News - Sledgehammer, You Really Messed Up. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Review


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen. I finally put in a decent amount of time into the season 1 reloaded event from Warfare 3, and today I'm going to go ahead and give my first initial impressions, basically a, you know, general review about how this update is going so far.

Of course. I'm going to dive deeper into certain other topics, covering weapons and more detailed into the map, you know, so on and so forth, but for the time being. I did play everything and, you know, enjoyed everything. And it's time to go ahead and critique, and I have to be honest. I feel like Sledgehammer has really let down a massive portion of the community this time around, including myself.

Of course, there are a bunch of positive things as well. I'm not going to say there's no positive in this update, but I would say. All right, so let's get into the midseason event again. There are a ton of negatives, but let's go ahead and start off with the positives because, honestly, the positives are going to take no time at all to go ahead and discuss.

modern warfare 3

We should be able to get them out of the way pretty quickly, and then we'll really dive deep into the negatives. Positives: I will say first and foremost, they did mess with the hard point, you know, rotations, when it comes to all the maps across the board. A lot of people have been complaining about hardpoint because it does not meld nicely, whatsoever, when it comes to the OG mod Warfare 2, 2009 maps, so they went ahead and pretty much overhauled all the maps when it comes to hardpoint, and you know honestly.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded

Bravo! Fantastic change right there, you know. Good idea to follow. Regardless, I still think it's the recoil. I'm going to test these out and play with them a bit more. I'm happy that they buffed them up to make them a bit more competitive but what it really comes down to for me personally is just The Recoil control it's way easier to control the mod Warfare 3 weapons than the mod Warfare 2 weapons doesn't matter how much damage they have they just feel, so floaty and inconsistent, compared to you know picking up an MTZ a hog or an ACR or something like that so you know it is good that they're buffing them up across the board but maybe a bit more work needs to be done I hope that they you know dissect them and really dive a little bit further into it especially when it comes to season 2, the next massive update two weapons I do want to go ahead and mention are The Sidewinder which caught a buff basically The Recoil control is a little bit better it says decrease recoil.

Gun kick while firing, which was the biggest problem with the Sidewinder. Again, we don't really want it to be a demon. You know a nasty gun that has no recoil whatsoever, and you know it has the craziest damage and a faster fire rate. Now I want this gun to be a slow shooter, something like the man of war from Black Ops 3.

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The problem was that the aim was a bit too floaty, and it was way too inconsistent compared to the rest of the guns. They fixed that, and I'll be honest, I tried it out; it is way better than it was on day one. I highly suggest giving it another go—possibly another update down the road to fix it up a tad bit more, but in its current spot.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded content

I have to be honest. I was having a lot more fun with it than I had previously. And then the striker nine this was one that was really keeping my fingers crossed for it and they did go ahead and touch upon it I got to be honest I'm extremely happy that they did so the striker 9ine went ahead and caught a buff to the damage so it's a slight damage increase and let me tell you it is a massive noticeable, difference it feels phenomenal right now you know the gun already is a beam machine especially when he deck it out with good attachments for recoil but now with the increased damage it feels like it can compete with some of the other weapons like the Swarm for example and other things of that sort not, completely it's still a little underwhelming and again like I said I have some negatives about the weapon balancing.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded map

I think right now, you guys should definitely put it in your classes again. I know a lot of people have been rubbed the wrong way when it comes to the striker 9 and have completely removed it from your custom classes, but now is the time to go ahead and give it another go and see if you enjoy it. The new map of Rio is phenomenal; honestly, it makes me sad.

And Hardpoint feels pretty solid so far. You know, it's nice, bright, and vibrant, and a lot of people do enjoy that. Personally. I like grittier War-torn maps, but again. I do enjoy the vibrancy of a lot of Treyarch maps and some Sledgehammer maps, so it's nice to see, and it's definitely a nice change of tone when it comes to modern-day games because usually, modern warfare games are always made by Infinity Ward, and they're all dark and gloomy, and stuff of that sort, like Warfare 2 2022, had some more vibrant maps, you know, spread here and there, but still.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded news

They're kind of stuck with their classic Infinity War ways, whereas Sledgehammer is taking modern-day combat, and they're really brightening up a lot of the scenes, and you could tell that with a lot of the new maps, besides meat, of course, because meat's pretty dark and gloomy, but even that map has a nice look to it compared to, you know, some of the Infinity War dark and gloomy styled maps, and last but not least, the brand new game mode.

Again, it's nothing too crazy in my opinion; it's not going to be something I do all the time, but I did say I enjoy the style of game mod back in mod Warfare 2 2022, when they added in that game mod that had the same thing where you basically earn power ups. It's the same exact concept, so they just basically brought it back.

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They brought back the same exact thing. I'm not mad about it. I enjoyed it in Mod Warfare 2, and, lowkey, I kind of enjoy it now. I had a rough time because I was trying to grind the LMG, which had no attachments, and I was trying to build it up while playing that game mod. I should have probably played with something that I was a little bit more comfortable with.

modern warfare 3 season 1 reloaded patch notes

I might have enjoyed it a bit more, but I just wanted to see what it was all about, and yeah, it's literally the exact same thing as Call of Duty with some powerups. It's enjoyable for, you know, a casual, party-like mode, but ladies and gentlemen, that's pretty much all the positives I can think of when it comes to this update.

Again, it wasn't bad, you know, but honestly, this is kind of something that I was expecting out of a more minor update, not the mid-season event. I know the mid-season event isn't the biggest thing in the world. Usually, you know the main season. When a new season comes out, that is when it goes crazy.

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