News - Winning Warzone Duos Is Harder Than You Think


This first example of a duo pinch is a really great attacking example in duos. Now, in any given Duos dynamic, you should always be looking to play off angles from your teammate, and what that means is that one of you should be looking to play the obvious angle, the straight on attack, if you will, and the other should be looking to assist from a different location.

You're looking to divide any duo you attack by making them split their attention, and when they split their attention, things get messy really quickly, and this is a really good example of that. Now, the only exception to the rule is if you're playing a small build and you can see where my cursor is here.

There are some examples of some smaller buildings that you can see in the frame of this one over here. The compound at the back and this building off to the left where playing directly on top of each other is naturally beneficial because you are attacking a small space and brute force is the way to go with tacticals and lethals, but in a larger gunfight or in a gunfight with lots of cover, playing off angles is really important, and you're going to see it in this clip here.

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I'm going to shoot through the top of the building and then the side, splitting their attention, and because these duos don't end up communicating, we're getting really easy cleanup kills on them. You're going to see really quickly here that as I go through the top. Jaff starts engaging down low and early, so their attention shifts back to Jaff, and because of that.

I get this window of opportunity and end up cleaning up this guy really easily. He mistakenly goes for a res when he probably should have accepted that the gunfight was over. I catch him with some lethal grenades, we get the double down, and it's a nice easy sweep. Now, split attention is a really important thing in duos, and you're going to see very easily here how this unfolds.

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Jaff ends up taking the gunfight down low early on which you can see right here where my cursor is and you see them lighting up like a Christmas tree and you can hear the audio, and because of that this guy hasn't even looked at me he's looking to rotate down to his teammate, which gives me the opportunity to not only three plate him but also clean up the guy whose focus is entirely on jaff from before, so this is a really great example of a pins movement now if we look at the flip side of that the inverse what this Duo does incredibly wrong, is they created a huge amount of distance between each other now I know it's ironic because I'm talking about pins movements and playing people from different angles and that's a really good thing to do but when you've lost the initiative in a gunfight playing together is really key now this might not look like a huge amount of distance between him and his teammate he's only up a stairwell.

Sweep, this next clip is a really good example of another fatal flaw I see in War Zone Duos, and it's Duos getting too overzealous in a 2V1 scenario. Now Jeff is dead, and these two opponents who are on this hillside and in this building have seen me drop into the location; they know I'm here, and they press me very aggressively.

warzone duos

It's worth remembering that in a 2V1 example or a 1V2 example, you are only one death away from it being a 1V1, and chances are, in that scenario, the odds are pretty much 50/50. I let them be aggressive and capitalize off that flip. So this is a really good example of Duos being too overzealous, which you should definitely never ever do in a Duo's experience, and how you can punish Duos for doing it.

Now I just want to double back on this clip ever so slightly, and I've been talking about punishing duos for being too aggressive. This is a really great way to outplay a duo that I think's worth touching on, and something that's a really advanced-level strategy in duos. I actually double back to the person that's down, and I do this very deliberately, because Duos often panic about being thirsted and they often panic about losing their Duo, and the second I run past this Snoop Dog, naturally, he's calling out my location; he's live pinging me, but it forces the other guy to play exactly into the room where I'm expecting him to be and pick up another.

warzone duos tips

Freebie this next clip is a really good example of how you can mess up a gunfight in a Duo situation. Really easily by not playing together, now I end up challenging this opponent at the bottom of the building but there's enough distance between me and jaff who's on an elevated position as you can see clearly above me that he can't get down in time to trade out my death even though I get some damage on the opponent and not playing kill trades is a really easy way to lose a Duo gunfight and get knocked out of the game now thankfully we're saved by Jeff's quick thinking not only is he able to end up taking out this opponent, but the big thing you'll see him do is play for the collateral, he buys me back into the game to make sure that he's got an insurance policy, before he decides to take the fight which is another really advanced level strategy he's not just looking to take this guy on and see who wins he's looking to try and get someone back in before making this risky decision, you're going to see Jeff even tries to play the trade afterwards and ends up missing it because there's just too much of a Time gap between us and a distance.

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Now, naturally, it helps to have really solid teammates like Jaff, but this is a really good example of a team that played a pinch on me because I do end up being pinched from behind by both people while at the same time getting finished off by the other, who end up losing the advantage in the long run.

So when that initial pinch comes in, there's really good work done by these guys to clean me up. They even expect the third party, which is to be expected. Jaff ends up getting the kill, but you just see, this is really solid gameplay from these guys. We make an error by not being close enough. They get a nice pinch on us and get a cleanup.

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We're fortunate to win this gunfight because Jaff has a portable. Now, naturally, he did manage to get one of the players dealt with early on, so that was good for us. There were flares in the area as well, but we ended up winning this because of Jeff's 1v1 abilities, not because of our good dynamic as a duo.

warzone tips

When you recognize that solos and duos play very similarly, you'll end up realizing that it's much easier to read the game now. Yes. I did include this clip because it was generally a pretty nice snipe, but it's worth remembering that solos and duos are the same thing, with an extra boost of confidence because there's another teammate.

Duos in Warzone is secretly one of the hardest modes in the game. Today I breakdown our teambased gameplay and how we collect Warzone Duos wins to help you improve in call of duty Warzone.
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