News - This Could Be Bad News For Mw3 Warzone

My biggest concerns & worries with mw3 warzone

My biggest concerns & worries with mw3 warzone

Now that Call of Duty Next has come and gone, we've got to experience the MW3 beta. We now have a lot more details as to what to expect with the next integration for War Zone, the MW3, and the War Zone integration that'll be happening with season 1 in December, and while for the most part it does seem like we're getting back on track with War Zone after this sort of roller coaster year with MW2 and the launch of War Zone 2.

I do still have some pretty large concerns with War Zone overall. Some things are a bit, you know, smaller in terms of some gameplay features; some are much longer and kind of Encompass.

Warzone servers are a serious problem

Warzone servers are a serious problem

But I've jotted down a handful of things that, throughout my, you know, analysis of all the war zone gameplay that's been out there and the new details that we've learned about it definitely stand out to me as possible worries. Initially, right away, something that you know also spanned throughout War Zone 1 and definitely here in War Zone 2, the servers.

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Call of Duty servers are not good. They're not good in multiplayer; they're not good in DMZ. They're not good in war zones. They lag There's packet loss. There are all sorts of stability issues here, and it just makes the overall gameplay experience worse for everyone. You could have the best possible game ever with fantastic movement, great gunplay, and awesome customization. Admittedly i don't have much hope that it's going to change much because they haven't done so the entire past year, and they've been about as bad as they could be this past year in terms of, you know, the gameplay experience there with packet loss, you know, skipping and hitching around; they really haven't addressed it yet, so that's where my hesitation and skepticism come from, but you know, ideally they do actually end up fixing something with the servers because, like I said, that limits you so much regardless of how good the game play is.

Holiday break issues for warzone␙s mw3 integration

Holiday break issues for warzone␙s mw3 integration

This is another thing that's going to return now, like it was back during the Cold War and the Vanguard era, basically because this is an integration; it's not a full new game like War Zone 2 was at launch or even War Zone 1 was at launch. When we see season 1 drop in December, we're going to have this integration take place; it's going to stack on top of what we already have within the war zone, bringing the new YEX stand map, the new MW3, weapons, and gameplay mechanics.

Vanguard dropped the integration; the devs went on break, and Krampus was running wild on the map, ruining the gameplay experience, and it doesn't get fixed because the devs are on break. Well. I do have more faith that this integration is going to be much smoother than those because of these similar engine mechanics between war zone 2 and what war zone 3 is going to be or what the integration is going to be with MW3.

It's possible that there are still some major hiccups with this integration. And I really hope that because they're going to have their holiday break right after this launches in December, there's not issues that are put on pause, because no one's in the office for the holidays; they absolutely deserve their breaks, and I hope they're all fantastic, but I do hope the state of the game for those couple of weeks while they're out of office is not a mess because things aren't going to be able to get fixed, so that break right after launch is definitely a big concern as well.

The mw3 warzone player count may not be enough

The mw3 warzone player count may not be enough

Something that we saw during Call of Duty next initially was the player counts on Yik stand being at 99 for the trio play test. We're not sure what the final player count is going to be for War Zone MW3, if it's going to be 150. It's been standard for some time if it's going to be 120, like what we had on Al Mazra, if it's going to be 100 in quads, duos, and solos or 99 in trios; we just don't know yet.

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It could have been dropped down to 99 just for the player test there because they didn't have enough seat fillers there to have a full 150 or they didn't have confidence that it would be stable with 150. The player count on the map is a little bit concerning; it is a tad bit smaller than what Al Mazra looks like, and everything's a bit more condensed in terms of the pois.


So in theory, there should be more action where the zones are sped up a little bit more, so the match should still flow relatively quickly and fast-paced like Call of Duty Battle Royale should, but still, that player count is a concern for me as of right now.

Warzone anti cheat needs so much work

This next one, much like the server issue, is one that I think is universally accepted as a major concern.

The anti-che, we know there's going to be cheaters right on day one. There are losers out there that will spend money on this free-to-play game so that they can shoot guns better in a virtual online lobby and have cheats that help them do so. I will never wrap my head around that mindset; it's the Biggest Loser mentality, but there will be cheaters, and Ricochet will not catch all of them.

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We know MW3 is going to have a Ricochet update with new things to block cheaters, but eventually they will bypass that, and Ricochet will have to update again. I hope we see some serious improvements to Ricochet because, while it's done a job the past couple of years, it's definitely not done a perfect job. Admittedly, it probably never will because it's an ongoing battle with cheat developers updating their stuff, but hopefully Activision does get it together a little bit more and offer some good improvements that really limit the cheating and the impact that it has on gameplay.

The suppressor meta may return in modern warfare 3 warzone

The suppressor meta may return in modern warfare 3 warzone

This next one, admittedly, is a little bit smaller, but it's still a concern as of right now.

With the mini map working as normal, now we've got a red dot showing up if you're shooting an unsuppressed weapon or if you're not moving with a ghost, the suppressor meta, or the silencer meta. You date back to War Zone 1. Basically, every single meta setup had a monolithic suppressor on it or an agency suppressor on it; everyone had to use the best suppressor for their meta long range because otherwise they'd be showing up on that mini map, and it made for a lack of diversity in terms of your class setups.

So far this year. I will say that, going off the MW3 attachments that we had access to in the beta, the prosing cons seem really good for the suppressors, and I hope that translates to the full game with all of the weapons that are available and all the attachments. I think it'll be good if they divert from that with certain weapons or attachments; it could be a bit rough.

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