News - Holy Crap, Sbmm Has Been Removed From Warzone 2

how to remove sbmm in modern warfare 3

I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, boy, I really hope this is still live on Modern Warfare 3. I am trying to rush this article out as soon as possible. I cannot guarantee that by the time you see this article, they haven't done anything behind the scenes, but right at this current moment, something huge is going on in Modern Warfare 3, and like I said.

I had to go ahead and drop this article as soon as possible, as you guys could see right here from Charlie Intel. With the servers currently broken in Call of Duty across mod Warfare 3 multiplayer in War Zone, it does appear that skill-based matchmaking is also not working properly, and matchmaking is much more relaxed and easier right now.

There are no updates yet on when it will be fixed, and player progression will be restored once it is fixed. But ladies and gentlemen, you guys know my personal opinion already. You guys know that over the past three weeks, maybe even a month plus, I've already felt like the matchmaking has been toned down a slight bit.

is sbmm gone in modern warfare 3

I'm going to be honest with you guys; you know, it feels more relaxed. Now, do I still have to compete from time to time? Yeah, I do, but I can't lie; it's a little bit easier to get streaks more frequently nowadays. But coming back to Moder Warfare 3, after hearing this news right here. I can confirm that these lobbies are a whole different breed from anything that I have played, and you know that I've been saying that I feel like my match has been a little bit more relaxing.

None of those matches compared to what I just played today; these are night and day matches. You can go back and look at any of my gameplay, and again, if you don't believe me, you can see all my streams to make sure that they're not reverse-boosted. VPN, or anything that is just legit, you hop into a match, and you could see exactly with their own eyes what I'm doing.

is sbmm removed in modern warfare 3

But this is right here. Is absurd even in this gameplay you will notice the way these players are playing yet yeah I think it's a few players I might have noticed that I might have hit a slide cancel, or be hopped but the mass majority of them are you know playing like casual players, people who you know might log on a couple of times a month maybe even a few times a month you know players who could give absolutely two craps about getting streaks and Performing really good in a Cod match they just want to hop on to be immersed into the experience you know what I'm saying and people always forget there's players like that as well because that's what it was like back in the day if you really think about it you know a lot of people before gaming became really competitive, literally bought games to be immersed like almost like a movie you know they would get amazing sound systems huge TVs.

And they would be immersed in the game; that's what a lot of people enjoyed back in the day, and those were also the casual players that, you know, once sweats became sweats and they started really stomping, you know, those were your prime culprits right there, and boy boy. Here you know it busted up.


I don't know how this happened. What update occurred, because I don't even think it was an update, when this started happening? I think it started happening this morning, literally the same day that this article is going live. I don't know why everything is going bonkers right now, but the game is kind of busted; everybody's level one got basically, you know, backed up in time.

All your classes you can't access; they're still there; you know they're not gone, but you can't access them when you try to access them; you get put with a default class. That's why you see me running the basic BB here, and you know you see everybody else in the lobby pretty much running the same thing as well.

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But you know, if you could push all of that stuff aside, all that brokenness Just to go ahead and witness what these lobbies are like and what this experience is like. I don't think you guys are going to regret it. Everything else that's busted, including the store, literally everything, you can't access anything in this game.

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The only thing you can really do is just hop in and get into a match; that's all you're allowed to do basically at this point, so you best believe they're working on this right now as we speak, which is why I'm trying to rush this article out as soon as possible to hopefully give you guys a little bit of time.

modern warfare 3

But you know regardless, especially since the stores involved, you know for a fact they're going to be going ahead and trying to focus on this and get this resolved as soon as possible, but I really hope that they do. The Call of Duty community is happy right now, even though this is busted. They are happy.

Think about that. Think about how crazy that sounds. The game is completely broken. Nobody can access anything; nobody is ranking or doing anything of that sort, yet everybody is really pleased with their experience right now. You know, I always say it doesn't matter how a game looks; it doesn't have to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

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As long as it's fun, nobody could give a crap. If there's one thing that I can ask for right here, I'm begging you to keep this because, again, I know they're going to mess with things they have to, or else the game is going to be unplayable. You know, it is what it is; I can't even access anything, so it's going to get fixed.

modern warfare 3 broken

I did get some, you know, not more competitive, games, but it definitely did not feel like I was playing in an MLG tournament. You know, all day every day, you know every match I'm competing for. You know, thousands, hundreds, thousands of dollars on the line—not even close, man—the matches felt extraordinarily Amazing with my play time knowing that the Scoas matchmaking has been removed it's been a nice little mix and I feel more casual, but they should keep this like I said this should be their public experiment for the first time, the Call of Duty public knows for a fact that the matchmaking, is a little iffy you know like I said I've been testing it out for weeks now and for me personally it does feel more casual but they never actually came out and said yeah we've been testing it behind the scenes.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm update

This is the first time due to their error, whatever their error is with messing up everything within the game, and you know, nothing is functional. Due to their error, yeah, we know for a fact that the matchmaking is not working properly, and I feel like with this knowledge, they should allow the Call of Duty Community to go back into the experience and then test out the player numbers.

I would be so curious to see what the player account looks like in Call of Duty when the player base actually knows there is no SCBA matchmaking. I am so curious because I'm willing to put money on the fact that the player account will probably double; it might not actually go, you know, berserk and become an all-time high.

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