News - New Top 10 Overpowered Loadouts For Warzone Season 3. Meta Best Class Setups Warzone Guns

best class setups

It just focuses on the vertical recoil a little bit more and when it comes to the numbers there within the recoil control section I always try to make sure that the horizontal recoil is around like eight or nine which this already has being at seven so I thought just focusing on the vertical recoil, would be a lot more you know substantial, because it has a ton more vertical recoil and by focusing it in on that you're going to be able to control this gun way more effectively in my eyes and that's why I went over with the breu and pivot vertical grip over the breu and heavy support grip so try it out you might find it very nice and the iron sights aren't particularly bad on this gun but you know we're going to be using this gun at longer ranges we're going to put on the jack glasses, optic so that we can have that cleaner sight but also even more firing in stability and this gun can be even more accurate, but of course you could always use the Coro Eagle I 2.5x.

best loadout

Or any other sort of magnification, scope if you want to get some farther-range kills. I just don't mind the Jack glasses optic, and lastly, to make this lmg feel more like an AR, we're actually going to be putting on the magazine of the 60-round mag for that SP of fire speed and 80s spe to bring up the gun faster.

But we also get extra movement speed, and 60 rounds is more than enough for multiple opponents here within the war zone, so just putting on that 60 round, it's going to feel really nice, and that is how I'm rocking the Bruin MK9; it just feels really sweet, but if you wanted to, you could take off the magazine.

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You can even put on the rear grip of the step 40 grip or the stock of the lane 56 stock so that you can have even more accuracy if you wanted to rocket with the 100-round mag, but with this, you're going to feel mobile as an LMG player, and long-range kills are going to be super easy to get. This gun hardly moves; it's actually very nasty, and it's definitely something worth trying out.

Warzone best hrm 9 class setup loadout

Warzone best hrm 9 class setup loadout

best loadout season 3

And now let's move over to : the beautiful HRM, 9 SMG. So like with every SMG I just like the CH strike suppressor s because we get no downsides of it and we stay out the mini map the Barrel in this case is going to be the thorn 90 barrel I used to use, the princeps long barrel just for that you know new iron sight or the cleaner iron sight but I want the thorn 90 because it gives me some you know better speed and I'm able to still control the gun with some other attachments here so definitely rocket a roll with it or you try the princeps long barrel on the barrel here is going to be the dr6 hand St we can get even more movement, with the aim walking speed movement speed and Sprinter fire speed and ads speed to bring up the gun faster and have a faster time to kill this is one of my favorite attachments as well when it comes to the under Barrel section within war zone for the stock here we're actually putting on the folding stock which is going to take care of all of our recoil control you know deficits, by boosting that recoil control and gun kick control and especially that firing in stability from anywhere from 9 to 15%. Which is very nice to see and then lastly our magazine is going to be the 50 round drum mag obviously we get as much ammo as possible for the multiple armored opponents, and there you guys go that is time rocking the HR M9 like I said you can change the barrel to the princess's long barrel you change the folding stock to the hatchet Li stock for more movement but I really like this build I don't know why it just feels great in my hands you know you're not going to be the most accurate but you're going to be accurate enough within the ranges that matter, and you're going to feel especially Speedy I really love the movement of this one and this is what people really love in this game you know in my eyes so try it out for yourself moving onwards we got our third load out now with the hogre 556, and the amr9.

Warzone best holger 556 class setup loadout

Warzone best holger 556 class setup loadout

Let's get to these setups immediately. As usual, the muzzle is given the VT7 spirit fire suppressor for the hogre. You guys already know why Barrel here is going to be the Creo 6 match for that blue velocity and range and recoil control gun kick control so that we can melt even faster with this gun by being more accurate, and boosting its power under Barrel is going to be the Brewing heavy support grip.

best loadouts

This is going to help the gun be extremely freaking accurate, and for the optic, once again, we're just rocking with the Jack glasses optic for cleaner sight and, of course, even more fting aim stability. And for the magazine, our only option is a 40-round mag; sadly. I hope we can get like a 50-round mag or something else to mess around with this gun in the future, but this is how I like rocking the gun, and with the Hore 556, the only thing that really brings it down is the fact that it only has a 40-round mag because it's extremely accurate, feels great to use, and it reminds me of like some gun in the past.

I don't know what it is, but it just feels great to use, and I definitely recommend it if you're up against one-versus-one situations and are now moving over to the AR9.

Warzone best amr9 class setup loadout

best loadouts season 3

We got the typical mus of the sh strike suppressor s we got the underbrella the dr6 hand stuff we've already talked in detail with the HRM 9 for the optic on this one I actually like the Nar model 20203, but of course you could use the Jack glasses optic but I just like the circular side on this joint and it just makes the gun feel, very easy to use and of course you can use this optic on any other gun in the game and it will feel pretty well for the stock here we got the SF 14 heavy carbine stock for that gun kick control recoil control and firing a stability and lastly for our magazine we got the 50 round mag so we don't you know have to worry about too much ammo but of course you could use the 100 round drum mag, and have a ton of ammo as well but you are going to be reling a ton with the 50 round mag but there you go that's how I like rocking the amr9, if you want to you can take off the stock and put on the Phantom grip.

That's also dealt some very nice benefits, in my opinion. This has been rocking the gun and the AR9. You guys already know it has the fastest TTK possible out of all the SMGs in this game.

Warzone best sva 545 class setup loadout

Warzone best sva 545 class setup loadout

Has some crazy ttk even at range you be able to control it and this is one of the most comfy SMGs to use just a little bit bulky at times for our next loadouts here we got the SVA 545 in burst mode and the wp9, which is one of my highest KD SMGs, let's rock and roll so for the muszle on the SVA 545.

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I'm just using the Sonic suppressor, so we can use the St. M app every time we shoot, and we get some extra bull velocity and damage range to make this gun melt even faster for the barrel. Here. I really like the STV Precision Barrel to once again boost that bull velocity and range, and then the aiming out way gun kick control and recoil control are to make sure that the burst kind of savs accurate across range.


Something a little bit different here is the ammunition of the 5.45. High-grain rounds, so we can get even more bull velocity and damage range to really melt this. You know, this gun's potential goes up by a ton, and for the optic, I rock the Coro Eagle side 2.5x here, but of course you can use the Jack Glass optic or whatever optic you're coming with.

NEW Top 10 OVERPOWERED LOADOUTS for WARZONE SEASON 3 Meta Best Class Setups Warzone Guns.
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