News - Warzone: New Best Meta Loadout Every Category. Warzone 3 Best Weapons

New best meta weapon in every warzone category

New best meta weapon in every warzone category

Ladies and gentlemen.

Warzone best pistol meta loadout

It's not the easiest weapon to use, but at close range, you can actually get some surprisingly. Fast knocks if you are accurate with this and can kind of train your muscle memory to work well with this it does take some time to master but once you do so it's really good so initially here the main component that you want to be using is this conversion, kit it basically is like a binary trigger so it fires once when you click your trigger then fires again when you unclick it so it's almost like it's a two round burst and that really does crazy things for that ttk at the same time though makes it a lot more difficult to control, when you are spamming it back to back to back but if you can do so semi accurately, you will fry as mentioned so we got that on there because we do burn through ammo I go for the 30 round mag you could even upgrade to 40 if you really wanted to just depending on how fast you want the weapon to be there I don't love the irons especially when I'm spamming the conversion kit so I go for the basic ELO site on the MK3 reflector, the KR hx15. Laser site is basically just the best for Sprint to Fire and ads speed so it's still Snappy and aggressive, then I go for the Sonic suppressor on here as well extends that range a little bit so you get an even faster ttk out to a further range and helps some with the v in case you're fighting at some longer distances with a pistol it can just help out here and there a little bit and doesn't really hurt the gun all that much so definitely a unique pistol setup but if you were going to go for one this is the absolute number one choice now for snipers, this one's a little bit trickier now which is at least nice to see because in the previous Seasons it was not you know a conversation whatsoever it just always was the cat.

Warzone best sniper meta loadout

Warzone best sniper meta loadout

I am still leaning on the cat right now, just because this is still the only true one-hot sniper. At any range, obviously, the stalker is very good. We've been talking about it a lot recently, but you can only get that one shot range out to like 80 M, which doesn't really make it viable for anything outside of resurgence gameplay.

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It's solid, it's fun, and it's fast, but the cat truly can one shot at, you know, 20 M at 80 M if you needed it to, so in terms of overall sniping. I still would say the cat is the number one go-to here, so really what we're focused on is extending that velocity without killing our ads too much, so I do go for the Nightfall suppressor here at 15%; the velocity is pretty decent; I go for the Zang Barrel at 10%; and for the velocity there.

I go for the High Velocity Ammo at 20%. To the velocity there, we're just barely over a thousand, which is really good for long-range sniping out past, like, you know, 100+ meters. You won't have to account for too much bullet drop there; it'll be easy to get those one-shot knocks. I also go for the tactical pad stock; this does speed up that ad speed a lot since we've obviously gone down and knocked that off a decent amount with the barrel and obviously the muzzle, and then just behind the face cam.

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I've got the quick bolt on there; this just allows me to get my shots off faster back to back to back, so if you do get that knock, you can get that quick cleanup. If you do get an armor break because you didn't hit a head shot, you can get that quick second shot off and get that knock, and then clean it up as well. So sniping is a little bit more competitive, but the cat is still just so dominant.

Warzone 3 best marksman rifle meta loadout

Warzone 3 best marksman rifle meta loadout

For marksman rifles, I got to go with the MCW, 6.8. For the most part, this is a relatively competitive category, honestly. The LMS is crazy, the Interceptor is still not awful, and the enforcer is pretty good, but the MCW, 6.8, has a fast fire rate, so you can spam this thing.

best loadout

It really has the best-in-class magazine. Capacity with a 60-round drum and its ttk, over all distances. Is phenomenal so to me it's a pretty clear number one choice while the remainder of the category is still remotely competitive I would say so initially here I am going for the spirit fire suppressor, help out with that range a little bit that velocity a little bit and that control so a perfect 3 in1 combo for a mid to long range based weapon Rune heavy support grip is super important here more so than on other weapons, because this is semi-auto so it's going to help out a ton with that stability and idle sway making this way more accurate as you are consistently spamming shots back to back to back then of course it does also help out the general recoil control as well as you're spamming so in general it just makes it so much easier to use that's a very clutch attachment. As mentioned the 60 round drum this is not something you get with a lot of the other Marksman they're capped out at like 20, so having three times more sniper ammo to deal with is crazy valuable right we got the 2.5 times Eagle eye optic on here per usual that's my choice for the mid to long range as always with Optics if there's one you prefer more always go for comfortability, there then lastly I go for the assault stock this helps out with just general recoil controls so makes the gun a little bit easier and a bit more predictable it is a bit higher of a skill Gap weapon just because it is semi-auto you got to be deadly accurate with it but if you can be decently accurate you're going to fry it it's a really solid choice now the lmg category, is tough to say there is one definitive best option you know previously the peing M was up there but it's Nerf to the conversion kit kind of knock that out of the running the hogar is right there the dg58.

Warzone best lmg meta loadout

Warzone best lmg meta loadout

Is right there, the eradicator. And even the evolvers are pretty close, but for me, it's got to be the bruan. Just based on the stats here, its aggressiveness as an LMG when you run the 60-round mag is crazy good. It's an AR LMG hybrid; it's incredibly easy to use in terms of control, and then it's TTK overrange, which is the most competitive.

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That there is basically in the early you know first damage ranges then over its longer range as well this thing just does ultimately friy so I got to have this as my number one but this might be the second most competitive category in the game in all honesty initially again here I got the 2.5, times Eagle Eye as mentioned I am running that 60 round mag to really turn this into more of an assault rifle rather than an lmg but a lot of the other lmgs also have 60 round mags by default this one's just an attachment in this case got the Brewing heavy support on here obviously again making that pattern a lot more predictable, there spirit fire suppressor, range velocity and control and then I go for the Horizon Barrel if I'm playing on ersan or big map BR obviously.

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