News - Warzone: New Surprise Meta Update Patch Notes. Major Reloading Glitch Fix Delayed. Warzone Update

New surprise meta update patch notes in warzone/mw3

New surprise meta update patch notes in warzone/mw3

ladies and gentlemen. We saw yet another surprise update go live within War Zone in Modern Warfare 3, this time to address some rather interesting parts of the meta and also to provide an update on some of the major gamebreaking. Most of the obnoxious bugs that we've had in War Zone's history since season 3 Reloaded ended up breaking a handful of things, so as we dive into all the patch notes here today, as you can see, we've got our Friday.

May 3rd update. But our Friday-made third patch notes in and of themselves don't feature a ton of things, but what they do feature is very important, so initially for general updates they say the ongoing issue affecting automatic tax Sprint functionality, causing it to disrupt attempts to reload a weapon, is a top priority right now.

modern warfare 3

Rest assured, our team is diligently working on implementing a solution that we're anticipating releasing sometime next week. I'm not quite sure what is so broken about this that they can't just like revert like it seems like they went through and they added in the boots in multiplayer that were meant to add in the ability to cancel reloading with tax Sprint specifically, and that then applied to the entire game, and that's what's causing severe issues now with not being able to reload unless you're standing still or like strafing side to side when using Autox Sprint, but apparently it's not as simple as simply removing that from the game, and then it's just all fixed.

modern warfare 3 update

There's something conflicting there that's causing this major issue, so they say sometime next week, which means throughout the weekend we're still going to have this issue persisting, which is super unfortunate, but there is an update here. However, there's also a new issue that's arose that kind of also interacts with this that we'll talk about here in just a moment that they are investigating, but then we actually get some surprise meta updates as well, and I can't say this is one that I thought was going to happen this quick, but I knew that this was going to happen.

the Jack Nightshade kit on the DG58. LSW's broken close range meta has already been nerfed, so the max damage was decreased from 33 down to 30. That is a decent nerf there; obviously, the damage was so broken on the DG58. LSW conversion for close range, and really everywhere, honestly, but especially in the close range, it was outgunning everything else, so that's already been nerfed there.

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The near to Mid damage was also reduced to 27, down from 30, so that's balanced out now. The mid-to-mid damage was reduced to 24 down from 28, the max damage range, where it was super effective in its first damage range, was decreased from 19 M down to just under 13, and the near-to-medium damage range was reduced from 30 M down to 24 and its headshot multiplier.

modern warfare iii

Was also reduced by a decent amount from 1.4 to 1.15. Five, so yeah, the Jack Knight shade was crazy busted for about a day and a half or so, and it's definitely now been nerfed a decent amount to limit its capabilities now in that close range meta, so if you used it while it lasted. I hope you had fun with it.

We obviously covered it in a article yesterday, so if you were looking to have fun with it and you had the notifications on for the articles, you probably got a chance to use it. If not, you might have missed out, but the DG58 conversion kit has now been nerfed. They've also provided a new update on the Lockwood MK2, which could be rather interesting, and the Jack Wardens aftermarket part, which is the model 1887s.

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They had a whole bug going on where you couldn't fire the akimbo versions of them at the same time, so it's just shoot one, shoot the other. Shoot one, shoot the other. They say they fixed an issue causing shots to not hit in the expected location while firing simultaneously. However, there's also been some reporting.

I've seen some articles posted on Twitter and whatnot of both weapons being able to be fired at the same time, so a couple of updates there. The Jack wardens could end up being a bit of a problem in the close range meta, similar to maybe the Lockwood 680 when that was a little bit more powerful, but for the most part.

I don't think it's going to be anything too game-breaking. Cross my fingers; they didn't adjust something else that just makes it utterly busted and broken. Also briefly going back to the discussion of the automatic tack Sprint issue going on. Charlie Intel makes a very valid point here: the fix taking longer most likely means it needs a full patch update to actually be fixed, and just a simple hot fix like what we have now with the update requires a restart, which is all this update is, is not capable of fixing it, so it's very possible that sometime next week we're going to have I think it's going to be the 1.44 title update going live, and that'll probably be a small one, but we'll end up fixing this, so we'll keep our eyes out for that.

Of course, when those patch notes drop or when that change takes place, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated.

New major fixes & changes revealed for warzone & mw3

New major fixes & changes revealed for warzone & mw3

Now, beyond the patch notes for today , there have also been several other updates to other issues that are ongoing right now, including Postseason 3 Reloaded, which the Trello boards preview here. Cod updates are also posted about a couple of these, but they are still investigating Dev Error 5433.

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Weapon prestige camos are not available on MW2 weapons with the season 3 Reloaded new feature. You can go through and earn 150, 000 XP for any given gun and get that weapon. XP camo I'll actually have a weapon XP guide probably up on my second channel maybe later today, so keep an eye out for that, but with this, it's supposed to be on MW2 guns, and currently it's not functioning as intended, but that will be a feature at some point in the future, and then they do have the fix scheduled here.

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