News - Warzone: New Best Meta Loadout Every Weapon Category. Warzone Meta

Warzone new best meta loadout in every weapon category

Warzone new best meta loadout in every weapon category

Ladies and gentlemen.

Warzone best pistol meta loadout

best loadout

Every single weapon category in the game is bringing something to The Meta now certain categories like the lmgs or the SMGs are bringing multiple top tier weapons to The Meta but overall right now regardless of what weapon class you're looking at you're going to find at least one solid option so today I wanted to go through and break down the best meta Loadout for every, applicable weapon category here meaning we can actually build a Loadout so sorry for those looking for the best RPG, setup nowhere to be found in this one but we are starting first here with the pistols which is a nice change of pace here we've had a couple of decent pistols throughout the lifespan of War Zone 3 so far there was obviously the akimbo snake shots because of course the core 45 is still pretty solid with a conversion kit but the retti with the conversion kit post buff is honestly feeling just phenomenal in its close range where it's pretty much exclusively going to be used it's got a really fast ttk, now it's not the fastest or the snappiest, pistol in the world I won't lie but it gets get the job done quite nicely if you're looking for specifically.

A pistol load out right so I have changed things up a little bit here just for preference as of late of course the ferocity carbine kit is the main component here it turns it into like a pistol SMG, hybrid full auto pistol so it feels really fun to use and way easier obviously than tapping a burst or something like that I have just gone all in on the 50 round draw me out slows you down some but I found when I was using 30 there were just too many situations where there was one too many players and I didn't have enough bullets so 50, just is that add safety net just makes things a little bit easier there I also find that I become a little bit more accurate with this thing rather than using iron sight by just going with an optic here nidar model 2023.

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Is it good to use something like a slate that would also be solid, like any of the low-zoom optics here would be a good choice? It's just all preference-based there. I go for the cura vertical grip, which helps out some with control but also some general movement speed and strafe speed, so we do get some mobility.

Back there, I just go for the Sonic suppressor, which helps out and extends that damage range more, which is obviously great because that's where it's got that fast ttk.

Warzone 3 best sniper meta loadout

Warzone 3 best sniper meta loadout

The velocity increase isn't really all that important but it's a thing that exists so I guess that's nice but yeah overall the retti is a very good weapon in general right now and I would say definitely the best pistol now for snipers this is still a pretty easy Choice while the stalker is fantastic, for more aggressive sniping, you can't say anything but the cat is the true best sniper just because this can one-hot wherever it could be in the aggressive range like the stalker it could be at 400 m if you're somehow finding a situation, where you could hit that shot so long as you're getting a head shot here it's going to one shot knock and that truly does make it the best overall sniper.

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I wish we had more competition. In this specific category, though, initially I'm going for the Nightfall suppressor, which just extends that velocity by 15%. It doesn't matter here that Zang barrels are giving me another 10% of the velocity. High Velocity ammo is also giving me another 20%, there so we're just up over a th000 that's going to mean it's going to be really easy to predict bullet lead and bullet drop, over a lot of ranges here pretty much any realistic range you're fighting in this will be sufficient for I also go for the tack pad stock this is just speeds up the ads a little bit makes it a little bit faster just because it obviously does get slowed down by some of those attachments then just behind the face cam I've also got the quick bolt on here which just allows me to shoot a little bit faster it's a slightly faster you know chambering, action or whatever so you just get those shots off snappier, back to back to backs you can get those finishes those cleanups those knocks, whatever the case may be there right but yeah cat absolutely still dominating, in the sniper meta specifically, now for marksman's again I would say this is a pretty clear choice the MCW 6.8.

Warzone best marksman rifle meta loadout

Warzone best marksman rifle meta loadout

Is it just that gun, especially in this category? So many other options are limited by their fire rate, their control, or their ammo capacity, and this thing's not really worrying about any of those; it's pretty easy to control even when you're spamming it; it's got a faster fire rate, so it's relatively forgiving; and it's got a 60-round mag, so you don't have to worry about ammo nearly as much as with those other choices while also having one of the best ttks.

Over the long range where you're going to be using this thing the most obviously right so this setup is definitely the easier of the ones that we've talked about we did recently bring up the like Max velocity, almost hit skan like build which is fun but also a little bit more gimmicky for most players this is going to be the go-to setup 2.5 times Eagle ey op to just clear visibility for the mid to long range obviously, the assault stocks helping out with gun kick and control so when you are spraying, it's going to be easier to stay on target there as mentioned that 60 round drum so clutch to have this as opposed to the other Marksman.

Warzone 3 best lmg meta loadout

Warzone 3 best lmg meta loadout

A little bit of something for everyone, and if you do want to pick up a pair throwing code Immortal at checkout, it'll get you a nice little discount. Following that, we got the lmg category, and I would say that pretty definitively, right now, the Bruin is the best lmg. But that said, the hogar and the DG LSW are really, really close as well; they're also very low recoil options with really fast ttks of a range.

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The Brewin, though, is just the best at any range; it's a very aggressive lmg with this build on it in particular; it's got good control. It also has, you know, the best ttk, like I said, pretty much across the board; it's close with the other ones, but it definitely is the better of those three in specific for sure, so here I got the glassless optic you could also upgrade to the fights you just find yourself playing almost exclusively, 40 50 m, and Beyond, but this adds some versatility to the fights you can be in for sure.

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