News - Warzone: Surprise Meta Update Patch Notes. New Broken Updates, Gameplay Changes, More

New warzone update didn␙t actually fix everything it said it did␦

New warzone update didn␙t actually fix everything it said it did␦

Missing & broken updates from 1.44 patch notes

Missing & broken updates from 1.44 patch notes

There's a little bit of a recap here, as we can see they fixed the issue causing automatic tax Sprint to interrupt attempts to reload a weapon, and when this update first dropped, this was not fully the case. It allowed players who used automatic tack Sprint to reload their weapon if they didn't touch anything while they were reloading their weapon, but for players who used basic automatic Sprint or single tap Sprint single tap run stuff like that, the bug was still entirely present for them.

Now there have been some updates to this that we'll get to in just a moment, but first before we jump to that, they also say they fixed an issue causing prioritized interact settings on controllers to prevent players from reloading. And really, this is the issue: when you're reloading, you're not able to interact with chests, or you're not able to pick things up off the ground if you're in a loot pile because you just took somebody out.


You're basically stuck in the reload, and once that finishes, then you can open up a chest, then you can pick up plates, pick up a streak, or whatever it is, or close a door right, but not while, which is what was happening before and everything was fine. Well, this was not actually fixed because that issue is still very persistent.

There are times where it seems like okay the interaction worked as normal or if you change over to like prioritize reload, you can reload and hold to open up and interact and pick things up, so there are ways to navigate it, and it doesn't seem like it is consistently happening every single time it's completely broken, but it's definitely not fully fixed, and that sort of interaction with reloads still feels very clunky and very wonky.

modern warfare 3

Also, this is a section from yesterday's update article where I was going through the patch notes, and as you can see on the multiplayer side of things, there's this specific tab just above the zombies option where they talked about rank play and how they restricted a new suppressor in the EMD mine and the enhanced vision goggles.

Well, surprise, those restrictions also did not make it into the update, and funny enough. I was checking the patch notes because I was like. I swear, this was noted in here, and when you refresh the patch notes now and scroll down. They just completely took that section out of the patch notes entirely because when Cod updates posted Hey, new updates are live.

Also read:

Here's the patch note. There were a bunch of responses saying: This stuff's not restricted; in ranked, I can still use the suppressor, and I can still use the enhanced vision goggles, so that was a premature patch note. I guess it was supposed to be in the update, but it didn't make it into the final version, so they just completely removed that from the patch notes entirely, and it'll probably reappear whenever we see more patch notes go live, whenever that is, so yeah, unfortunately, yesterday's was supposed to fix all the gamebreaking.

modern warfare 3 patch notes

The issue update didn't fix all the game-breaking issues. The good news is, though, that, as I alluded to earlier , they did fix some of their fixes that didn't fix things, so Cod updates posted this yesterday afternoon saying.

Full reloaded bug update & fix is live in warzone & modern warfare 3

Hey, new updates are out for War Zone. This would also apply to multiplayer and zombies as well we've updated tactical Sprint to no longer interrupt the weapon reload animation if a player begins to move and tap the Sprint keybind this applies to controller and PC, players will simply reduce to normal Sprint speed until the end of the reload so this is working exactly like it was before the update now but when the update first dropped if you had automatic tax Sprint or if you used basic automatic Sprint or single tap to Sprint or anything like that you could start reloading, in a basic, either walking speed or standard Sprint speed but the second you clicked your left thumb stick in to tack Sprint or to get that full Sprint or if you pressed shift on your keyboard or whatever your Sprint Key bind is it would stop the reload immediately.

Also read:

So, that had a huge impact on pretty much everyone. Still, it really wasn't a fix for the reload issue, so they did put this update out now and they addressed that, so reloading, sprinting, and reloading on the move now seem to be working entirely as intended regardless of your automatic Sprint layout, whether you're using automatic tack Sprints or nothing at all or automatic Sprints.

All of that should have been working as intended when I was playing last night. I wasn't having any issues with that; however. Cod updates have not posted about the interaction bug still being present, which I felt plenty of times while playing last night, which is very unfortunate because that's also a major disruption to just general game flow.

Other mini update patch notes in warzone & mw3

Other mini update patch notes in warzone & mw3

Cod updates did also post another thing that they ended up updating, so new updates and patches are out for Modern Warfare 3.

Also read:

We've deployed a fix or an update to address an issue preventing the six quick scope kills at the MCW. Challenge from tracking progress, so if you're going for your AM-9. Burst aftermarket part there, and you're trying to do this challenge with the MCW I think it's like 15 quick scope kills or something like that.

I wasn't initially tracking at all, but now that should be working, so if you're going for that on the multiplayer front, you shouldn't have any issues with any of those specific weekly challenges. Obviously, for zombies and War Zone, this wouldn't apply the same, but it's nice to see that was updated pretty quickly if only that speed was applied to some of the other problems.

More warzone & mw3 updates & known issues revealed

More warzone & mw3 updates & known issues revealed

And then lastly, just briefly taking a look at some of the troll boards here, they have changed around a few things.

As you can see, for instance, quick scope kills of the MCW were initially listed as fixed scheduled, so they have to go through and update that and bring that over to the release and resolution. That was going crazy after the season 3 Reloaded update, allowing PlayStation players to not get on with the game at all.

They did fully release a fix for this, but now they just didn't post about it on the Cod Updates account, and I kind of understand why this one wasn't fully updated, said, or mentioned because that probably would not have been well received. The store was fixed on PS5; there was a visual glitch with some bundle tiles, so they did fix the store promptly, and obviously if they post that, they're just going to get a of course the store is fixed because, quite frankly, the storage seems to never break, but yeah, they do have a couple of fixes scheduled here for other things.

New WARZONE UPDATE PATCH NOTES Fix their fixes that didn't fix things.
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