News - They "buffed" The Close Range Meta Wsp Swarm. Warzone 2 Warzone Season 1 Reloaded

modern warfare 3

So the wsp Swarm has been a dominant close-range meta since this game came out, and since this new update in season 1 reloaded, if I just go into here into the patch notes, the wsp Swarm has got a buff. I do not understand why this gun has been used by everyone. Literally, I have not met anybody who's not used this gun at all.

It is the close-range meta, yet it has a buff, so I'm going to use it in War Zone today. This gun is absolutely outrageous; it is so good, and I'm sure by showing you these clips on screen here, you will also think that too. The class setup is at the end of the article, and we'll also be playing a live con game just to prove how dominant and good this thing is.

I'm going to forget all of the objectives. I'm literally just going to go, guns blazing, just to show how good this is. Bravo man, take that—ah, take much more, teammate; I'm fading fast. Damn it, man, Sad end, but I got 31 kills, so moving into the class setup here, I have it with the new Tac evolver.

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This gun is an absolute beast; honestly, it has absolutely zero recoil, but we're focusing on the WSP Swarm today. So in this class setup here, we have the WSP, Optac long barrel, which increases the gun recoil control and gun kick control. Just look at those. Buffs on the Recoil Man Sincerely, for the site, I have the Slate reflector.

modern warfare 3 best class

Some people don't use a sight for this, but I just really don't like the iron sights, so I just use this. It sacrifices a little bit of recoil control because I could just use this attachment slot for a different attachment, but I like it anyway, and then we move on to the FSS Fortress heavy stock.

Just look at those buffs on screen, man. This gun is so fun, so I use the 100-round mags if I play in a squad, but if I'm playing solos. I use the 50-round mags because you don't need any more than 50 if you just fight on one person, and for the fifth and final attachment we have on here. I have the rear grip, which is the marauder grip.

This has very, very good recoil control stats. Don't really worry about the Flinch resistance because it is still very good, so we stick that on, and then when you look in the firing range, man, just. Look, very, very good. I couldn't hit that last shot. It's quite difficult to hit people that far away, but that's where this gun comes in.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

All damn, this is good, so as always, we use this tactical as a stun the lethal as a breach drone.

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