News - Can't Win Warzone 2 Solos. Try This. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

best warzone 2 tips

So in this game, we haven't been doing the best. We had three kills, and we've been using the vehicle to get through the midgame. I just stopped here to refuel, and then I got cracked. Now the best thing you can do in this situation is just run away. I could have topped out of the vehicle and wouldn't challenge this guy, but I didn't know his exact position, although I did know he was in this vehicle, and I had no plates.

When you have no plates, the best thing you can do is disengage. So I head for this building here, hoping I can break line of sight with the guy behind me, unfortunately. This guy actually has a C4, which is quite rare for people to be carrying in this game, so I ditched the car and then managed this batch of him quickly.

This is by far the most overpowered strategy in solos because when you have a car like that, nine times out of ten the enemy is going to follow the trajectory of the car, leaving you a free kill. It was imperative for me that I managed to get out of that car quickly and then dispatch that enemy quickly because I had nowhere he could have taken me.

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Fast-forwarding, luckily, I found in this room a UAV, which is incredibly clutch if you notice on the map here that my positioning is not the best. I don't have the high ground, and I'm in a building, literally, all on my own in the middle of the Zone. The issue with this is, like I've said in previous articles, that I am now completely surrounded, and whichever way I try and rotate out of this building, I'm going to find myself in a bit of trouble.

If you're going for super high-kill games, you can get a bit more aggressive, however. I'm literally stuck in the middle of nowhere, and my vehicle has been destroyed, so I have no option but to sit still now because I'm in this last power position in this very open space, it means that anyone who is rotating in from, say.

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Rack Village and Ronin Oil anywhere from the west of the map is probably going to see this building and want to take it for as it is the last vantage point on this side of the circle, so I need to make sure that I'm listening out for as possible. As far as I can tell, and to be honest, it probably didn't help us chat with a friend in Discord, so I did have to tell him to be quiet a couple of times just because I needed that information now.

how to get solo wins in warzone 2

Right about here, I hear the enemy's footsteps coming in from my right. I know that I have the advantage because you cannot get up into this building from that door to my right, and if he loops back out of the building. I'll hear him, and I also have a clear line of sight on the door in front of me, but I know because he has no idea why I'm here most.

Likely, he's going to try and come up the stairs, so I listen out. I wait for my cue, and then I beam him with the fennec, throw a stun to make sure that if anyone has followed him that's ready to be the third party, they get stunned, and then I finish him off with my rpk. Now the problem that I have here is that I have to go for his bag to get extra plates.

how to improve at warzone 2

I have no spare plates on me, but the problem is that the bag is actually glitched in the wall, so I can't even loot him. This means if anyone tries to push me, I'm going to be out of luck because it's only going to take like one or two bullets before I'm put on my ass. Luckily, the war zone God blesses me, and I get audio again, with which I'm able to drop-shot this guy with literally one HP, which ironically, this guy actually probably saved.

The rest of the match went for me because I was able to take his absolute plethora of places and they had a self-revive for me too, so now I find myself in a much better position than I was in before. I have the zone closing in on me from behind, and once that hits me, I know that portion of the map is going to be clear.

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I don't have to worry about searching behind me because the gas is clearing it for me, and in these late-game situations, sometimes it is better to play the edge of the zone because it does mean that the gas is going to do a lot of the clearing and a lot of the worrying for you. This means I'm able to focus on getting into the new zone, but like lots of things in this game, it doesn't always go in your favor.

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The zone pools completely on the opposite side of the circle, and it's going to force me to cross the water, which isn't ideal at the same time as this happening. I did notice that someone had crept in below me. I thought I heard a noise, but it was the sound of the circle closing, so I popped down the stairs, and, what do you know, a little Timmy was hiding in the bathroom, so again.

I took care of him quickly with my Phenix. This is why I've said in so many articles that the fennec is an absolute must to keep in your back pocket. The fennec absolutely destroys anything at these close ranges, and as a result, you really don't want to be caught with any other weapon in these sorts of situations because, especially if the other person has one, they're going to absolutely decimate.

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So after a quick look around, I decide that the best thing to do is try and cross the river. What I don't want to do is cross in the middle of the open there, which is still in like the desert area, so I'd be lying for these trees, and then what I do is go underwater for as much of the journey as I possibly can.

warzone 2 best tips

If you didn't know, if you dive underwater, you pretty much can't be seen in this game because the water is really murky and, from above, you are almost invisible. So now that I've reached the other side, I've realized that there are only six people left. This gives me a really good chance of winning, especially because I can see that there is a mortar strike going on the other side of the circle.

This gives me valuable information because I know there are at least two people on the other side. However. I am in a very good position because I know that the zone is going to close in on me, meaning, again, that it's going to clear that dead space behind me and in the water, and I'll be able to creep up on top of this wall here and hide behind the garages.

So before I actually commit to jumping up on this wall, I need to make sure that no one is going to run behind those garages. I need to make sure that I am safe from my rear before I can focus all of my attention on what's going on in front of me, so I scout it out for a little bit and then I pop out my fennec again because I know that any sort of engagement I get into from here is going to be in that short range.

Warzone 2 solos are incredibly hard, In this video, I'm going to show you how to easily win Warzone 2 solo matches! I'll share with you my Warzone 2 tips and tricks for winning in this intense online multiplayer game! If you're looking for tips on how to easily win solo Warzone 2 matches, then this Warzone 2 Tips and Tricks Video is for you! By the end of this video, you'll know all the tricks to beating the enemy and taking home the victory.
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