News - I Played Warzone 2 Ranked For 24 Hours Straight. Bronze To Top 250 Progression

Beams, he's at the back. Can you hear funnest game ever played on, so as we progress into the diamond division, one thing I started to notice is that as I've been playing rank for so many hours on end. I was loading into games halfheartedly, expecting just to be able to kind of chill and play rank, and trust me, as a lot of you probably know, that isn't the case.

mw3 ranked

I took a little bit of a break, refreshed, showered, went and got some food, and I came back ready to just start gunning again. Now, if I were to compare the diamond division or just these higher divisions compared to the lower ones, what I would say is that you can't go into games even if you are stack looking to just completely outslay the other team without playing the map as it's supposed to be played.

The players you're against will also have really good gun skills, and that's why I always recommend that if you can play the same people regularly and kind of learn the map together, you'll find so much more success when playing rank play in MW3. And again, this can be hard because, going back to the first point, sometimes you just want to hop on, run around, and slay out, and it's just difficult because against good teams, especially three or four Stacks that know how to play the map properly, you can't always do that and get consistent wins.

mw3 ranked 24 hours

With that being said, though we were still winning a decent amount of our matches, it was a bit tense; we were winning some and losing some, but because I'd been playing rank for so many hours now. I was genuinely struggling to be fully 1,00% locked when playing every single game, but it was enjoyable because I actually enjoyed the competition of playing against better players, and I know Diamond isn't like Irie or the top 250.

But at this current moment, after my rank dropped, I was playing against the top percentage of players. I know I've said it a few times, so these lobes were very, very dead. No one more, R. On the one's on the truck at the back, he's not going the playing rank for a crazy long period of time, and I won't lie, the efficiency of our senior gain was definitely not the best.

mw3 ranked class set-ups

We finally cleared diamond and hit Crimson now because I haven't progressed that far into Crimson. I'm just going to show you a game where we faced off against some top 250 players, which I thought would be interesting while we wrap up the first rank grind of the MW3 season. So a few things I've taken away from this: First, if you want to be super consistent with rank, you've either got to be an absolute goat, which some people are, and be able to solo que and still consistently win games, which to me is just very, very difficult and a big test on your mentality.

And just because it's super hard to be consistent with, or you've got to be stacked up with very sweaty players, it's difficult because, for me, it's about finding that balance. I want to enjoy having a good time playing with my boys, but I also want to win games. I just want to win; I don't like losing, especially if you start losing one or two and then get one or two wins.

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It just doesn't feel great. People are starting to slowly learn the new update, the new rotations, the new hard points, etc., and I am as well, so I'm starting to feel more comfortable, understanding the spawns for the different hard points, etc., so I am enjoying that part of the game and just learning how to play the game better.

mw3 ranked classes

And lastly, I've realized that my controller is actually fine; one of the paddles has stopped working. I'm getting crazy stick drifts, so I've actually ordered a new scuff, and the next article will be me playing with a brand new scuffing vision for seven days and seeing how much we can progress with learning a new controller, which will be very annoying, but I'm looking forward to it.

I Played MW3 RANKED for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT. Bronze to TOP 250 Progression. This video has it all. A proper sweaty ranked sessions, tips on ranked spawns, the best mw3 class set-ups, my progression to top 250 more.
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