News - Warzone: Update Your Meta Loadouts. This Is Ruining Your Best Weapons & Meta Builds

Major details you need to know for your warzone meta loadouts!

Major details you need to know for your warzone meta loadouts!

ladies and gentlemen. Sledgehammer has recently detailed some very important stats in the game and got a little bit more in-depth into some specific features within Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone that you absolutely love. You need to be paying attention to them; they are severely impacting your general loadouts.

Your meta setups all your best weapons, and it's things that could cost you gunfights pretty much every single time if you're not paying attention to the right things. So initially, this information stems from Sledgehammer. On Twitter, they've been doing an awesome job communicating. Just last week, they were posting about some patch notes updating various aftermarket parts, and one of the updates was for the bloom.

best attachments 3

The ads spread on AM9. Jack Eton double barrel kit, whatever it's called, right, it had Bloom. The bullets were not going where you were aiming, so they clarified a little bit more on this being the actual Bloom system, and then shouted out my boy Carnage XBI 16; a fellow Carnage member asked them about this, saying.

Hey, can you explain the differences between aiming idle Sway and aiming stability? Additionally, do these have any effect while firing? And this is what Sledgehammer had to say about it: Firing and aiming stability control the bounciness and shakiness of the weapon while firing. You can think of this as micro movements introducing deviation to the weapon's recoil pattern, so this is not a brand new system to C; it's been a thing for a bit; it was especially noticeable; however, last year in Modern Warfare 2 it was a huge problem basically that took away the predictiveness and the repetitiveness of a weapon's behavior, so when you would go to shoot, let's say, for instance, a COV, 762.

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Its general recoil pattern might be a little bit up and then a tad bit to the right, but because of the firing aim stability, this bounciness, and the shakiness. While it's going a tad bit up and to the right, it could start to zig and zag randomly throughout the pattern as it's going up into the right, and sometimes it might hang on the right a couple of extra shots, sometimes it might hang on the left a couple of extra shots, it might bounce a little bit more between your shots, and it makes an inconsistent gunfight.

Basically, it creates a situation where you could spend hours and hours and hours learning a weapon recoil pattern. It doesn't take that long; it takes like 5 minutes in the firing range, but for example, you know, you could spend all this time learning a weapon recoil pattern, mastering it, memorizing it, getting the muscle memory down, but you'd still have RNG there that could randomly cause you to lose a fight now while it was Amplified in Modern Warfare 2, and that to a certain extent does still exist pretty heavily on a lot of MW2 weapons currently within MW3 in the war zone; it does also exist on MW3 weapons as well.

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Just across the board, there's less, you know, shakiness and bounciness on MW3 guns; they're a little bit easier to use, but it does still exist and creates that RNG and inconsistent effect. They then go on to say that aiming idle sway is a constant, subtle motion that begins once the player aims down sights.

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Now, I do wish they were a little bit more specific here. Aiming for idle sway would, you know, indicate that it's just there when you're idle. When you're simply aiming down sights, they don't specify if this is something that continues. Once you start shooting, right, but it's still going to be there, and this obviously is the very straightforward sway when you're going, you know, left to right down up as you're aiming down sights. It's what's causing your weapon to move and feel alive in a sense; it's not just your aim, and you're constantly point to dead on the exact same spot until you start shooting right, so both of these are incredibly important aspects in a gunfight, and it's also something that creates a huge advantage in game for certain players.

The major advantage of stability in gunfights in warzone

The major advantage of stability in gunfights in warzone

Always goes You know super in-depth stuff like detailed stats and all sorts of stuff like that and say this is the answer I feared. It appears Idol Sway is still active when firing again; that's just because they didn't really specify, which is just RNG. And controller players can, for the most part, ignore this because an assist will make this a little bit easier in general.

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Now, Aesus doesn't directly affect the actual recoil pattern itself if a weapon goes up and to the right. Even with an assist, it's still going to shoot up and to the right, but it does make the random bounciness and shake less obnoxious. Keyboard and mouse players without that aim assist it becomes a lot more dependent on you correcting for that RNG on the fly which makes your life a whole lot more difficult for no real reason it also creates attachment conundrums which I want to talk a lot more about because many attachments that are helping firing aim stability do make your idol sway worse so it is you know, a trade-off there, that is, helping you in one aspect but still hurting you overall, so let's jump into the game and be a little bit more specific with what you got to look out for.

Update your meta loadouts in warzone to optimize accuracy

By the way, as we go a little bit more in-depth here in the gunsmith If you guys are new to the channel, every single day I get you covered with news updates, meta breakdowns, and patch notes. It is always really appreciated, so we're here on a general meta. Loadout, as you can see. I've got several different attachments set up; this is pretty standard for, like, an SBAA, just for example here, and for instance, on my barrel, you'll see that one of the pros is that the idle sway is being increased.

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Along with range velocity and general control, while the ad speed is being hurt, so is the attack stand spread and the strafe speed. Now, here's another issue outright: while you were seeing these pros and cons, and as we've discussed, for the most part, they are relatively reliable. In certain one-off instances, things can be a little bit wonky, but for the most part, you can believe what it's saying it's doing.

You'll notice that while we go into the advanced stats here and I go ahead and hide my face cam just so you guys can see everything, yes, clearly we are getting the benefits of the range. The velocity and the control, as mentioned, are the hindrances or cons for the strafe speed. The hip-fire speed, the ad speed, and the sprint of fire What you're not seeing any mention of here, though, is the firing aim stability.

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