News - Tips For Mastering Rio Warzone 2. Rio Tips And Tricks Guide


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now that I thought it would be a little bit fun, you know, go ahead and showcase it to you guys, Rio. I've seen a lot of complaints about this map, and if I'm going to be completely honest with you guys, a lot of people are saying that it doesn't have any good flow and that it's probably one of the worst maps they've seen.

I disagree, and today I'm going to actually showcase to you guys exactly what I mean by the routes that I take and why I personally think this is probably one of the best maps that we have within this game. Dare I say one of the best maps we've seen in Call of Duty history in a long time? When it comes to new content from Moder Warfare 2019 up to the current date, I got to be honest.

I feel like this map right here is probably one of the better ones, but okay, I'm going to go ahead and showcase to you guys exactly what this map is all about. It's a pretty small map. Again, people are saying it's large, but I don't see it. It's extremely small. Obviously, you have the outskirts, but the whole main purpose of this, you know, this map here is the inside.

modern warfare 3

I guess it's a mall or something of that sort. You know I don't know exactly what to go ahead and call this as you can obviously see this is where all the action goes, down domination flag is right here for B and honestly the Hardo always bounces around this area I know it's a Hardo that's right under this side of the map right here a hard point in the middle it's a hard point that is over here as well I'm going to Showcase to you guys everything but first and foremost I want to show you guys how to run up on this map to get your first encounters, without dying a lot I see people running up on this side if you're approaching middle from this side of the map always push left because of this head glitch right here never go ahead and push the escalators, on this side because it puts you at a massive disadvantage honestly you don't get that much of a good angle here you don't see that much, and honestly you're just too exposed.

modern warfare 3 new maps

The only time I push this angle right here is if they've already taken this head glitch right here and I need to get them off this head glitch or the on-B flag. A lot of people like to camp in this little corner right here; that's a good angle to push up, but in any other scenario. I would completely avoid that, but the main goal is to go ahead and get this right here.

This is crucial because you can see their escalator from that side; you can see a partial bit of this side of the map, and you can also see if they flank you from here, so if you're an AR player and your teammates are trying to go ahead and you know to capture the mid objective, you can pop a smoke right there even though it's a stun.

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The path that you take is extremely crucial to making sure that you know you have a higher success rate at winning, so one more time on this side, you push this head glitch first. On that side of the map right here, you push this head glitch first. Now, of course, if you don't want to push the middle, this side of the map is one of my favorites.

modern warfare 3 new rio map

Of course, like I said, it's a hardpoint flag over here, but at the same time, it's extremely fun to go ahead and rotate around here because you have two ways of engaging. You can peek from this angle to see if anybody's running, and what I normally do is peek wide because I like to see how many people are actually pushing here and if it's not that many people pushing.

You can push straight in. You can either, you know, go straight to B from here and help your teammate out, which I like doing. I like pushing over here, and when they're trying to push up into B, this is a very crucial point to have. You know, Obious L wants your teammates to push into the middle, but this area right here is so important.

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There's no other way to rotate. You know, unless you push the other side of the map, you know they either have to push here or they push right over here, right? But both ways lead to this. You know this area of the map, so it's a very important spot to hold. If you don't hold this, you are honestly letting your team down.

modern warfare 3 rio

I'm just going to be honest, and you can peek a little bit wider. You can actually go over to the you know the pots here and hold them at this angle. If they push that door and then go right back over and hold this, you will get killed a little bit because people will push this side eventually. You're going to have to keep your eyes peeled, but more than likely you'll get a good play, and then, you know, on the other opposite way this side I don't like pushing the way I just did.

Hop up, actually. First and foremost, you can peek at this, and you can kind of jiggle in the flowers. But another alternative is that I'm going to showcase to you guys instead of holding midm map control when you're pushing from this side over to this spawn, not only can you just hold you know these two head glitches, you know bada.

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Bing bada boom, and not only can he push from the middle and hold this angle. I'll say it's 10 times riskier to push middle from this side of the map than it is to push middle from this side of the map because on this side of the map, they have no cover when they push out. You can beam them from this side of the map; they do have cover now.

modern warfare 3 rio angles

You can catch them off guard when they push up, but if they're fast enough, they can push straight across, get that head glitch, and then you have a challenge. You know it's not as easy or convenient, so what I suggest is that if you're pushing from this side of the map to the opposite, go straight up here like I said, you can either jiggle Peak that jiggle Peak this check it angles here and go straight to this truck spawns do not flip if you're on this truck if your team pushes too hard they will flip, but if your team is in a good position and they're not over you know being overly aggressive you can hold a beautiful spawn trap here and honestly, both SMGs and ARS handle the spot perfectly you can hold a spawn trap they usually push.

modern warfare 3 rio lanes

Right here, right between these posts, they'll push here, but they can't actually peak; they have to jump and climb it, so it's a good spot to hold because they can't engage you before you engage them unless they jump up a little bit before climbing and shooting a little bit, but people rarely do that, and then, of course, they spawn over here, but they run across this, which is a little bit harder to hold because they can cross this before you can engage with them, so this is not as important.

I would honestly say if you can get pluck here, go for it, but I would hyperfocus this angle, and this angle right here, they run out from here, this back section, so they either run to the truck, get on top of the truck, or run far to the left, but regardless, you have a great head glitch here and then once.

Tips For MASTERING Rio in Modern Warfare 3! Rio Tips and Tricks Guide.
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