News - No Recoil. Fennec Class Is Broken Warzone 2. Best Class Setup Warzone 2 Gameplay

On your class, set it to slow and set the ads a little faster as well in the tuning, but what this is going to do it's going to be a lot easier to stay on target when shooting people in a warzone. This happens when you're playing multiplayer. Most of your gunfights people are sounding still because they're having a gunfight with you in Warzone.

cod mw2 best class

A lot of times, what happens is you're going to see an enemy, and he's going to be running in a certain direction, and you're going to want to kind of lock onto him. So if you could put on this online pro and just make it easier to see him and easier to lock onto him, that's going to be a bonus for you.

Now, you don't have to run the optic if you don't want, but it's just something I really recommend. Now, this stock is going to stay the same. I recommended keeping the stock, which is the fta, which is the ft; you're going to keep that because it gives you the recoil control, and the tuning could be kept the same for this one as well; there's no difference.

cod mw2 top 5

Yeah, that's definitely something you're going to want to do. The rear grip is something that you could actually change for the war zone class, and for this one, you could actually put on the fennec, stippled grip instead. Of the Phenic Rubber Grip The Phenix rubber grip is going to give you the ads and sprints of fire, whereas the Fenix stippled grip is going to give you even more requested oil control, so when you are using these again at mid- and long-range, if you have a sniper or something and you get a hit marker or whatever, this is going to actually make it a lot easier to stay on target again.

Now, the other attachments, like the VLK laser (7 megawatts). I recommend keeping because it gives you ads and gives you sprint to fire in multiplayer; using it. I recommend keeping it in actual war zones as well. The reason we want to keep this is because you do need some sort of ad support and sprint to fire on this gun; this is also going to be your close-range gun.


It's not going to be your main weapon for long range, but it is a good substitute for long range if you need to use it, and then for the same thing as the forge tack ninja works. Wonders, in Warzone, so this actually gives you sound suppression, which does help a lot more in Warzone than it does in multiplayer, so that is a great pro to have, but it also gives you that bullet velocity that you need a lot more in Warzone, and it gives you that damage range and recoil control that you also need in Warzone now that the tuning is going to stay the same, so basically the class 4 multiplayer.

Is the barrel at the forge an attack ninja? The VLK laser is 7 megawatts. I should say the f-tac X command. Style the fennec rubber grip and the 0.45 Auto over-pressured plus P ammunition, and so on. Warzone You're going to take off that last one, the overpressure, and put on an optic that helps you, like the Slimline Pro, which in my opinion is probably the best one, and then for the rear grip, you're pretty much going to change it to the Fenix stippled grip.

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So that's going to be it for the class setup for both multiplayer and warzone. To this weapon. I still think it's great. I don't feel like they nerfed it as much as they should have, to be honest, and I'm not going to complain because it is one of my favorite guns in the game. I'm not going to complain about it, but I feel like it should have been a little bit more nerfed than it was.

fennec best class

Either way, I'm happy. With it, I still get to use this gun. I still get to run it. I still get to abuse it and do what I've got to do with it. You're not writing that at all; it's going to be funny, so yeah, that's going to be it for the article.

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