News - Updated" Fennec Class Is Breaking Warzone 2. Best Fennec Class Setup" Warzone 2


I have a disgusting offense for you guys. It's going to make it feel like you're cheating in this game. This class is actually one of the most OP guns I've ever used in any cut, but first, I'm on a warpath against someone who is dislike-spotting my channel. I don't know who you are, but it's kind of useless to be honest; dislikes don't even show up on YouTube anymore anyway.

Using this one right here, trust me you're not going to you're not going to switch it up; you're going to be using this over and over again, and you're going to forget about getting all your other weapons gold. Just be warned. All right, guys, all right.

Perk package 1 package

Perk package 1 package

And ghosts There's no need to run overkill on this class right here; you don't need it. I mean, I switched my pistol, and sometimes I don't even throw attachments on my pistol, but this gun is so gross. The only thing I dislike about it is the fact that the ad is not as fast as it should be, but it doesn't matter because the hip fire is really nice, and one other thing I really dislike is that the reload time is a little bit slow, but you need to have those 45 bullets on.

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Sorry, buddy, I cannot join you right now. So here's the class on screen right here, guys; copy it and do what you got to with it. We're going to go into the actual tuning because that's where it makes this gun insane, but before we do, let's jump into the firing range. It's all right, you know it's not the worst ad ever, but look at the lack of recoil on this gun and pay attention to the bullets in the bottom right corner to see how fast this gun spits them out.

boom, Easy Let's try midrange. Boom, easy let's try long range. I mean, SMGs don't hit all shots at long range, but if we tap it, we fire it. Yeah, whatever, pretend I don't have to reload. That's what I mean it shoots out faster and you need the 45 bullets. So for the actual attachments, we'll go into one of them that we can't actually tune first, and that's the laser.

Exf solarflare

Exf solarflare

The exothermic solar flare This one gives you a flashlight that the enemies see, but what I really want on this attachment is the sprint of fire speed; that's what's really important on this one right here, and the aiming stability kind, which helps when you're aiming down sights before you start shooting and stuff; it's really nice, but the sprint of fire speed is what I threw this on for now, and I could say you could definitely take off a laser if you don't want it and you could throw on the stock, which we'll do at the moment so the exf solar flare will switch out for the exf probably I like this one a lot, but there's also another one, and I think it's the last one.

Yeah, this one right here. I love this one a lot, the F-Tax stock cap, but there's an issue with this one when you actually go to shoot this gun. I'm going to say it like it is, guys. I'm sorry, so don't even bother if you're bad at it. Just put it on the X-EXF, solar flare, and then you don't have to worry about it in the stock either.

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You can't tune it, so don't even bother if you don't want to put it on. Now the actual muzzle for this one is weird because I normally don't run muzzles, but this one is what helps.

Xten razor comp

Xten razor comp

It controls that recoil like crazy, and that is the X10 Razer. This gives you horizontal and vertical recoil control. No, I don't want to switch to a mouse and keyboard. Stop asking me every single day; every day it always asks me, "Do you want to switch the mouse and keyboard?" No, I don't.

Playing with my aim assist, I like using it; I just switched. It just auto-switched on me all right; there we go all right, so the phase three grip is what we're going to use.

Phase-3 grip

for the underbarrel now this one right here gives you recoil stabilization, aiming, idle stability again, but it also gives you hipfire accuracy, which I said is something that this gun is going to need because the ADS is really low, so if you get that hipfire accuracy.

This isn't an aim walking speed or anything; it's just literally walking speed, and if you're walking around the map. I mean, that's kind of weird; you're probably a camper, but you should be running around the map anyways, so the walking speed isn't that important; it's not Sprint speed you're losing; it's walking speed; who cares about that?

And the ads, yeah, we do lose some of that, but we're going to fix that right back here; we're going to put the ads to the max on this one and the idle stability to the max as well. I did recently mention in a couple of articles that aiming for walking speed was kind of useless, but it's not that bad.

I realized the more I play this game, the more I play with aim and walking speed. Actual accuracy—doesn't it not seem as bad as the aiming? If your aimed walking speed is up to the max, you don't have to worry about losing aim assists and stuff. I was completely wrong about that, so I take that back.

Fennec mag 45

Fennec mag 45

no, then we got the freak mag 45, which literally only gives you 45 bullets; they're not more powerful; it's not anything; you just get more bullets in the magazine and you get 45 in the reserve, which I feel like we should have 120 in the reserve, not 45. I just don't feel like that looks horrible, but either way, you lose movement speed, aim down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and reload quickness.

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So that looks horrible, but we need to have this on; it's unfortunate; we just gotta have it on, and then some people like the double tap mod here, which gives you sprint to fire speed and adds high-grain ammunition and stuff like that, so that might be better, but let's go into the actual thing here; let's throw it on for a second look.

How many bullets do you have, guys? You get 12. You get one guy, which is, by the way, tap fire double, shot, or you could send it to one shot. And then you can put it back to two if you want. Once you shoot one guy let's just shoot him here -- you're down to eight. Once you shoot a second guy, you're down to four.

Only half those bullets are pretty slim. You're going to be missing some shots and stuff. You're going to waste a lot of ammunition. It's just, honestly, not important to me; they're really strong, but. It's not important to me. I'd rather have this one right here because it's rapid fire and all that kind of stuff, and it's just a lot nicer to throw on in general. And, for the final attachment, on this one we got the fennec rubber grip, which in my opinion is something that's really really, really needed on this class right here.

Fennec rubber grip

Fennec rubber grip

You don't need to aim for idle stability here, so you don't need recoil settings like You know what I'm going to show you guys really quickly here?

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