this right here is a great spot for the Bell 46 as well especially if you're in this little corner if you have a teammate over here watching, this side you should be clear so you'll be able to pop anyone that comes there someone, who comes here you could do pretty good it's going to be more of like a 50 at this range right there but hopefully you focuses, on your teammate before you so you could get him out and if someone does try to like sneak through this corner a lot of people Crouch, walk this right here, and you'll be able to slightly hear them.

You can just jump and get them out like that, so it's actually really good in this area as well, and then you get to this point right here. Another hardpoint, right here, which is actually really good; it's going to do really nice here if you hit those headies, get them off, do a little rotation, get someone who's coming this way; they're going to do nice as well, and in control if someone jumps on this point, you'll be able to get them out quickly with this gun right here as well, so it's good for this map now.

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I would also say the Vasanab is good for this map as well, but your best bet for this map would probably be the Attack 56. Just because of all the long sights, long ranges, and stuff like that, Attack 56 is going to do best on this, but if you're an SMG player, definitely. Now, that might seem like a lot, but the fire rate is pretty quick, so it's not too bad mid-range.

You got as well; that's three hits, four, five, six, and seven, which is not the best, so seven mid-range is not that good, especially with a gun like this where the recoil is going to kick around a bit and you're going to miss some shots. Seven is not something that you want to be using too often, so go to the super long range; we got one, two.

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Three, four, five, six, seven as well, so seven mid-range, seven long range, which is not too bad now we're going to try out the Bell 46 and kind of see how that one works as well again, we're going to set it to single fire, and we're going to go one two three four that's already better, one, two three four five, there we go five that's even better, and then one two three, four, five, six.

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So six shots at long range, so four, five, six, it's going to be pretty consistent. You should know how many shots it takes at all those distances, whereas the L46 is five, seven, seven. Should be able to control it pretty nicely. I did miss a few there, so that wasn't too great, and yeah, you should be able to hit all your shots; if I had one extra bullet, I would have definitely knocked in there.

That was my fault; my accuracy wasn't the greatest at those distances, so yeah, this one's pretty accurate. It's easy to hit all those targets at all those distances, so now we're going to switch off to the Vel46 again, and we're going to try it in fully auto, and again, that was pretty fast; it felt almost as fast or just as fast as the bathroom.

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When you get to mid-range, you can already feel the gunfights taking a bit longer. When you get to long range, you're going to reload for this one because I'll probably miss a lot at this distance, and you go in that recoil, just really feel yourself trying to control that you really feel yourself trying to control that.

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And it's just really hard to hit at those long distances, so this gun is not built for long range; it's quite built for mid-range, so I would argue that the Vise knife is the better gun overall, unless, like I said, you're going from mid-range or close range. I should say if you're going from close range, you better fight it.

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