News - Sledgehammer Might've Just Nailed Warzone 2 Season 2


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, today we just got a brand new article out by Call of Duty for season 2 of Modern Warfare 3. I don't know if a lot of you guys are going to care because I know a ton of people out here don't really care for Modern Warfare 3 in general, but I do enjoy the game, and honestly.

I enjoy the content within season 1, and I was really looking forward to the content within season 2 and also to see, especially with the reduction in staff over at Slammer Games, if they can continue. You know, I might go ahead and discuss it, but honestly, I don't think it really will be. Other than the content I'm going to show you guys today, my biggest concern with season 2 is just, you know, meta changes, balancing changes, and just to make sure that Modern Warfare 3 as a whole when it comes to multiplayer is in a good state, especially after, you know, once again, like I said in the beginning, the loss of a lot of staff over at Sledgehammer Games.

modern warfare 3

But all right, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, we're going to be getting three brand new maps within season 2 for Modern Warfare 3; we're going to be getting Vista, departures, and Stash House. Honestly, out of the bunch, Stash House looks to be one of my favorites when it comes to visuals. I'm very excited to see what it's going to be like when we actually get into some action on it, but overall, across the board, I love the looks of these maps.

I have to be real with you guys. You guys know my opinion when it comes to Sledgehammer Games and the content they've been putting forth within this title. The maps just look. As you know, I love Rio, I love grease, and I love meat. I think they all have tons of variety in gameplay. SMG players can thrive; AR players can thrive; you know, snipers.

modern warfare 3 season 2

LMGs, it doesn't matter what you really know. Want to do you can do it when it comes to the original Sledgehammer, maps and I feel like that's the direction they're trying to take here and I feel like the rest of these Maps Vista departures and Stash House are probably going to follow that exact same, pattern because as we all know Moder Warfare 2 2009 maps are pretty dang big I mean that's what Maps used to be back in the day and it always cracks me up because everybody always makes Call of Duty seem like something completely different than what it was but no yeah this was Call of Duty back in the day okay big Maps you know you can blend in pretty easily yeah you could run and Gun and there was perks and ways that you can go ahead and navigate that allowed you to run and Gun, but you know it was a lot more variety when it came to gameplay and map selection.

modern warfare 3 season 2 content

Which you know makes it in these current-day Call of Duty games, especially with 150 HP, an absolute hell hole when it comes to using SMGs or any of the weaker guns in the categories. So a lot of the maps that have been original, have had a ton of SMG routes from what I've noticed personally and honestly with these three new maps right here it seems to be the same exact thing you know multiple Maps they going to be great for all play styles to make sure that there's Variety in gameplay and also on top of these three new maps there seems to be either two or three maps that are going to be remade, for The Walking Dead event yes indeed there's going to be a Walking Dead event honestly you know I don't really buy too many skins in the store and I don't know it's not that big of a deal to me but the maps look phenomenal they're going to be more of a zombie you know post-apocalyptic.

Type Vibe when it comes to the map you know overlays. They did the same thing in the vortex event, where they, you know, redid three of the maps rust scrapyard. And Quarry, and they basically made them look phenomenal. I was extremely sad when they didn't go ahead and put them in the official rotation, and I'm hoping that they don't do this as well.

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As you have to understand, Sledgehammer, even though they're not new maps, there's not going to be a lot of us players you can only play these maps on. I'm saying we don't have any new content in this game, and even with three new maps being introduced with season 2, that still only means we're going to have six, you know, original maps in the rotation.

modern warfare 3 season 2 leaked content

We're still playing a bunch of remasters at the end of the day, so you know, I hope that it's not going to be a specific Walking Dead event that you can only play these maps on. I hope they throw them in the normal rotation just like they did with the Christmas maps, where they put them in the normal rotation.

I really hope that they stick with that route because the maps do look really solid so far, and before we go ahead and dive deep into the weapons. I do want to mention this as well: there is finally a new war map coming. I got to be honest with you guys. I was extremely worried that war was going to be ignored.

modern warfare 3 season 2 leaks

I thought war was going to get absolutely no love, and we weren't going to see anything new or fresh being introduced, and it's one of my favorite game modes in the game. I just don't play it that much because, as you know, there's just no variety. But they're finally adding in a fresh map now I will say I probably still won't play it that frequently still two is not enough you know if one could barely be enough I can't imagine two being enough it'll be fun don't get me wrong it's going to be a blast I cannot wait I cannot wait to try it out because, from what I see the war maps are just a mashup of a bunch of classic maps that we know and love from the past so I'm hoping that we see a lot of cool bangers being introduced with this freshh war map here and I think it's cool you know what I'm saying I think it's cool just like back in the day like Call of Duty 4 for example in the campaign remember you know going through bog and then having bog work its way into Crossfire.

modern warfare 3 season 2 maps

I love when they do that I love when you know multiple different maps, are lined up when you know in reality when you play multiplayer they're not supposed to be lined up like that but you know it's cool to see how they try to form them together so I'm excited to see this new war map I just hope that they give War a little bit more love than just one map per season because you know if that's the case we're going to have to wait till season 4 or season 5 until the game is really replayable, and at that point you know the game will be nearing its end and a fresh game is going to be coming out and I'm assuming all the content in this game is not going to be transferring over like it did from Modern Warfare 2222 to this game you know what I'm saying because it's going to be Black Ops go war, and I don't think it's going to resemble too much of what we're playing here it's not going to be as much of DLC.

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