News - The Ultimate Movement Guide For Warzone 2. Movement Tips. Settings



Movement is not dead in war zone 2. It's just very different from War Zone 1, but there are a lot of different techniques we can use to use movement to our advantage to win more gunfights in War Zone 2.


Now, before we jump into explaining how to do these I do want to touch on settings because it's very important we have the right settings so we have the right foundation.

I'm playing with my custom Aim controller that has four paddles; on the back, you don't need all four, but two is really what I recommend if you're going to get a controller with paddles for me; my bottom right is my slide or dive at Circle, and my bottom left is my jump or my X, which is on a PlayStation controller, so I'm using the default button layout because I have those paddles; that's important because I have my jump.

Bumper jumper

I can dive, and I can do all these things while Never taking my right thumb off of the analog stick so I can shoot and move at the Same time now if you don't have a custom controller with paddle If you're playing with a plain default controller and you want to go down. I recommend playing with what's called a "bumper jumper tactical," and what this does is make your L1 jump and then, using your R3 or pressing the right analog stick, crouch, slide, and dive; again, this allows us to do all those moves without ever taking our thumb off the analog stick; it definitely takes some getting used to, but ultimately, this is going to improve your movement because you can shoot and move at the same time.



Now I want to briefly touch on sensitivity. You do not need an incredibly fast sense to have good movement in War Zen too; some of the best players, like Biffle, play on the default six-six sensitivity, and he has phenomenal movement. I would say though that if you're playing at a very slow speed, like below six, you might struggle with some of these because you won't be able to turn around as quickly with a slower speed, but having a sensitivity that is better for your aiming is more important than having it for your movement.

Automatic sprint

Next, I want to talk about automatic. Should you or should you not use automatic, tactical Sprint? This is kind of a controversial issue or topic. I am playing with automatic tacticals on, so when I press my left stick, my guy automatically is going to start tactical sprinting, which is when his gun goes up in the air, and that is your fastest possible movement speed.

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However, this game, especially with non-SMGs, has a very slow sprint to fire time, which is how long it takes for your guy to take his gun up and then for it to come down to start shooting. Because of that, having an attachable sprint off guard with someone in front of you is very bad, so sometimes it might be good to be able to not have it on and just walk around.

I can do that, but I have to very slowly press my left stick, so I would say this if you're someone that has no issue pressing. To get into your sprint, it's probably better to play with automatic tax Sprint off, but I'm just so used to it for Moreza 1 that I'm playing with it on, and in close quarter situations I am strafing a lot to the left, barely pushing my stick, or even crouched walking.

Invert slide

Invert slide

That I can very quickly aim my gun if I need to do so now over in the advanced settings Here, if you go down to where it says "invert, slide into dive behavior," I highly recommend inverting. This because what this does is switch your dive inside, so for me I only have to tap Circle while sprinting in order for me to dive, whereas typically you would hold Circle to die, but instead that is how I slide, and the reason I recommend this is because sliding really doesn't have much use in this game.

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We can't slide and cancel; there's not really any situation where sliding is better than diving. So let's say a guy comes around this corner, and I'm not ready to take this fight. Maybe I'm mid-reloading or something, and I just need to get to cover. I can just quickly run, dive to cover, and kind of reset this fight, whereas before it's a little bit harder to do it in a hold, and there's like a delay because of that hold for you to get to that side or what would be your dive.

Field of view

Now One last thing I want to touch on really quickly with settings is your field of view. I recommend between 100 and 120, and I do have an entire article dedicated to this. Just this, if you're interested in learning more about FOV.

Tactical spring reset

Tactical spring reset

Okay, so now let's actually get into some movement stuff, and first let's talk about how to reset our tactical spring and how we can get from point A to point B the fastest. So in words, on version one, we would side cancel, which would reset our tactical spring; we cannot do that in version two, though, but you can very easily reset it by diving, so once I run out of tax print when my gun goes down, if I dive.

I'm going to get back up, and I'm at a tax mark that doesn't last very long so I can dive again, and I get a tax mark for about a second or so of diving again, and I get it again, and this does 100 percent make you move faster from point A to point B because there have been times where the zone the gas is on my heels, and I'm just barely outrunning it by doing this, but when I start diving.

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I start to catch up and be able to outrun it now there is one other way you can do it, but if you have a throwing knife it tends not to work, so right now I have a throwing knife, and when my guy has it sometimes it doesn't work like there, so if I get rid of that throwing knife though, if I bash it, it tends to work more consistently, so just keep that in mind, but you can run and then you can melee, and that should also reset it. Personally, I think diving is just slightly faster, though, and you don't have to worry about having a throwing knife, so that is typically what I do in games.

Peak corners

Peak corners

All right, now let's discuss how to peak corners in War Zone 2. We can't do that in war zones either, so instead there are a few options.

Number one is the jump peak, but we need to keep in mind that when we jump our ads, our aim down sight speed is much slower compared to if you're just standing, so it's important that you start that jump in the ads earlier so we don't want to do it wrong. At the edge of the corner, we actually want to start a little bit farther back here and start so that when we're landing, our guy is already out there, and this is quicker than if we were to just strafe out and peak here, and this gun actually has a very fast strafing speed, so it's even worse on a lot of other guns, such as an AR.

The Ultimate Movement Guide for Call of Duty Warzone 2 with the best tips and settings to help you utilize movement against your enemies! Become a Crew Member to receive exclusive perks.
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