News - The Huge Warzone Gear Update Is Changing A Lot

The new warzone perk/gear update explained

The new warzone perk/gear update explained

Obviously, we are seeing a ton of major gameplay updates in some articles here. Recently, we've gone through several of the big components that are going to be updated or changed with War Zone when MW3 integrates in early December, so if you want the full details and the full rundown with all the broad overviews for everything, feel free to go and check out those articles.

But today I wanted to focus on something very specific that is going to ultimately be a pretty drastic change to War Zone gameplay, and that is the new perk slashgear.

How perks & being updated for mw3 warzone

How perks & being updated for mw3 warzone

To guarantee you, we are always in the no But obviously, with MW3, we are seeing a revamp to the perk system in multiplayer, and it's becoming this sort of perk and gear investment. Personally, I like the system's updates. You know, from what we got to experience in the beta and what we got to experiment around with the different vests and some of the perk options that we had available.

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I think it's a really cool way to sort of define how you want your game to feel, whether you want to go all in on mobility or you want to go all in on playing a bit more tactically with, you know, doubling up on your guns, limiting what equipment you can use, and doubling up on gear. Maybe there are a lot of really unique ways to go about it.

I'm definitely a big fan of it, however. The system for War Zone is going to be very different, even though it is directly connected to Modern Warfare 3 and the vests and gear available there, and luckily Benny Central and Xbox One actually sat down with Ted Tim, one of the leads over at Raven for War Zone, and we got a lot more clarification on how exactly this system is still going to work going into MW3.

Perks are staying in warzone 3

Perks are staying in warzone 3

They talk about a lot more than just the perks and the gear system here, so if you're interested by all means, feel free to go and check that out after you've watched this one, but perks are still going to be the main thing in War Zone, and that's the big thing to note right away in multiplayer.


It's not really called Perks. it's the vests and it's the gloves and it's the overall gear system right even though the vests and the gloves and the boots are still doing what perks do it's just been rebranded, to fit the sort of revamp that they're going for war zone though is still going to be these perk packages that we've had throughout the year with war zone 2 so you can mash up a couple of those and for the most part you know in war zone 2 it's been a pretty constant stream of the same perks being quote unquote meta for the year for the most part a few changes here and there based on Buffs and Nerfs but we all know what the go-to perks are for most situations, now but what they were going for here is the sort of continuity between multiplayer with MW3.

And War Zone has the integration update when it comes to movement and how weapons feel, so the base movement of MW3 is obviously much better, at least in my opinion.

Base mechanics of mw3 multiplayer are in warzone mw3

It's a subjective term. I know, but the movement's a lot more aggressive than in years past. You know, with MW2, we're going back to slide canceling; we've got the tax stance; we've got the more fast-paced, arcade-like movement similar to MW 2019.

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And War Zone 1 alongside the weapon feels with the lower visual recoil, low recoil in general, it's a bit more laser beam like for some weapons over range and whatnot, again similar to War Zone 1 in a lot of ways, so base right out of the gate you're going to have various different things from MW3, perk movement, and gear system applied to your character, so things like slide canceling, tax stands, and whatnot are going to be available outright.

It's not like it's going to be exactly like War Zone 2 now, and you're going to have to stack a perk on there to get slide canceling back or anything like that. No, outright, the movement system at its core is changing, which is fantastic news, but with the perk system, this is where things get kind of interesting.

Devs are happy with the perk & vest system in warzone

Devs are happy with the perk & vest system in warzone

Overall, Ted Tim has explained that the development team feels like perks are currently in a very good place in the war zone. They found a decent balance for them, although, like I said.

I do feel like the perk meta is a little bit monotonous, here and there, because it's sort of the rotation of the same perks constantly, but they feel like they have a pretty good balance for things. They also like the perk package system, where you could drop your perk packages in the game. Stow multiple if you're trying to switch out.

You know, late game, you want to get Ghost, but then you want to switch back to say high alert or something. You can do so you can find them in the world and pick up those perk packages from chess. They're happy with what they've done there with the changes they've made over the past year, or they're also happy with the current vest system that we have in War Zone, which is not the same vest system as in multiplayer.

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Obviously, for multiplayer, the vest for Overkill, or for doubling up on gear in War Zone, the vest system is like the medic vest, the communications vest, or the ghost vest, obviously allowing you to have those extra perks without needing to run. You know, by tuning up for that faster revive or ghost to stay off the mini map, you can really upgrade your overall. Arsenal I guess in your kit by finding those vests in game, and it does add in an RNG element to it for sure, so the developers have said they liked all that stuff, and if they were to change to this gear system, with the boots and the gloves and the vest like multiplayer, they'd basically be throwing all of that away and having to start from the ground up to balance things with the vests and with the gear while those are not transferring, into the war zone here.

Some modern warfare 3 ␜perks␝ are coming to warzone 3

Some modern warfare 3 ␜perks␝ are coming to warzone 3

Ted Timmons did officially confirm that there are several perk benefits to what the vests, gear, boots, and gloves offer in multiplayer. We are going to be going into Modern Warfare 3 war zone if they fit in war zone gameplay and if they fit in battle royale gameplay without being obviously super broken or, on the inverse, completely useless right now.

The downside here is that they did not go into specifics with what perk benefits would be transferring into war zone that we could use on our custom perk packages or maybe see as vests at some point in the future as well, but they did confirm that yes, multiple perks from Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer will end up in war zone, just not under their classification.

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