News - So. Warzone 3

All modern warfare 3 warzone updates confirmed so far

All modern warfare 3 warzone updates confirmed so far

We are going to see what may actually go down as the single largest gameplay change in War Zone history. Obviously in the past with the various Integrations that we've seen between Cold War and Vanguard and the sort of revamp with war zone 2 we've seen a lot of changes here and there with new weapons being added in some new equipment, war zone 2 obviously fundamentally was pretty gamechanging with movement kind of taking a step back pun intended, alongside other things there but the war zone 3 integration or MW3 war zone update whatever you want to call it is going to be big in its own right in a lot of positive ways that we've seen thus far and today I've gone through and collected basically every single detail we know about the initial MW3, war zone update or War Zone 3 update to have in one spot Collective, that way if you have any questions at all about you know the update the integration what is changing what might not be changing.

New map updates & changes for mw3 warzone launch

New map updates & changes for mw3 warzone launch

But like I said initially, we got some major gameplay changes coming with War Zone, but right away on day one, one of the most exciting new things is that we are going to have a brand new map. On day one, we're actually going to have the most available at launch for War Zone ever with a single integration.

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We're going to have YX Stand as the brand new big battle royale map that we'll be replacing all Mazra. Who's to say if that's going to come back? As of right now, there's been no clarification on that, but YX Stand is going to be the main big battle royale map, and on top of that, we're going to see the continuation.

cod mw3

Of asika Island and Von Del and then between those three Maps we are going to see a mix of Battle Royale Resurgence and plunder, all there on day one which is fantastic news in my opinion that means there's a little bit of something for everyone whatever you're looking to play whether it's more casual with plunder and maybe just explore or get a little bit sweatier with Resurgence or Battle Royale you got plenty of choices right there ready and available , but then outside of that initial content, we're also going to see the Fon MW3 integration take place as well, and this is going to bring all of the Modern Warfare 3 weapons to the war zone, so we're going to have those coinciding with the Modern Warfare 2 weapons all in one place we're even going to see plenty of MW3.

Major gameplay changes for warzone 3

Operators, we're even going to see plenty of MW3. Gameplay elements make their way into the war zone gameplay as well, which is a first foreign integration update, so with this, the Modern Warfare 3 movement is going to be integrated. Into the war zone and on top of just the base movement mechanics with slide canceling and everything that's going to be going on there tack stance and whatnot, we are going to see various other MW3.

modern warfare 3

Perks that are movement-based and have a place in Battle Royale have also been shifted into War Zone just by default, so we're going to have a nice mix there, which is definitely going to be very fun to see. Your base character is going to feel a lot different in terms of movement, how they can navigate the map, and how aggressive you can play because of some of the updates being made there on the back end.

We also have some fundamental changes happening as well. Ghost in MW3, war zone is only going to work when you are moving; there is no more sitting still and having ghost protect you. No matter what, the stem tactical boost that we had back in war zone one, where you could pop a stem and gain that slight increase in movement, is going to be back.

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It's not crazy, like it was for a time on Caldera or even back on Verance, where you could slide into a stim boost and just glide forever, it seemed, but it will give you a slide. Advantage there temporarily. Red dots on unsuppressed weapons are in fact back on the mini map, so the classic map is back.

The backpack's been upgraded entirely so that now you can store any ammo type in your backpack at all times. Just by default, it's not going to take up any extra spots there, which is a really convenient backpack upgrade. It's sort of combining War Zone 1's inventory system and the War Zone 2 backpack system into one thing, and personally, I'm a fan of how it works there.

For sure, the gas mask has full customization ability; now you can choose when to put it on or when to take it off, which is also very convenient. Everyone gets a default pistol automatically, and then if you go through and customize your own pistol, you should be able to use that underwater as well.

If you want to upgrade their tear gas, it can also be countered by a gas mask now with the equipment, so there's a lot of, like I said, fundamental changes here that are very, very big and completely game-changing.

New perk/gear updates for modern warfare 3 warzone

New perk/gear updates for modern warfare 3 warzone

In a way that we really have not seen before, in War Zone , with an integration update on top of that, we are going to see a few new innovations. With War Zone here, we're seeing a new selection of perks debut. Combat Scout is one that is returning from War Zone 1 that we have yet to see in War Zone 2, but that will be making its return with the integration here.

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We're also going to have a perk called Shrouded. Which actually pops a smoke grenade when you go down; however, it's not crazy; it's impossible to see through smoke; it's going to give you some cover but won't be as dominant as smoke has been in War Zone 2, according to the developers; there's going to be irritation.

Which allows you to move faster and take less damage in the gas, so if you're someone who is often times playing around the edge of the circle, this could be a pretty clutch perk for you. Also. Resolute gives you increased movement when you are damaged, so rather than Serpentine giving you increased health when you take damage, now it's going to increase your movement, and I much prefer that it really brings a skill. Gap into it rather than just having more health than the enemy all of a sudden, so I think that's a positive change in a cool implementation of a new perk as well, with some new unique updates that are coming with.

New innovative updates coming to warzone mw3

New innovative updates coming to warzone mw3

In MW3, the war zones that are actually specific to the new Y-EX stand map are ones that you can actually control; you can choose to slow them down or speed them up depending on where you're on the train, which I'm sure is going to lead to plenty of very fun moments.

Then there's also going to be horizontal zip lines, so rather than just having zippies that take you up buildings, you'll be able to traverse various areas on the map by taking a horizontal zip line to go from building to building or you know to go over a large gap or something like that, so definitely adding in Unique Piece of Gamep Playay there, and then also the nukes are going to be returning.

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