News - I Played Warzone 2 Ranked For 24 Hours Straight. Bronze To Top 250 Progression

bronze to top 250 ranked

So MW3 rank play has just dropped, and I'm going to be spending the next 24 hours playing ranked in hopes of reaching the top 250. Now that this 24-hour grind has a bit of everything—celebration, heartache, rage—we just generally learned so much about the game and how to be better at MW3, so drop a like.

Let's get into the article. As a lot of you rank players will already know, if you're playing rank play on day one of ranked being bronze, it doesn't matter too much because every sweaty player out there is also bronze and is also playing ranked as soon as it drops, so the games were very mixed, and because I was stacking with some of my friends, that by the way, all had mixed ability; some were cracked, some weren't, the games were actually more difficult than what you'd first think.

With that being said, with rank play, there was also a brand new patch, which I'm sure a lot of you are aware of, so I was very much testing out weapons as we progressed through these 24 hours of playing ranked I'll talk about what classes I enjoyed and found success with the most, as well as a bit about how maps are played, spawns, and obviously hardpoint changes, but for now, let's slay out just a little bit in the bronze.

cod mw3

Division, they backing us, one top bullet tops of. Bullet, our teammate, survived. How did he survive that get-top-weak nice? There's no way they've sold Crazy, so we quickly made it out of bronze and headed into the silver rank, and I was quickly reminded of how much I love the Call of Duty game chat.

Banner after a between rounds of games using a 50 round mag on your swarm my God take Tik Tok out your CL tag TV you got TV in your name what, but in all seriousness I was warmed up I was moving around the map really nicely I knew there was a long way to go in this grind session I was going to be playing for a while but I was enjoying myself you had to be locked in for every single map because people we were playing were very sweaty just because I was in the top percentage of people as I started playing ranked as it dropped but I was shooting I was getting a lot of Limbs and enjoy.

cod mw3 ranked

Myself now remember when I said that even though we were in low ranks and divisions it was very sweaty not the easiest to win wi well from queuing and having my teammates disconnect to getting rigged with awful, teammates, to playing against a ton of top amateur players it meant that even though we're winning more games than we were losing we were definitely still losing, way too many games for my liking so these were the types of games that I found myself losing quite often especially as I was solo queuing quite a lot in this grind playing against top amateur players and just players that were generally good Challenger players and when I had no coms with my teammates even though sometimes it weren't rigged that hard just the no coms against a good four stack or three stack it was very difficult to win and this seemed to happen quite a lot even though I felt like I was gunning, getting the win was pretty.

cod ranked

Not now we were very quick to hit gold with ranked only just dropping at this point we were playing against the top percentage, of sweaty Call of Duty ranked players that we could find in the game and every queue that we went into now what really helped me was the time I'd spent playing bp8, and trying to learn my and improve my game understanding before ramp play dropped because a lot of you are probably watching this and you think or you know that you have good gun skill but you're just struggling to reach that next level or to be consistent against really good players and that all comes down to game understanding and map knowledge knowing the hardpoint spawn locations for all the different situations that you can be put in just understanding where the enemy is likely to be coming from and different timings, on control.

havok mw3 ranked

Understanding how you can relieve pressure off your teammates and spawn traps, whether that's on attack or defense, and knowing the routes to take, whether you're a sub player, the good routes to take and areas of the map to get control of depending on what role you play, as well as power spots that are really important and good for different hills on different maps All these small details make a massive difference, and that is how you'll end up performing well against a good team.

Players, it's 200 IQ. It's 200 iq now after what was a really close hardpoint game with some of my good friends we did finally get promoted to platinum, division, in rank play now let's talk through some of my classes and what I've noticed some of the best players using in their classes in rank play so far now in the background I'm going to speedrun the Platinum division just because it was very much the same I lost in general in this rank grind more games than I wanted to and that was simply down to me either solo queueing, secondly down to me playing against the top percentage of players in that moment on ranked and thirdly because when I was stacking I was stacking with friends and not simply going for the best possible Squad of people I know, however.

havok ranked

I enjoyed it, but now let's talk about some of the classes I've been running. The first class I'm going to show you, which is what I probably use for the majority of the rank grind, especially at the start, is the Flash high-class. Of course, since the patch, it's gotten worse, but with a slight adjustment, I still feel like this thing kills and gets eliminations incredibly quickly, and you can see all the attachments here.

The flash of with the x10 Phantom 5 that you can swap around with the hand stop if you want to we got the Cyclone Barrel we removed the stock that was heavily nerfed and we change it for the RB claw grip, another class that I've actually really enjoyed using is this one that I know methods has spoken a lot about and a lot of people are using this currently and that is a no Muzzle class we use the no Muzzle the Cyclone long barrel, the Dr6 hand stop, and we switch the stock for the Precision heavy stock, and then again we use the claw grip.

lunchtime ranked

Of course, your optics are all down to personal preference. I started off the game using the Slate reflector, but now I use the Mark III, and I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly why. And for those of you that want a beamer of a class, which I use a lot in snd, but I know a lot of people use it actually in respawn mode; it's a little bit slower but shoots incredibly straight.

Is this class right here using the Zon Compensator Flash Hider? This is actually G8 in competitive modes, but for ramp play, it's really good under bare I used the Phantom 5, the Cyclone Long B, and then the Regal Heavy ST, which I might actually try using with the Precision Heavy and see how that works as well, but this thing shoots.

Also read:
I Played MW3 RANKED for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT. Bronze to TOP 250 Progression. This video has it all. A proper sweaty ranked sessions, tips on ranked spawns, the best mw3 class set-ups, my progression to top 250 more.
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