News - I Think It's Time To Take A Break With This Warzone 2


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Over time, when it comes to the Call of Duty community, especially after the jetpack era of Call of Duty, small maps have become more and more popular within this community, to the point where anything that is known is known. The larger side of medium is instantly frowned upon you know instantly frowned upon even if it's a great design.

It's absolutely despised because it's not a very small, condensed-sized map. Now, you know, I never really understood where this mentality came from because Call of Duty has always had huge maps in it. I feel like that era of Call of Duty. Really changed the mindsets of what people want out of a Call of Duty game when it comes to the pacing, and fast forward to the current date, and you just see the community ramming at them more and more and more, even to the point where Infinity Ward made a bunch of jokes about how people only want to play shipment; it was something about that I completely forgot, but you guys know, that you know it's just known in the community that all people want is a shipment.

modern warfare 3

Rust your nuke town, so on and so forth, hijacked. Very small-paced maps where the action is right up in your face; you know it's not much, rotating, or, you know, strategy. I should say it's mostly just, you know. I want to find combat as fast as possible in the simulator, and you just get thrown into the grinder, and you just try to get as many bodies as you could possibly get.

Those maps have been really prioritized over these past years, and we're at a point here in Moder Warfare 3 where it seems every single time an update's going to be dropped, we are getting small maps. I mean, for the love of God, in Modern Warfare 3 right now, we already have four: rust, shipment, meat, and now Stash House.

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They're continuously making more and more new maps every single season that are prioritized over these very small, condensed, basic maps. And it's starting to worry me and also disappoint me because, again, I don't want that to be the direction. I love medium-styled maps. I'm guilty i love large maps.

modern warfare 3 season 2 das haus

I really love large maps, but I think the point that I can make with you guys is that our middle ground can be medium-sized maps. Medium-sized maps are still really fun, especially when they're well-designed, and they offer so much more variety than small-scale maps. You know, with these small-scale maps, there's not much to them really; it's pretty much the same play style across the board on every single one of them, with slight changes like rust you know you want to be up at the top.

If you want to hold some crazy spawn traps, either that or you're going to hit up the four corners, but the Four Corners is basically every other small map; you just hit up the four corners and you play for really bad spawns and get a crazy amount of kills, and then rust is the slight difference where yeah, if you go to the top, you can even hold the spawns even harder.

That's all there is to these maps. I don't think that development time should be hyperfocused on a map that doesn't really take that much thought to run through. You get what I'm saying here. I don't want to say don't put any small maps in the game at all, right? I'm not saying that because small maps are indeed crucial for COD, especially for camo grinders and people who love to do challenges.

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That's going to be a lot of small maps in this game, all you know, bunched up, and I understand. Yeah, this game only launched with Modern Warfare 2 2009 Maps; that's the only content we had, so, and you know, there's not that many small maps besides rust in that game, so they're trying to make up for it.

I guess, but I hope they don't overcompensate. Because, again, they're just so basic; they add no variety when I see them in the playlist. When I see it about to get chosen, I just think to myself, There's no point in playing Obj; there's no point in even thinking. I'm just going to hit one of the four corners.

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I'm going to try to, you know, go ahead and I'll streak up if I can streak up, and that's it. Maps offer so much more. Even large maps offer you so much more. The power positions flank routes in such a way that you can actually maneuver and use pretty much anything across the board, like, for example, departure.

modern warfare 3 season 2 mid season

I know this map gets a ton of hate, but seriously, when you get down to learning it and understanding the routes, there are so many ways to flank, push, and be aggressive. It's phenomenal it's fun you know once you actually understand what you're doing, and I enjoy that I enjoy hopping back in and finding something fresh on the map that I haven't noticed the last time I played it and slowly learning more and more and more and more, and you know, getting that skill gap of map knowledge.

I really enjoy that it's really in-depth, and it adds something to learn in the game compared to a bunch of maps that, like I said, are very simplistic. I'm not saying Stash House is bad. I think Stash House is a phenomenal concept; it's literally a shipment just better designed. You know, if I had to play this or the shipment, this is the one that's getting chosen, but we can't deny the fact that the game is literally the same exact game played over and over and over and over again.

modern warfare 3 season 2 stash house

Each one of these maps is pretty much the same style, just slightly, you know, changed in one way or another. And, again, not bad. It is really proven that they know how to make a map in this game. I have not hated one map yet when it comes to any of the DLC for this title: small map, medium map, large map I've enjoyed them all so far, you know.

I'm trying; they're really good. I'm sorry, and I love grease. I don't hate any of the maps. I think that they are phenomenal. I feel like Sledgehammer has found a great style of map design for all play styles to be able to enjoy. But we're getting so few, and you know that's the roughest part: that we're getting so few.

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I wish we had more, but since we got all the OG model for 22 2009 content at launch, we're going to have to wait multiple seasons to get packed with fresh content, and then after seeing that every single season is pretty much going to be jam-packed with small maps as well. I'm sad that we might not see as many medium to large maps, as you know.

modern warfare 3 season 2 stash house gameplay

A game like this should have. I guess only time will tell, but even when it comes to this mid-season event, instead of adding in, you know, a medium-to-large siiz map, they're adding in DOS House, another small map, so we're going to have five small maps now. It's like, again, like I said. I feel like they have a priority.

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