News - Sledgehammer, You Really Messed Up. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Review

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded review

But still you know, it's still hype still a lot of buildup new items new content new everything I was really expecting a bit more and even though I was happy with a lot of the content I'm using, it was just a disaster overall first and foremost people couldn't even get into the experience war zone was busted if you even try to consider picking up a load out you're done for I mean just look at this clip right here you could see players just getting devastated, absolutely devastated and this ruins the whole war zone experience and this has been going on all day now of course as you guys know I record my articles the day before it might be fixed by the time this article goes live on the 18th, of January.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded update

But for the time being a whole day of this is not a good look and once again it's a bad First Impressions people have to understand first impressions are the most crucial thing and if you turn someone away right out the gates they're not going to come back and that's exactly what they're doing here I mean you know some people can tolerate a lot of crap but this is above and beyond this is basically devastating the game and also leaked over into multiplayer, every single time you tried to save a custom Loadout in your multiplayer class you get booted right out to the home screen again and again and again and again so you weren't allowed to go ahead and do anything of that sort, and on top of that all of the challenges were pretty much bugged for half of the day the SMG was complet completely off limits you couldn't even consider going ahead and unlocking that unless you go ahead and buy the bundle from the store and the lmg a bunch of the challenges themselves.

A were either not tracking as in nothing was even looting or B certain challenges were just completely incorrect like I know for multiplayer getting kills with the aod or whatever scope is a completely incorrect task it's a completely different scope and they're leading you in the wrong direction again nothing crazy it's just a typo but again a typo will go a long way with ruining someone's experience imagine going three games of thing and it's just bugged and still seeing no progress on it you know your typical person would just hop off the game at that point they're not even going to try going for that challenge again.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded weapons

These are minor things that should not be, like this at the launch of a mid-season event, which again is a big update. This isn't small; these aren't minor tweaks. This is, you know, a big boy update that's meant to, you know, get a lot of people back into the game. You can't be making these small mistakes, these simple mistakes.

Everything should have been checked over a thousand times before launching again. I understand launch bugs; it always happens. You know you can't launch any update or anything without something going wrong, but this right here is absurdly wrong, and it's been going on since the first day this game launched.

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Every single time either a new aftermarket part comes out or a new weapon comes out, anytime there's a challenge, nothing tracks. Nothing tracks again, I've been very, very patient with this. You know this problem here, and I've been very kind about it, but you know, when it happens month after month now, this is starting to become a bit of BS.

modern warfare iii season 1 reloaded

Why is this still happening in this game? Why is it that every single update drops nothing? You can't do any challenges, and it seems like more and more things break. Very disappointing, to say the least. On top of that, the ranks haven't been fixed, and when you look at the end of the game scoreboard, everybody's still locked at level 55.

They worked, okay, and the damage actually made sense, whereas in this game they still feel severely underwhelming. And what did they do? They buff the Swarm, which was already The Meta in the beginning this was already The Meta they buff it again; they buff the Rival, which was already The Meta; they completely ignore the AMR; and they give the striker a little bit of a buff.

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Why should the rival have? I mean, honestly, the Rival change wasn't too bad; they made sure it had less horizontal recoil, which is exactly what needed to be done. I mean, this was an amazing change, and it's very minor, so it's not that much of a buff; it's just aligning the gun a bit more, but the Swarm buff is completely uncalled for; it literally got an increase to maximum damage range and an increase to near medium damage.

modern warfare iii season 1 reloaded review

Range first and foremost, it's already the best SMG in the class for range combat. They're making it even better now at range combat, and it's already a demon up close and personal. You know, from season to mid-season, whatever it is, there is going to be a meta shift. This isn't shifting the meta.

I have to be honest. I'm a partially I'm a tad bit disappointed here. I was expecting a lot more feedback, a lot more communication, and a lot more focus on trying to emphasize things. I mean, the perk balance wasn't even adjusted whatsoever. The perks are still going to be the same. People are still going to be saying the same meta stuff because there have been no adjustments, and the funny thing about it is that they buffed the bone conduction headset or whatever it's called, but it's not even a good buff to give us counterplay to the perk variety; it's just a buff to make it even better at, you know, canceling out background noise on the Battlegrounds.

That's literally it. That's literally it. No, I don't want that from the bone conduction headset. I want counterplay. But you're telling me people are going to stop using the Swarm, the Rival, and the MTZ, and the no is not a chance not a chance and if you tell me otherwise. I don't know what to tell you because these guns are absurdly dominant and they have done nothing in this update to pull you away from using that stuff, and the same goes for other things; they have done nothing in this update to pull me away from dead silence, they have done nothing in this update to pull me away from the Assassin's Fest, they have done nothing in this update to do anything, and I'm going to rock the same thing over and over and over again with a little bit of extra content.

Have the challenges been tracked for you? Are there any improvements? What do you think of the LMG and SMG? all the above, and of course, subscribe and hit that bell, guys. We post daily here at 8 in the morning Eastern time, and we will be covering absolutely everything. I'm going to be doing an in-depth article describing this new map, showing you guys my routes and how to play it, specifically what guns might be best suited for this map.

The same thing applies to you reviewing the new SMG and the new LMG. I might be testing out the new game mode content; there's a lot of stuff coming in the future, so of course, if you guys are interested, subscribe and hit that bell. Last but not least, we do it over on KCK, and we will indeed be grinding the LMG parts and also for the SMG today on Stream.

We do it over on Kick, and that stream starts around 12:00 to 1 p.m.

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