News - The Key To More Kills Warzone 2. 0


And you've also got to stay on your toes. But let's get into it. So, I like to land at this building in Almazar City next to High Rise because it has a lot of the formula for high-kill games: get cash, get UAVs, and hunt opponents. So my game plan here is to loot up and then hit the buy button on top of the building.

So I couldn't hear that second opponent's footsteps, so I almost got killed in my challenge, but I threw this stun to prevent him from pushing, and then I checked even further with my Snapshot grenade, which gives me a moment to heal up and then to re-challenge. So as I'm looting this guy. I'm still looking at the UAV, which tells me there are people to my back left, and unfortunately, this guy doesn't have any extra SMG ammo, and I'm just about out, but I don't take the time to look because I want these kills.

Yeah, so that didn't really go according to plan. So, now I'm playing my life because, if you remember. I have no SMG ammo, but that's kind of what Warzone 2 is like since the developers slowed down the movement, and positioning is key in most gunfights, so that's why you can't be afraid to retreat from a gunfight to get to a better position, and now that I have a little bit of SMG ammo.

dreamstrike movement

I decide to go for this Most Wanted. Yeah, so gunfights are kind of weird in this game right now with the server being so laggy and the time to kill so low. I'm afraid to get caught in a sprint animation and lose a gunfight, which is why I'm playing so passively here, Foreign, and that's exactly why I wasn't playing super aggressive.

If I had pushed into that room without looking. I might have gotten shot in the back and died because of the low time to kill, and now with everyone dead, it's time to loot up and get back to the buy station for another UAV. My game plan now is to get to this bridge to cut off this team's rotation.

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There's a wide open space right here where the players won't have much cover, but after over a minute of waiting. I start to get a little bit impatient because I don't see them at all, so I decide to push up foreign, and I let the first guy go by because I'm hoping his teammate is close behind him, but unfortunately he isn't.

high kill warzone 2

So I got really unlucky that they were so spread apart, so now I have to run ahead to make sure that I don't get held from the next circle, and like I said earlier, this game is all about positioning, so I don't get down there, but I head up to this house to keep holding this team from the next circle.


With Warzone 2. 0 having less movement. positioning and playing smart is KEY to get more kills! Get your own HYPR controller.
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