News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts To Use. Warzone Best Weapons

Warzone top 5 meta loadouts to use right now!

Warzone top 5 meta loadouts to use right now!

Ladies and gentlemen. Of course, we're all jumping in. We are experiencing ukan in this sort of new lighting environment for the first time, obviously if you played zombies from MW3.

Warzone best perks & equipment after mw3 update

So before we jump into the actual weapons themselves, let's briefly talk about perks and equipment, because this is going to be the same for all the setups here today.

As mentioned, Overkill is default, so you can see I got a primary and a secondary weapon right away that are both actually primaries. You don't have to use a perk or anything on this time around, which is awesome. Initially, here for the tactical, I got to go to the stems. You do get this nice little speed boost; it's temporary and nothing like it was back in War Zone 1, but it's still there in pretty clutch in certain situations, especially close range stems, which are phenomenal.

best loadout

That said right now smokes are also really good for movement as well so between stems and smokes in my opinion you can't really go wrong for lethals you also got plenty of choices I've been messing around with breacher drones, and they're actually pretty solid if you have high ground which you can get a lot of on this map but if you don't if you're on an even level or they have The High Ground they're kind of rough so in that case you know SE texes are going to be great obviously and of course if you want to insta finish you go for the throwing knives no brainer there but you certainly have some choices there between those clear standouts for sure then as far as the perks go for my custom perk package currently, this is what I got going on in perk one I'm running double time it increases that attack Sprint duration and reduces the refresh that's obviously clutch slide a hand as well for that faster reload although there are some other good choices here it's pretty tough to choose EOD.

best loadout 3

Is obviously going to be a great choice battle hardened as well could be very good too or shrapnel if you're using a lot of explosives, but really to me that faster reload especially with a lot of these guns getting back in that fight is pretty clutch so that's what I've been running so far for that perk three here really what is perk two is the initial tier, is going to be tempered for me really this and resupply are the main two that stand out stalker could be good depending on what your weapon builds are you can get a lot of good movement out of ads speed and strafe and whatnot there so you don't always have to use the perk but tempered just two plates instead of three obviously faster to Plate up and get full health that's clutch, then lastly bird's eye I think the obvious options here are high alert bird's eye and ghost, and bird's eye counters ghost at all times so that to me kind of speaks for itself you're going to get those solid dots on the mini map be able to see players.

All over the place with their actual HUD and where they're looking and whatnot, so that's super clutch and obviously very powerful. Like I said, the perks stay the same in every single class setup.

Warzone best mcw & rival 9 loadout

Warzone best mcw & rival 9 loadout

Let's get into the actual weapons here, so first up. I've got the MCW. And the Rival 9 combined pretty standard rifle and SMG, and each of these is so easy to use, so initially here for the MCW or the ACR as it really is. I'm starting off with the Eagle Eye Optical 2.5.

best loadouts

Times this reminds me a lot of like the axial arms three times from cold war zone or even the VK 3 times from MW 2019 and OG war zone it's super low visual recoil decent Zoom, it just is a solid optic here there are some other good lower Zoom Optics as well obviously something like the modle would be decent here amot V4 is still an option if you want to run that the reflector or the elos sights another one of my personal favorites nidar is great the Slate reflector as well so many choices here as always with Optics these are entirely personal preference so use whichever one you enjoy the most, it's war zone we got a ton of Health the tck is pretty slow right now so you want to have more ammo 40 even doesn't cut it in some situations for me 60 is the go-to, especially if you're playing trios or quads a lot you're going to need all that ammo for sure so of course I'm running the extended mag there I've also got the choke angled grip this one's pretty solid because it's helping out with movement speed and horizontal, control it does end up hurting your vertical but only by 1.4%.

best weapons

And we get that back just by being decent enough at recoil control but other attachments can help out here too and you're getting movement speed out of this as well which is super nice now I go for the Spitfire suppressor this is definitely one of the better options in the game this does hurt your ads speed by about 18%, in this case which is significant but you're also not using this in situations where ADS speed is dire that's close range this is mid to long range and this gives you better velocity better control and better range that's a super solid option there that said Shadow strike is available on basically everything so if you don't want any ads penalties or any range penalties, you just want to stay off the mini map Shadow strike is simply a suppressor just for that so that's a really good choice too.

meta loadout

And then lastly here I go for the Cyclone, long barrel this is going to help out with velocity, as well as range so you're just going to be better and more efficient over long range unfortunately we don't really have a barrel here that's going to help out directly with control and velocity and range but this gets the job done just fine makes this even more lethal and dominant over the mid to long range, it's also one of the easiest weapons to use maybe the single easiest weapon to use in the game so while the ttk might not be crazy broken crazy fast because you're so accurate with you're going to fry and then for the Rival this is a fantastic close range option here obviously going to work great for buildings for the movement and Bridging the Gap between you and enemies here and there I am using the shadow strike in this case mainly because the recoil, here not really all that difficult clean iron sight so you can get away with using the suppressor with no pros and no cons other than staying off the map now if you wanted to go for a heavier suppressor you could but it might hurt your control.

It might hurt your movement in other cases, so just keep that in mind. To me, a shadow strike is a nice way to guarantee. You don't have to be on the radar, but you also don't necessarily lose things elsewhere. I go for the Edge BW4. Hand stop: this helps out with general movement speed, but nothing in terms of control.

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