News - Stop Making This Mistake. How To Rotate Warzone 2 For More Wins

I try to call in my PA, but the airspace is too crowded, so now that this guy is able to sign me, I cannot see his glint. I think glints are kind of buggy in this game, but because we are at this high ground position, all I do is lay down. I played up. We're good to go. I got a little lucky there with that timing, but regardless.

warzone 2 guide

We get the down and finish now one thing in these situations: do not hyperfocus on one area. I see a lot of people, you know, shooting out one guy to the left and that's all they look at, and then you get flanked to your right, so I'm coming to my teammate and saying, "Hey, check the right," and I'm scanning to the right or kind of scanning back and forth constantly.

Now we're scanning, and now they are looking at us, and this is just absolutely disgusting. Okay, it's broken. So we deal with that team on the right, no immediate threat to her, or not all right, we have On the high ground, we are in a zone; there is no need for us to get aggressive here. We can patiently hold this rock and then just scan if somebody were to start shooting at us.

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All we would have to do is prone or crouch behind that rock, and we're good to go. Now we see the precision airstrike going down to the left, and that's kind of where my main focus is, but I'm telling my teammate to look right; if you look at the minimap, he is focused to the right, and then now I'm going to start hearing some shots.

warzone 2 positioning tips

I, now one thing that I dislike about this game is it doesn't Auto equip, your extra kill streak you have to go into your inventory and equip that so I'm going to go ahead and do that here. I'm kind of debating whether to call this PA or not. In general, the rule of thumb is that you only want to call it PA if you already have it down and you're using it to get finished borders.

Mortars, though they're not always very good at finishing, are really good at forcing players to move or even holding players when they have to rotate. I'm going to get some live pings here so I can use that to let my teammate know where I'm shooting at, but again, we're just going to safely play off this high ground and not overexpose ourselves here.

And then we are going to end up with an absolutely amazing Zone pool, but there are still a lot of people left, so there are a lot of possibilities for them to wrap around us, so we are again just going to make sure we are getting as many shots on people as they can as they are forced to rotate us.

warzone 2 tips

It kind of worked out really well for me; it wasn't 100 percent planned, but that's how it worked out. I saw a movement to my left and noticed how I was not overexposing myself. We get the down, and my teammate downs them, and I didn't realize at the time that I was scanning to the right, but then I was like, "Wait, this is the last guy." "My teammate downs him again, so he's gone down twice." I'm chucking knives, and then I did not understand how this happened, to be honest with you.

If Self revives twice, which you can do, he's going to flash me twice, and I'm kind of freaking out at this point, but I go to cover. I can lay down and get behind a cover teammate, which allows the hell errors there to help me, and we get an awesome dub because of smart rotations. If you did, please consider leaving a "like" and subscribing for more.

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Stop Making This Mistake! - How to Rotate in Warzone 2 for more Wins. Many people are struggling with understanding how to make rotations and positioning in warzone 2, but this video is here to help you improve in these skills and hopefully help you get more wins in the process! RPK Polarfire-S Muzzle, FTAC Ripper, High Velocity Ammo, Demo Rear Grip, Aim Op optic.
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