News - This Isn't Another Boring Warzone 2 Gameplay

call of duty

So just the other day I was playing some War Zone, and I was having a blast. Yeah, it was now 1v2 in the gulag. Now, if you're not familiar with this prison, it's pretty awful. It's the place you go after you die for the first time in the game, and to get out, you have to play in a 2v2 gunfight where the winning team gets released back into the game, and the losing team, well, they have to pay their teammates to buy their way back, and here's the worst part: Your teammate in this 2v2 is some random person from the lobby, and if you have the same luck as me, well, they're usually not the best.

So, as soon as I saw that name, I knew I was going to have to be the hard carry, and just as I suspected, a few seconds later, he lived up to his name and left me by myself. Isn't that right? Mr poopy Pants, this was not good. Why do I always get such bad teammates? But that's when I remember that the worst thing you can do in these situations is panic.

I don't need a teammate. I've been in gunfights like this a million times. I don't lose these. Sure enough, I got the dub, but how did I do it well enough for that to make sense? I first have to explain the four tips that I use to win any gunfight when I'm outnumbered, and then we'll circle back to how I use those tips to carry my teammate to that win.


Now the first thing to know is that micro positioning is key to gunfights in war zone 2. I think when people hear positioning, they think about rotations and where they are on the map, but that's macro positioning; it's your general location. You might be here, but where exactly are you? Are you in the middle of the street?

Are you at this window or on this hill? That's your micro position, and here's why it's important if I have an enemy in front of me in a 50-50 gunfight in war zone 2. The time to kill is low, and I don't have fast movement to make my opponent miss shots, so it really comes down to aim and internet speed.

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And with aim assist being so strong, most players have pretty decent names; you don't even have to aim anymore, like not even trolling. But remember, we're talking about gunfights when you're outnumbered, so that 50-50 gunfight is now a losing gunfight, Foreign. wait, wait! We don't need to do that; we can still win these gunfights; we just need to use smart micro positioning, and we do that by remembering the word "ice." Now the first step to any of these gunfights is to isolate your opponents into a 1v1 to give yourself a chance, and I do this in a lot of ways.

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If I'm hunting two guys in a building, I'm probably not going to the front door. I'm looking for a jumping spot and trying to find an angle where I can make each fight a one-on-one. Instead of even pushing the house. I bait them to push me by making noise around them and then holding angles so that only one opponent can see me at a time, and usually one opponent is more aggressive than the other, so it's an easy fight and it doesn't have to be complicated sometimes; it's as simple as adjusting the angle that you're standing in a window so that only one opponent can see you.

high kill warzone 2

Now, isolating your opponents does get more difficult with the more enemies that you have, and that's why you also need to use your positioning to create confusion. No, he's not in the room because I'm up here. Come on, every time I get close to a circle, he disappears. He was remorseful. Look at this! Look at this! He's for sure 100 But, there's still a big problem to all this because, like I said earlier, even if you isolate your gunfights, they're still a toss-up in this gate, and if you're battling against the whole team, you're likely going to be lower on health than the people you're fighting.

That's why, once I've isolated my one-on-one gunfights, I use the environment around me to get an advantage. I make myself a harder target to hit by finding head glitches, which is a great strategy to use when you think you're going to be pushed. And, if I don't have any cover around me and I know it's only one enemy pushing me, I'll oftentimes just hold an off-angle weird position to catch him by surprise.

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So what is micro positioning and how did I win my 1v2 Gulag? Well, kind of, but there were three more tips that I used too, because, let's be real, you can have the best positioning in the world, but this is still a battle royale. The map is huge, and there are going to be times when you can't avoid going out in the open to make a rotation, and with enemies lurking around, nowhere is completely safe, whether foreign.

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So, that's why I constantly tell myself that there's always one more enemy nearby. Now, this is true at any time during the game, but it's especially true when you see someone on the map. It's really easy to get tunnel vision when you get into a gunfight because we all love getting more kills and seeing our stats go up, but you have to remember that the person you just saw almost certainly has teammates, and as soon as you fire your gun, they're going to start to appear out of thin air, and even if they don't have teammates, there's probably a third party waiting at a third party.

So, that's why every time I see an enemy, I'm also analyzing the area that I'm in to anticipate where someone else might appear. This means I try not to be too thirsty for my drinks, and it also means I'm able to snap my aim quickly from one target to another. And if you don't have the game, the firing range works great for practicing as well.

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But even with these two tips, there are just some situations in a war zone that you aren't going to win. We need, To discuss an exit strategy, Yeah. No matter what you do, things are not always going to go according to plan in a battle royale. There are going to be many times when you simply need to run for your life, and that's why you should always have an exit strategy or a plan B at all times.

When I push a team. I always try to think ahead to what I'm going to do if things go wrong, which allows me to react much more quickly to a bad situation because being able to play my life and then reposition gives me multiple chances to take out an enemy team. It's basically disciplined aggression.

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I aggressively push teams, but if I see more than one enemy looking at me and none of them are low on health, I'm pretty much out of there to reposition. Now, I don't want this to sound like I'm telling you to run away from teams that are camped in buildings, because it's actually the opposite. What I'm saying is that you just need to be smart and play your life to give yourself enough opportunities to win your gunfights.

In this video I cover my strategy for winning gunfights in Warzone 2. 0 when you're outnumbered. Get your own HYPR controller.
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