News - Warzone: The Big Reset Update

The reset update for warzone & modern warfare 3 explained

The reset update for warzone & modern warfare 3 explained

ladies and gentlemen. With Modern Warfare 3 and the upcoming integration and update for War Zone, we are going to see our next major reset update take place. This is a pretty standard thing for every single year when the new Cod drops; however, this time around it is a little bit different because there's more going on in certain areas and less going on in other areas, so I wanted to give you guys all the details on this reset update here today so you know exactly what to expect when the time comes.

And if you're new here, you want to guarantee you're up to date with absolutely everything going on in COD. I got you covered every single day with news updates, reveals, meta breakdowns, and everything in between, but yeah.

Standard rank reset for modern warfare 3

With Modern Warfare 3 on launch day, November 10th, we are going to see one major initial reset update go out for everyone who's jumping on to Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer.


For the first time and that is just your overall Fresh Start, obviously MW3, being a new multiplayer experience everyone's going to be starting fresh at level one for that now if you have your MW2 weapons available from obviously playing multiplayer or war zone or DMZ this year those are going to be available but right away everyone is going to be level one you're going to have to go through your initial ranks there 1 to 55 or 1 to 50 whatever it ends up being to unlock the base stuff within Modern Warfare 3 all the new weapons there the new gear SL perks equipment, field upgrades Everything like that very standard every single year for a Call of Duty title, you are going to be starting fresh at level one now and going into the war zone integration in early December.

Once that happens, you'll be starting with wherever you are currently in the Modern Warfare 3 era, so if you reach Max rank in the Modern Warfare 3 preseason, which is that time from launch up until season one in the war zone integration. That's where you're going to start that level most likely; however, if you don't end up buying Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and you're just afraid to play player waiting for war zone, then you're going to be starting there at level one again, having to rank up through those base ranks to get all these standard MW3 unlocks, but this is not out of the ordinary for any new cod in any given year; this is the case with every single new iteration to the franchise, so no real surprises there, but just a heads up, yes, you're going to have to start at level one to unlock all the new stuff for that.

The stat reset in modern warfare 3 & warzone

The stat reset in modern warfare 3 & warzone

Initially, what is different this time around with the reset update is likely going to be stats because this year has been very awkward with this. Now there is no official confirmation, but we do have some context clues out there, so if we get any official announcements on this in the future. I'll be sure to have that updated information in a article down the road, so stay tuned for that.

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But this year, when it comes to Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, or DMZ, or War Zone with Resurgence, or Battle Royale, or anything else, stats have been absolutely abysmal, quite frankly. Combat records basically being non-existent for part of the year, and then once they were there, having your stats actually track correctly is about as impossible a task as we've seen, whether it's all of your deaths counting but none of your kills counting, so you're basically just tanking your KD, but it doesn't affect your matchmaking whatsoever, which is super awkward and very weird.

cod mw3

That's been a major problem across the board for some time, whether it is camo tracking and you know your kills not progressing correctly in multiplayer at times or your wins not tracking correctly on the leaderboards. Stats this year basically have not functioned correctly at any given point from start to finish, which is more than likely insinuating that with Modern Warfare 3, they're likely going to go all in on a full reset and just sort of start from scratch.

Again, there's no official clarification on that, but it just seems to be the most likely scenario, especially because it also appears they are upgrading stats for War Zone's MW3 integration update. War Zone ranked a site that actually uses the War Zone API to get various different details for meta builds and whatnot from other similar sites, like War Zone stats.

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Cod Munity would also use said API to help build their sites out with information. And this year that API has not been publicly available, so we really haven't been able to utilize those sites to their fullest extent because they are limited in the information they can actually take from the API, but War Zone Ranking did tweet out saying stats update Activision is developing a stats API for War Zone 2.

I have learned that some automated war zone tournament platforms already have access to this, launching their services. Unfortunately. I don't have any information if war zone ranal will gain access fingers crossed, but this API is something that's going to exist, and hopefully it will become available to the point where stats are going to be widely available and this will be used for correctly tracking war zone stats moving forward.

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But it does seem like if they're going all in on a new stats API for War Zone, it likely means that they are recognizing the major problems that we had with stat tracking this year and are upgrading that for MW3. War Zone in the future beyond that, so that's definitely good news.

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