News - Breaking Down How To Get Better At Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

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In today's article. I want to break down some key points in a mini-BR game that I had yesterday where I can truly highlight some Warzone 2 tips and tricks that are going to help you get better at Warzone 2 super quickly if you can take them on board and implement them into your own gameplay. Before we get into that.

I offer to give you the best Warzone 2 tips and tricks articles as well as uploading the result of the bear hunt on New Year's Day. But without further ado, let's get on with this breakdown. I poke my head around the corner here, and I notice that someone has followed me up the stairs, so I decide the best play is to wait here and wait for them to challenge me with a quick drop shot.

I'm able to down them, but I don't want to push too quickly because I know that he has three more people with him, and if I push down the stairs. I'm going to be an easy target with me coming down on three of them, so I replay every armor in order to make sure that I can take on a fight if there are more than one of them also.

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I mean, this is a mini-BR, and I'm playing with randomness, so in these situations, you really can't have full faith that your teammates are going to be able to pull through because you just don't know who they are as I stand here. I realize that there's a thermite throne from behind me and also underneath me, so I know that the other team is there as well.

I also realize that they have also just read the guy that I downed earlier, which means now it's at least a 3:1, so I head back upstairs and I throw a suppression mine. This means I'll be notified if they try in person, and they'll also be suppressed, so I could challenge them and have a major advantage over them.

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I decide that the best play for me is here because the gas is pushing us in. I need to take this next vantage point, the next power position, and I can hold them off from running out of that building. I see this guy open the door, and I take him out super quickly. Time he peeks here. I'm taking off like three plates at a time, here we go.

I crack him again each time I'm, wearing him thin on his attrition, and he has fewer options, and time is ticking and the gas is going to push him towards me. The best play here is for me to just hold this angle, and that's something that you're going to need to learn if you have a power position.

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If you have an advantage over the enemy, then you have to keep that advantage at all costs because it's going to be that which wins you gunfights and it's going to be that which wins you games in the end. I noticed that this guy is running around the corner here, and he's an easy takedown for me, so the threat is now eliminated.

Further on into the game. I managed to push into the circle. I'm still alive. I've not gotten any more kills, and I've decided to take this power position; it's going to be one of the highest points in this final circle here, and I noticed that there's one other building that's as high as this one, but it's a little bit further in zone, and this building that I'm seeing is going to be the last building in zone, and therefore it's going to be the best position in that final zone.

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Whoever has the top of that building at the end is going to win. I see that there's a duo up there so I take a few shots in there so they're only blue-plated first of all, they're not exactly fully looted if they were fully looted and they have been playing since the game and they haven't been to the gulag then they would have at least a three-plate vest either that or they would have killed someone who had one this tells me that they've probably been sitting on the top of buildings the entire game and this means they're probably not going to be that confident with their gun because they're on top of that building now in that power position.

I know if I'm going to win this game. We're going to have to push that position to, take them out. I went on top of this building and waited for the gas to cover me to cover that door behind me. I know that if I waited a few seconds while that door is in the gas. I'm going to be safe from the rear for my Advance because I would have heard someone cough if they were trying to sneak up those stairwells.

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inside the gas, unless Of course they had a gas mask, but that was a risk I was willing to take. At this point, I decided the best course of action was going to be to jump from the building that I am in now onto the building next to me. This building is not as high as the other one; however, it does give me a little bit of an advantage when it comes to being in the zone and also being able to see the enemies.

I could see across from me there that they're still camping in that building, as expected. I thought they would, but I didn't expect them to move. You can hop into a Discord with your friends and still hear what's going on in the game. This is so useful because not only did it tell me that he was there, but I also heard him say he only had 70 rounds left, and this is valuable information now.

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You saw there that I picked up the smoke grenades on the side, which is also going to be very beneficial. For my next move, again, it's not glamorous or exciting, but sometimes you just have to wait for the zone and see what your options are going to be. I can hear people running underneath me. I don't need to get into a fight with them right now.

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The gas pushes me, and it pushes my hand. I now have to make a play and get around to that building. I can hear shots off to my left, so I decide to use this wall as cover, luckily. I'm able to break this guy on top, forcing him back into play, and I can throw that smoke I just picked up to cover my Advance into the bottom of this building now.

I have two options. I can either wait it out down here or try to kill these two people. I decide that because I don't have a gas mask, I'm going to actually have to finish these two off on the roof otherwise. I'm going to be stuck in the gas, and they're just going to wait me out, and I'm just going to die to the gas, which will be super frustrating.

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Sorry, someone's coming up. I decided to use this drill charge and throw a smoke. The drill charge breaks on one of them, so I know that he's close, and the smoke allows me to push out of the door without getting spotted. I take out the first guy, and then I push all the way to the end of the building because I know that there's still one more.

He was probably plating, and he obviously didn't get all of his plates off, so I was able to kill him easily. At this point, it's really easy, Unfortunate, because I'm on top of the building with no gas mask, and there's obviously a team underneath me of just one guy. Now, I thought maybe if I looted these guys that I just killed, I might be able to find a gas mask, but I couldn't, so I decided I had to play it, and, there we go, I broke my legs.

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If you're looking to get better at Warzone 2. 0, then you've come to the right place! In this video, we'll share with you the best ways to improve your Warzone 2 skills. From tips on how to play the game the right way to strategies for winning, this video will help you level up your game and become a champion in Warzone 2.
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