News - Secret Easy Trick To Win 90% Of Warzone 2 Matches

call of duty warzone

If you're struggling to get wins in Call of Duty: War Zone 2, this article is for you. It is a guaranteed strategy to get a win in this game as long as you do exactly what I say and pay attention to all the little details. It would then follow up by showing you the placement of the next circle, so right here If I zoom out on the map, you can see this big old circle right here.

Well, that circle is going to turn into a bunch of other smaller circles, right, but if you go and do a recon contract, it shows you the next circle, and then you do another recon contract, it shows you another circle, and another circle, and another circle, and you keep doing that until you know every single circle that could possibly happen.

Really, you could just do eight of these, and you're good to go. Hey man, I'm going to ask you to mind leaving me alone for a minute. I'm just trying to make a article here, buddy. You're good, Chevalier. Yeah, we're good. Okay, all right, cool, cool. I was just checking. Anyway, you'll continue to do these until they show you the final circle.

cod warzone

And, the secure contract is basically the exact same thing except there's an extra step in between. Now i will say that this gets you fewer experience points than doing something like a safe cracker does, and in a war zone, you could do this contract but also have another contract on the back burner that you could immediately go to next because they'd all show up on the map, but right now you can see obviously not on this map they do show up on your minimap but not on this map, now the only thing about standing beside this is that it's going to shoot this little flare right up in the sky, which is going to give away your position in any scenario, and it also gives you 4,700, so now I have 4,700.

I see the next circle. So, I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to grab another Intel. Knowing the circles isn't really going to get you anywhere if you don't know how to utilize that knowledge to your advantage, and as we go through this game. I'm going to be showing you how to utilize that knowledge because a lot of people get it wrong.


It's like, Well. I know where the circle is going; what do I do now? Like, Knowing where the circle is going, that just means I can go sit in the middle of the next circle, sure, but that's not exactly how you want to play it. I still kind of go for eliminations here and there. I'm not super stressed, but if you really cannot get a win, this is your guaranteed strategy.

It's going to take you a few tries. I'm going to let you know you're not going to be the best at doing this immediately. It's not guaranteed to get you a win on the first try, but it is guaranteed to get you a win. I feel like that needs to be said because a lot of people misunderstand when I say a guaranteed strategy to win.

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I'm not saying on the first try; I'm saying it's going to happen, and this is pretty much guaranteed to get you there as long as you utilize the information handed out to you in these contracts. The good thing about going over here is that we'll probably be able to grab a vehicle. I could just go for that ATV right there; it looks like someone else is doing one over there, which makes sense, so a lot of people are going to do this strategy, and your goal is to outperform them while doing it.

expel warzone

You're doing the strategy; that's the one big thing: if someone else is going to do the strategy, it's pretty much guaranteed they'll live or not. a different thing, and whether you're able to eliminate the people in the last circle again is a very different thing because right now I've only got one elimination.

I got a guy down there that's trying to get Freaky Deaky with your boy. I shot him one time; he's probably going to think twice about trying to fight me right here. I got clustered, which is interesting. You can see that the cluster is coming from down here, which means he's probably still down there.

how to win warzone 2

What I'm going to try and do is take this right here and dive off of it while also pulling my parachute. I'll be able to just do it right here. There we go. When you mark it, by the way, it'll show where exactly it's at because they tend to be on like shelves and things like that I will say once you get close to the contract obviously once you're in this little bubble it'll show you where it's at so if you don't see it pop up on your map, it'll eventually just pop up and then show you exactly where it is once you get close, so if you're near some buildings and it doesn't immediately show, then it's not actually be in those buildings just go to somewhere else that it could be you know and it's pretty much always going to be inside a building I've not ran into a, single one that's like outside of a building and the cool thing about this, is not being pretty.

As well, it's not a bad thing to do if you're trying to get some cash. It's also not a bad thing to do if you're trying to get some guns. Our concern here is whether or not someone's going to be camping at the top, though now a little reminder: I've not gotten any guns; I've done nothing. This pretty much takes up all of your time, so after you do these, the next thing is going to be to go ahead and get some guns.

how to win warzone 2 solos

You're going to have some cash, so you might as well use that cash for something, and let me tell you. I feel like I'm slowly running around the map all the time, so if you can grab something like a helicopter to do it faster, it's always going to treat you better, but, you know, it's up to you because sometimes I will do a helicopter and I'll just get so bored from having it done that I'll start to fight people more often and I'll die because of it.

Right now, we've got two circles on the map. That right there has a chopped-top vehicle beside it, so we can utilize that to our advantage. It looks like they are fighting over here, so that's going to be a little concerning. We had that right there, but that's not happening. Is there another one?

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Yeah, so we're probably not going to be able to get all these done, which is the only thing. As much as I'd like to, the issue is that in Warzone 1, the contracts would respawn if they weren't utilized, but in Warzone 2, they don't, like when the circle closes. Cheval way we're going to go ahead and mark it here because I can't see it.


Wait, is it above? It's above i was like, "Where is this thing?" "How do I get it?" Is there a ladder somewhere? Yeah, there's a ladder right here; this is going to be right here. What you really should do is go for the ones on the edge first. I'll be honest; this is kind of poor planning on my part.

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