News - Top 5 "broken" Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Meta Loadouts Warzone 2


This is the top five meta loadouts in War Zone and Rebirth Island. After the update, I know a ton of things got buffed and nerfed, so these are accounting for all the buffs and nerfs, and I just wanted to give you guys the absolute best in order. The first thing I want to give you guys is the best overall long-range weapon, the Hoger 26.

There's so many guns on here that are going to be absolutely viable, but for somebody who's either playing competitive or even just a casual player, this is the best option for you, so you don't have to either burst fire or be extremely accurate with a sniper. The first thing you're going to want to put on is the Zone 35 compensated flash hider for the shorter radar pings, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability.

You lose some bullet velocity and aim down at a tight speed, but honestly, when you look at it, it's not really a big deal. A 5% decrease in the benefits you get with this particular attachment is so worth it. Next is the Hoger factory barrel for bullet velocity and range recoil control. Gunk control at the cost of aim downside speed and sprint of fire speed is fantastic.

best loadout

For range, as you see, it gets a 20% increase for effective and minimum damage range and a 10% increase for bullet velocity. Now you get a little bit more recoil control too, which is pretty awesome with a reduction in handling. That's not something you're going to notice right away. If you guys love your perspective.

I went through every single underbarrel, and this is the best choice for the Hogo 26. You can try it out for yourself, but trust me, this is the best option now that you guys see it gives an 11% increase in recoil gun kick and an 8% increase in horizontal recoil. Whereas the Brun pivot vertical grip is nice; it gives a 16% increase in recoil control and a 12% increase in vertical recoil, but I realized that the horizontal recoil was actually more beneficial, so the Brun heavy was the best option.

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Next, I put on the jack glass. This optic is just optimal for me. If you guys want to use something else, feel free. I just thought this was the best choice overall. Finally, I put on the Ascent Lord Stock for aiming out of sway recoil control. Gunk control and firing aim stability at the cost Sprint to fire speed.


Sprint speed Crouch movement speed and aim walking speed—this thing is absolutely amazing. It increases the recoil gun kick by 18% and the horizontal and vertical recoil by 7%. And although the mobility and handling go down, I just can't wait to show you guys how lethal this class setup right here is, so we're going to go right into the firing range.

I don't even want to waste time. We're going to show you guys the three plates, so just check this out. It takes literally no effort to actually use this weapon. Like, honestly, it's one of the best weapons in the game, and if you don't have this class setup, you're really going to miss out. A ton of people are just going to beat you on the battlefield, and you're going to be really disappointed.


Next is the best close-range mid-range, SMG, in the game right now. This is p. 46, and this is a fantastic movement build for anybody who tries to be a movement king. Whether you succeed or fail, this class is going to give you the best chance. Put on the Z 35 compensated flasher for the shorter radar pings, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability.

You lose some aim-down sight speed and bullet velocity, but trust me, with this class setup, it does not matter, and this helps so much with the recoil control. I've gone through a lot of them, including the Sonic suppressor, the lock shot, and the L4R flash hider spiral. I would say the closest thing to this if you don't want to lose any bullet velocity would be the lock shot, but you are going to get that muzzle flash, so it's up to you where your pros and cons are.

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The spiral is actually pretty close as well; it gives a 133% increase across the board for recoil control, so if you want to try that out, feel free; you will have slower ad speeds. Next, I put on the Zulu Ops 3 light barrel for the Crouch movement speed and aim walking movement speed. This thing is actually insane now.


I know you guys see the Flinch resistance, which goes up by 12%. You're not going to notice that, like, believe me, this is so good, especially with all about all the perks that are actually already built into the war zone. I don't think you're going to notice the Flinch resistance; this helps the ad's movement speed by 11% and the Crouch movement speed by 8%.

It's such a big deal when you see the rest of its attachments, but on the XRK Edge BW4, hand stop for the aim walking speed movement speed aim down sight speed and sprit to fire speed at the cost of aim walking St is and hit by attack stance spread This helps the ads move speed by another 7% and movement speed by 6%.

Crou move speed by 8%, ads speed by 6%, and then Sprint the fire speed by 5%. It is so awesome. The only thing that I would say might just be equal to it would be the DR6 hand stop, but it depends on what you want it for. Do you want it for more ad speed, or do you want actual ad movement speed put on the 40-round mag because this is just as much as you can possibly get?

meta 3

If I could get better. I would probably still stick with the 40 because this is actually pretty solid, and finally. I put on the Jack Cut Throat for aim walking speed, aim walk steadiness, and movement speed at the cost of aiming out-of-way attack stand spread. recoil control and gun kick control: this thing moves; the ad movement speeds up 14%; the crop movement speeds up 4%; and then the movement speeds up 6%.

Now the recoil control goes down a whopping 10%, but that's not something you're going to notice with this entire class setup. I can't wait to show you guys just how lethal this is now. This little gun right here packs a heavy punch, as you guys can see. It basically has no recoil. I try to avoid long-range gunfights.

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just because I'm not super good with long-range gunfights, but I mean, you guys, could you still actually have a very viable option? It's just like I try to avoid the super long gunfights and stick to the short to medium gunfights, so if you guys want to try out the long range, be my guess, but here's the entire class setup right here.

meta loadout 3

It's absolutely amazing, and if you're not using this Superior, you're going to be losing. Next is the strongest SMG by damage per bullet; it's the WP9. This thing is absolutely lethal. You're on the zon 35 compensated flash out for the shorter radar pings, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and bullet velocity.

NEW TOP 5 BROKEN META LOADOUTS AFTER UPDATE! Warzone Meta Loadouts MW3 - Today I go over the warzone 3 top 5 meta loadouts top 5 best loadouts in warzone 3 to use. These are the warzone meta loadouts that will help you improve and drop more kills per game. For more Warzone 3 Best Loadout videos.
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