News - I Spectated The #1 Pro Warzone. How Biffle Drops High Kill Games On Vondel

He just got pushed. He probably needed to go into the water. Of course, that guy's the one who pops the UAV and self-recesses. That's tough let's see what he does for the regain. Here he's up to 16, and look, this is a freaking sweaty lobster. They are up plus two minus two, so I think even if I did that math correctly.

Game Mak, in my mind they might be even right here he's going he's got to go load out here he's got to go load out he's got to go load out there's no way you can't go load out here, you got to go load out and just go. I mean, as bad as you want to go get your guns there, you're just going to end up dying again.

diazbiffle tips

I think they're even. I think this is an even score right now. Let's see if he goes and buys PL Shifty's over that way so his teammates kind of fight there that team got him again good team at City Hall yeah good team at City Hall that's the team that just pushed and killed Biffle, this is game one by the way it is best of three, so we'll see what happens here.

This could be an absolute. no, that is wild. Shifty goes down. Correct go down we need one to win. I need one to win here; Back Off needs one; they're down. Is R dead? Is he going to go buy his teammate back? I think R is dead here, but it's bugged. He's going to buy. He's going to buy he's going to buy his teammate back.

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Just make sure they need one kill here. Do not buy from the wrong person. That is a big thing with 2v2 kill races that we obviously don't have to worry about. Look at all the action. At all the action, yeah, we are off of damage. I'm pretty sure it damaged CU. I have plus one, byy Shifty again.

pro tips

Yeah, yep, buy Shifty again now they're rocking. Let's see what they do; they only need one here, so they can play this a little bit. Smart there's one there's The Thirst so it's tide and one more for the win tide one more for the win knows that they're shooting across there's one more for the win that is, literally that is liter that guy was a bullet and that's where you listen for the team's fighting it's an easy third party let's see what they do from here he's got 20 I think the super sweaty Lobby here little bit of a blender game for Biffle still drops 20 right still drop I don't know what the breakdown of kills was I wasn't really paying attention three other teams left people in the water here that you got to be careful, of yeah people at top Mall definitely people in Mall you hear a bunch of fighting that's last two teams there right so last two teams are over here watch him clear down low he's going to clear up top clear it push keep pushing roof look at him center around corners just to make sure just to make sure you know don't risk it good shots right there 2v2 situation 2v2 situation I think they they've got to be roof they've got to be roof it's got to be this sweat.

pro tips 2

Team, yeah, you can't quite get it. They bought back 2V3. Situation: This guy's going to jump up, and he's going to catch him on the jump, guaranteed. Nope, he's going to try to play the head glitch. No notice, he's got cast off 762 here, cast off 762 bass P. He's got no plates. UAV, he went for it.

Yeah, that's tough. Okay, let's see if he spectates Shifty here in the 1 vs. 3 situation for the dub. They're going to start pushing here. In a second look at the rotation, both teams have to rotate here; he's got the 30; already, there's one. Thirst, no way, what an insane ending, so it's 534, 5346, so good win there for Biffle guys.

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Today we are spectating the Warzone Pro as he competes in the finals of a 2v2 kill race on Vondel really taking a look at how Biffle drops high kill games.
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